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 Do you think your wierd??

 What things can trigger you to go into rage?

 How can i stop feeling depressed....?
Ive been feeling depressed for a long time and its no fun.. how can i break away from it.......

 Is it possible to beat clinical depression without anti-depressants?
If so tell me how. I've felt like sh1te for days and have all the same symptoms as when I have had it before like crying nearly all the time. But I don't want to go back to the docs and end ...

 Is wanting to jump off a bridge a sign of depression?

 Why do i do drugs?
i have done drugs, more than a few times actually. i feel really good when i am doing them, but guilty after. should i keep doing them and live with the guilt or should i give up my happiness?...

 Please interpret this Dream?
In my dream, I was reorganizing and cleaning. But It wasn't my real apartment,it was bigger. In the dream I lived there. There were alot of old-fashioned white wooden drawers. There was white ...

 What do you do to get rid of your daily stress after work? How do you spend your time till you sleep?

 Am i depressed or just weak minded?
hi. im 22 years old and have never had a gf,and never really even had a girl interested in me that i have liked. it seems i always fall straight into the friend wagon, never the boyfriend. this has ...

 Whats the best way to destress and chill out and get realy realy relaxed?

 I'm plain and kind of ugly. Can I actually have boyfriends?
http://i225.photobucket. I just sat and cried for hours because it hits me how unattractive I am to men--both attractive and otherwise.
I'm ...

 How do you cure loneliness? Any ideas, all are welcome.?
I was just looking for ideas on how to cure loneliness, when all I do is work all the time....

 OMG , Plz help me with this for gods sake ?? I am ruining myself?
I am a college student , age :18 , male , & a gay ; I have fell in crush with my professor ( He is around 26 ); But he is now moving to other state permanently & he may never meet us again ; I...

 A vampire in the family?
our niece just spilled the beans to a cousin that she's a vampire. sneaks out at night to feed. has headaches from the voice in her head, that talks to her for hours at a time. got it from a ...

 How can you tell if someone is addicted or using cocaine?
i have a feeling my bf is using it and im not sure i dont know how to tell. plz help
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also i dont want to let him know that i think hes using it because ive heard that ...

 Could I be Bi Polar?????????
My Aunt has been diagnosed with Bi Polar disease.
So I looked it up and I think I may have it.

I can be EXTREMELY HYPER to where I'll do ANYTHING.
I will do "crazy"...

 Does drinking alcohol help anxiety sufferers?
Does it help calm you as my sister tells me, I dont drink cos I am scared it will affect my pill or make me feel dizzy etc???...

 My dreams are freaking me out?
every time i have my period, i have a recurring dream, that my daughter is being kidnapped, i always find her, but then i have to watch her being abused, last night however i dreamt that my son had ...

 I need help?
Its hard to explain everything but i will give u some details, i have derpression and some social promblems, and i am a full time carrer and i am finding it really hard to cope with everything most ...

 Cant stop crying?
Im crying now as i type this... Im so upset i feel upset to the core! why is this...
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I had cancer in 2005 im 22 now.. i hate the way i look... i hate most things . god ...

I'm turning 39 in 10 minutes. Is life pretty much over after the 30's?
I'm really becoming aged. I have one year of my 30's left. I'm looking for answers from old people (40+) about how to handle leaving my 30's and entering old age. If you are under 30 you are too young to answer this.

Just think about those that have died at a young age. You have been blessed! Think about those who never had the opportunity to grow up because they couldn't change their fate.
Please, don't complain.

Happy Birthday!!! It only gets gooder and gooder! :)
Don't sweat it, you'll still feel 21!

Happy b-day... honestly all of the people I know over 40 are alot happier than the people I know in their 20's and 30's... 40 seems to be the comfortable,mellow age.... it's also the time when most people are secure in their career and can vacation. 30 is the new 20 and 40 is the new 30. So really, it's like you're turning 30 again, luckily being in your 40's is considered a good thing this time in age. You have a "do over" without having to start over.

angel eyes
it will only get better! enjoy your b-day!

It's only over if you LOOK old. I am 41, but people think I look 31 or so, so that's ok with me.

If you are LOOKING "aged," then it's time to take care of yourself. Eat right, work out, sleep well, don't drink and smoke or do drugs, etc. You'll look and feel a whole lot better.

