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 My fiance was a kidnap victim, who was raped and beaten for two years. She now suffers from PTSD..any advice?
I would like to know how to handle this delicately. The man responsible will be out of prison October of next year, and we will have to face him in court to make it ok for me to legally adopt the ...

 Is there anyone who can reassure me please?
i feel lost and i dont know who i am. i need hope. what if everything in my life goes wrong? i feel so alone, please help :-( thank you xxx
Additional Details
aged 14, not on medicines, ...

 What is not good to do while sleeping?

 Im depressed. I think. I cant think a happy thought at all. Why?
Im 19 years old. I still live at home. I dont go out, i dont do anything fun. I dont have any friends in town, they all went off to college. Basically i have no friends. I go to a job i hate and i am ...

 What do i do in this situation? Preferably adults answer please!?
Ok so my fiancee and i are having problems. I am ADHD, and sometimes i cannot control the way I act. I am controlling and very demanding i dont listen and im mean. I hate this so much I cry everyday. ...

 If you see a homeless person who appears to be 'crazy', how do you think s/he became that way?
Do you think that life on the street did that to him or her, OR do you think that a mental problem led him/her to the street?...

 Someone burned my hair?
a group of idiotic boys burned my hair yesterday. it wasn't alot of hair that was burned off but what pisses me off is i dont even know these people and they just thought it would be funny to ...

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 I have a presentation to do in front of 50 people and im shy, if i get drunk before it will it make it easier?

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 Is it normal?
is it normal to be your own worst enemy? like, i hear a voice in my head thats a little like mine, but it trys to get me to do stuff, like, asking out a girl, or doing something crazy-uber. i dont ...

 Does MADNESS prevent INSANITY??
I know you may think i'm contradicting myself, but if you think about it.....Those people who are a little mad in their daily lives, like doing stupid acts and unexpected things such as doing a ...

 Are anti-depressants really the answer?
I have been going through some really difficult times with my marriage, my family and myself for some time.
My wife and I have been seeing different psychologists plus we go to two different ...

 Ok so what do u think of cutting if it is not done for attention, not done to kill ones self...read more.....?
okay so like if someone had been cutting only they did it like on their stomachs or somewhere where clothes covered it and someone accidentaly saw it and they said that the cutter had been doin it ...

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I take anti-depressant Efexor (xl) 150mg daily but I feel really low. Is it safe to just double my dose until I can get to a doctor?

 I have a question for anyone who has dealt with people who cut themselves?
i work with a girl with this problem. she's 23, i'm 47. help me understand why she does this! she talks about it a little. she denied that she still does it, but recently admitted that ...

 How can i avoid that awful sunday evening pre - work depression?
sunday afternoons are always spend feeling down + preparing for another boring week at work
is there a way around this?...

 Used to have excellent memory but now just forget stuff easily what should i do?

 Can't seem to get out my depression?
Im 19 and I've been feeling very low for too long now and have been secluding myself from all my friends for about 2 months. my parents have been my rock during the 2months and my two sisters ...

Help me i think that I am seconds away from doing something really stupid!!!?
Help.....i know that i talked to people on here yesterday....but right now i am thinking about doing what i know will end it all....last night i tried to take everyones advice....i called people for help and i talked to people....but i still feel the same if not worse....i cant make these thoughts go away....all i want to do is to end it all so that i dont have to feel like this anymore....i have felt this way or so long.....and people tell me that it will get better and it hasnt it has only gotten worse....i wonder what i did to deserve this...i am always helping other people and i get nothing in return.....i dont know what i want....other than to be gone....and i know that this is a perm solution to a temp problem.....but how long it temp....for me temp has been 20 years.......when will things get better.....i need help....i know that i am going to end up doing something like in the hours....so please someone out there....please help me :'(

ahhh...young people are hilarious.

Gosh, you must have posted your "i know that i talked to people on here yesterday" thing under one of your different personalities.

See, you only have one question on your account, and this is it.

I'm guessing that you're related to GW Bush, yes?

Gothic Rose
Oh Girl, don't do that...please, life is a gift...please don't throw it away.

I have no idea what your situation is but I am going thru a difficult time right now too. I just want it to end but I would rather have a fresh start than actually end my life.

I heard a quote once that I try to remember when things get rough and basically it says that everything in our lives is a choice. Life is all about choices, many of which we can make ourselves.

Please just weigh ALL of your options. There are pros and cons to each option but what I think you are speaking of is the quick and easy and selfish escape. You need to make choices that will lead to improvement in your life, even if it isn't an overnight fix or what you would really like.

People care about you and don't want to lose you. You have probably touched more peoples lives than you realize and once you take such a drastic action you can never take it back. Please don't leave your loved ones behind mourning you...talk to them...get help, there are so many people and places out there willing to help. You have better options.

