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 What is your fear??
what are you most afraid of and why??

its ok dont be ascared!! xxx x x x x
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well im arachnaphobic - fear ...

 Should I run around the neighborhood naked screaming "I'M A LITTLE GIRL!!"?

 Do I have to tell my employer I take antidepressants?
Ive just finished college and Im going to start applying for jobs. Everyone I know that works in the field Im going into said they had to do a medical prior to getting there jobs, during with time ...

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 Suicide thoughts?
Ever since I was twelve I have thoughts almost everyday of commiting suicide. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Father's Day, but I still have those thoughts. I have a thing against ...

 I'm drunk and feel really depressed?
No words can describe how low i feel right now,i'we been drinking none stop to help me for get my probs,i'm so down right now....

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 I was raped by my boyfriend when he was drunk should i trust him again since he was drunk?

 I feel empty.?

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Emotionally empty....

 I need help i think I kill my self..?
I'm so sad and depressed I don't know what to do I really need some one to talk ...

 Should I feel stupid for crying to my psychologist in the first visit?
Umm, yeah, I'm really emotional, all she had to do was ask me to describe my mood swings and feelings...and I started crying...should I feel dumb?...

 What is the best way to suicide?

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i'm 14...........................

 Im really ashamed of this but, I self-harm and need help.?
Is there anyway I can cover up the cuts on my body? And it will not wash off in the shower or bath etc. Could I use make-up or would it just wash off? Because people are getting suspicious about ...

 Is a messy house a sign of depression?
i often wonder when i see these programmes about how clean is your house, wether kim and aggie think about the people who are living this way

could they be depressed,

what do ...

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 When you're tired but you know you won't be able to sleep?
You know you wont be able to go to sleep, because too much on your mind. what is your solution?
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i'm sleepy now....

 Has this happened to you?.?
I have had my laptop for five months which i bought to play online bingo and Ebay.Yesterday i got a message popup saying WARNING-You have 624 adult images and URL files in your machine,just to verify,...

 Ever feel like getting in your car and just driving just to see where it will take you.?
was wondering if this is a good way to clear your ...

smart enough
I am 23 years old. I depend too much on my parents for everything. Am I normal?

You are completely normal. (Although perhaps a little too attached to your parents) My brother did not leave our house until he got married at age 28. You need to take baby steps (ie. pay your own billsm wash your own clothes, etc) then finally vut the apron strings. It is perfectly ok to have a close relationship with your parents (I do), just don't smother them. I am sure they are older and would enjoy time spent just the two of them.

Okay, first of all "normal" is just a cycle on the washing machine.

What is "normal" is relative. In many Italian-American families,for example, children usually live with the 'rents until they marry. In other ethnic or religious groups expectations vary. In some areas of the country most kids are out of the house and on their own as soon as humanly possible... in others not so much.

I think the fact that you're asking the question means you're ready to start exploring life on your own. TreeAlbero had some good advice about gradually moving toward independence.

Yes, you're normal. Alot of people still depend on their parents still. You're still young and still learning to find your way in the world. As you gain more experience, you should feel confident enough to be independent.

rk <3 :D
it is very common but not that normal. your are considered an adlut. this is called mooching. i suggest that you slowly but surely stop depending on your parents. so if you just completely cut off of them you will be in shock. first start by getting and keeping a job and then moving out with a friend or just alone

Roy M
no, grow up move out and start your own life.

Richard F
If you are still living at home, then yes you are abnormal, and will probably never leave their home. Your life is one third over and you have not started to live yet.

that depends.if you are studing,then you have an excuse.if you are working,try not to depend so much.try depending on them less each month.remember,they are not going to live forever.if you are not working,GET A JOB AND DO SOMETHING!!!!!

dan s
yes you are normal...but you should not depend on the all the time....because they won't be there someday. so depend on yourself.


In today's society yes.

Overall, no.

Failure to launch, friend, failure to launch.

No, it is time to leave the nest

That depend on what you mean by everything. Cooking cleaning driving wiping your butt or paying for your every desire whether or not you need it even if they have to suffer and do without because of it. No that is not normal that is lazy you are an adult and should be trying to learn to live like one.

at 23 you should be way past dependent on anyone.

yeah, u normal as the next kid your age stayin at Ma's eatin all that gud cookin.

well at 23 you really should get your own life together.. have your own income and home and stuff, but yes you're pretty normal, these days a lot of people stay home til their 30's because its cheaper, or maybe theyre just lazy.
i think its ok as long as you are supporting yourself, paying them board, doing your own washing etc, but if theyre doing everything for you, you need to grow up! ive been out of home since i was 18, and now i'm 22 and have my own family to look after. if you've only got yourself, it should be very easy.


Avoid Dependency on Another Human for Your Own Happiness
To put responsibility for your happiness in someone else’s hand is a scary thought, unless that person happens to be always available, never fails, never changing yet never boring, all-wise, all-powerful, immortal, and is always unselfishly devoted to maximizing your long-term happiness. To expect such divine qualities from a human is to set yourself up for painful disappointment and it isn't’t fair to the other person. Your happiness is your own responsibility.
Much of the pain of loneliness is nothing more than pining for things that only God can ever give. Hoping to find these qualities in a human, rather than in God, is like hoping to find refreshment in a mirage.
Instead of craving for substitutes, go for the Real Thing.

Who is normal? I'm 21 and have been living on my own since the day I turned 18, I have a professional job, my husband and I own 2 cars, a motorcycle, and have no debt but a mortgage. I have a brother who's 31 and lives at home with my parents. Is he more normal than I? Or vise-versa? Be your own person, if you feel like you should be more independant make some changes, if you are happy, be happy! It's hard to be happy in the world that we all live in, so make sure this is your ultimate goal - not being normal!

no; and neither are your parents for letting you be spoiled.

In this day and age, no. It's become very common to live with your parents thru your 20s, especially if you're still in school.

If your parents don't have a problem with it, enjoy it while it lasts. I warn you however, it's really hard to assume responsibility for yourself. I was a spoiled only child who went directly from my parent's house to my financee's house at 23. They didn't approve of my choice and they've severed communication with me.

If you can begin to wean yourself off their support, it will make the transition to independancy easier. Even though I lack many things I had then now, I have more freedom, which is priceless.

Enjoy this time, but try to squirrel away a little money and spend time doing something that will put you in a better position in the future (i.e. education, job training, etc)

Common Sense
Perhaps a bit unusual but certainly not
bad or abnormal....

Violet Pearl
By today's standards you probably are. Obviously your parents didn't challenge you or force you to grow up, so you're fairly average. If you want to make something of your life, you have to do it yourself now.

are you my brother-in-law?

At least you recognize the fact that you may be depending upon them to much, which is a start to hopefully moving on in supporting yourself

I don't think it's normal, Wake up! you are 23 years old already, your not a baby no more. Do something find a job to help your parents. Make them to be proud of you.

I served 3 years in the Army, got married and was in tech school and working a part time job at the time and living 1000 miles away from her folks and mine, when I was 23

I wasn't a mamas boy

Patrick M
Probably Typical!@#$%

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