I actually feel that my life is just beginning. It's all a matter of perception.

Anyway, 40 is the new 30, hadn't you heard?

Love, Jack

Girl named Sue
I hope life isn't over at 40 because I'm definitely pushing it (I'm in that 35 - 40 range).
They say you're only as old as you feel. I can honestly say since I had 2 kids in my 30
s that I feel 70 yrs and have gained considerable grey hair and wrinkles. So it's possible your becoming "aged" has more to do with stress, spouse, kids, etc, than actual age.

My advice - take some "me" time everyday to do what you want. Sleep in on the weekends. If your single, take a younger lover (if you're married you might try that too, it just depends on your belief system).
Take a multi-vitamin daily, eat well, exercise, make sure you get a yearly check up, buy a convertable, take a cruise, etc, etc. Just pamper yourself everyday.

Shawna H
Happy birthday, eat some cake.

sorry i am under 30 but i bet u i could be more mature than most people. ur life is not over. u should NOT get depressed over this. even when im 80 i will act like im 20 and live my life. happy birthday. u should celebrate in vegas!!or something. just be happy!

Kelcie M
no it's not happy b-day!

marco antonio a
no. life is just beginning. happy birthday.

It's all in the attitude babes-40 is young!
Don't let this society and its youth oriented fixation get to you.
Gee, I wonder if you live in L.A.-where 21 is considered over the hill.

The 40s are the best. You're smart enough and wise enough to know what's going on and to know your own mind. Enjoy them!

Well welcome to us "old" people's dreadful and terrible life. It is not so bad once you get used to the idea that now that you are over the confused thirties, most loan officers greet you with a smile and a handshake and can not do enough for you. Now you are entering the age of adulthood. You will be treated as an adult and as long as you can handle the treatment, it is a lot like being free. People don't automatically give you advice unless they arre over the age of 49. And I have finally learned that I do not need permission from someone to do what I want to anyway, even if someone else says I should do it another way. If I fail then I fail. I do not worry if I will look dumb or lose money. I did it my way and that is that. I fix what I break no one else has to take care of my mess ups I am a responsible adult. I really do like that part of the 40's.

i am 30. life still is ticking and getting better. I heard from a friend who is in her 40's that it keeps getting better! Get over the mental crap you are putting yourself through and look at the facts. Do you like yourself? do you have good friends? are you where you want to be? Etc.. Look at your life in relation to YOUR expectations, not Hollywood's "rules." if you are a thumbs up, then get ready to party into your next decade. Good for you for sticking it out and making a fantastic person of yourself! happy birthday.

sh** your still just a kid go out and enjoy life your not even half way through it yet I'm still having fun and I'm only53 years young

40 is where the life really begins. Take it in a positive way and u will never realise u have reach 40s. Our life is not control by numbers but we are young as we think and it all lies in our mind and heart

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear ....
Happy birthday to you!
They say life begins at 40 so look at it as a new start my mum is 60 and still lives a full life.
Life is what you make it.
With the 40s however can come midlife crisis and the fear of getting old you need to look at addressing the things you see as a problem in your life this year then you truly can begin your life at 40.
Do not look so much at the number itself as this can cause you to feel depressed alone.
My partner is 48 and has only just started living his life!
Each individual has their own opinion on life so please donot be swayed by these.
Live life to the full and have fun you are as old as you feel.

When my mother was 45 she dated a 29 year old man and just married him... trust me, its not over til you die. Good luck babe, and happy birthday!

Bradley P
Hey....happy non-birthday! ;)

I feel your pain, will be turning 40 alone, bitter and dirt poor on the 14th (am online here only because of a donated computer).

I wish I knew how to help you, but hey, if worse comes to worse, you can always throw me to the ground and let that Old Age Beast gum up my legs first, huh? At least you get another whole year to run, run and oh yeah, RUN!!

Take care, have fun, and remember....people are going to think you are ugly now by default, so get used to it, there just aren't any pretty people over the age of 39-40....

Yes, I'm afraid it is (sorry). The average life is only 70 or so, so you are likely more than half done and what you have left is just old people time. The highlights will be taking up shuffle board, picking out a cane, and shopping for dentures.

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