Blondie Z
You are spiritually empty. Fill your emptiness with God's word the Bible. It will give you life, joy and fulfillment. Contact a pastor and ask them to show you the way to real life, tell that person how you feel. Don't kill yourself, you'll be in a place worse with no hope for a way out.......ever.

don't listen to those people who have no live but to get on here and make stupid ignorant comments like the first one. I am a little embarrased to say that I have been in your shoes before. And the reason I say embarrased is becuase I can't believe I even had that thought go through my mind becuase I am a stronger person than that. When it rains it poors and sometimes everything seems too much to handle but I beleive everything happens for a reason and you are only dealt in life what you can handle. When you get through this will just see that you are a strong person. Now in my life I try to take everything negative that happens to me or around me and turn it in to positve....meaning I learn from it or I try to see how i can use this in my future to avoid these happenings!
When I felt the way you are feeling right now I told a friend of mine how I was feeling and that I acually had thoughts of hurting myself and that I ws scared of myself for even thinking that and she told me that she did that once too and went to the hospital and that she was coming over right away to take me too. I was like hell no I am not going to the hospital but she reassured me that if I went everything would be olay and that they would help me, so I went and sure enough it helped. A doctor who specializes in this came in and was so warm and kind hearted told me I did the right thing by coming in and told me stories of his experience with other people and made me feel not alone and wanted in this world. After that I started going to counceling and completed it and it did me wonders! I have not had a silly thought since then and it actually is the reason I work in the healthcare now, it made me want to be somebody who could help others especailly those in desperate need and that alone makes me feel great and to think I ws the one a year before that needing the desperate care. Please go somewhere and see someone in person not by phone and I promise you that they will help you and you'll be happy you did! Nothing and I mean nothing is worth harming yourself over! I will pray for you and I wish all the best in your life!

Remember, the end is really the end. Its permanent. You can't come back and see people suffer for making you suffer. There's no reward in it for you. What about your friends? Do you have pets? What will they do without you? Please call "0" and ask for your local distress line. Then book an appointment with your doctor to talk about medication and counselling to get you through. You are important, your life is important, you will absolutely get past this. I'm praying for you. Take care.

My friend told me: When things get worst! That's when it get's better!
And you know what? I said yeah right...but I did! It did get worst b4 I got better and life is really good right now...it's a stepping stone and If I can do it, then you can...I'm pretty old, and have two kids and everything has happend to me under the sun except for having a fatal desease but everytime something happends, I just say this too shall pass and it does!

God doesn't give you things that you can't handle!

i know words from strangers don't make your problems go away but that is what we are..we don't know you or know where you are.so all we can do is give you words and hope they might make a difference in your life...life is precious ...it is a gift...it is not always easy..i know this from experience.but you cannot give up ..keep putting one foot in front of the other ...keep getting up every morning...keep taking that next breath...keep feeling that next heart beat..cause once you stop you don't get a second chance....''LIVE''...please! good luck sweet girl and be blessed

Help is 1 phone call away.Call your local hospital & get a reference to a mental health clinic.It doesnt mean you are crazy,,just need help sorting things out & getting to the root of what is bothering you.You can do this confidential.You may just have a chemical inbalance that is common in some people.Dont do anything stupid,,please.I care.Life is beautiful,,you have to learn how to roll with it.Dont let things bother you THAT much.Pamper yourself.Take still time.We all need that.Think possitive,,thinking negative creates negativity.It really does.Your mind,,body,,soul & spirit need to work together.If you dont like something in your life,,change it.Do things that you like to do that interest you.Life will show us many mountains to climb,,that is how we learn & grow.Count your blessings.Spend time with people that you like & respect.Get the rest out of your life.Time changes everything.Things will get better,,I promise.Good luck to you,,you'll make it.

Is it really worth it ? Regardless of the situtation you are here and alive for a reason.EVERYTHING happens for a reason.Have u tried going to counseling?What was the outcome? How did u feel? Was there a diffrence , even if it was for just a while.-Are u from town(SAN ANTONIO,TX)?

David B
you should book yourself in somewhere dude - like a hospital of some description, i dont think talking about it once will help i think you may need to stay somewhere for a while where the treatment is intensive as opposed to a one off. Maybe try getting away from your current situation - move town or something start fresh.

Robin S
Go to emergency and say you are suicidal, they will help you. You may have to accept changes thought. I've been in Learned Hospital several times because I had no control over my life. I have done stupid things to get help. Now I have a criminal record. Now I am going to the mental health center and gaining control of my life again. Yes, I appiled for disability for my insanity, and now have it.

You know you need help, so get some. Check yourself into a hospital. You only get one shot at life, it's time to pick yourself up and start living. Life is what you make it, if you really want to be happy, you can be!! Smile, your alive!!!!!!!!

You know what I'd do? I'd seriously search out for someone that's in need of help and go help them. Focus on other people and what you can do to help them, even if it's small. See if that helps. Your thoughts are inward turned right now, take a break, and try outward thinking, and try thinking about others. You look at your life as worthless right now, so if that's the case, before you go, try to see what you can do to help someone else, and just see what happens. BUT, you have to seriously concentrate on them, not you.

i know you have heard this but it will be okay sweetie. try moving to a different town and start everything over. Maybe you need change in your live. Move to a big city and meet people. I know depression can get the worst of people. You can be happy. Have you talked to your doctor? are you taking meds? maybe you should switch meds? don't hurt yourself. It would make me sad.

Gone fishin'
Find a walk-in mental health clinic (maybe hospital ER) and go there right away. I did that 35 years ago whan I was a mixed up teenager and it saved my life. I got psychiatric help and medication. Good luck - your life is important.

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