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 Should I run around the neighborhood naked screaming "I'M A LITTLE GIRL!!"?

 Do I have to tell my employer I take antidepressants?
Ive just finished college and Im going to start applying for jobs. Everyone I know that works in the field Im going into said they had to do a medical prior to getting there jobs, during with time ...

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 Suicide thoughts?
Ever since I was twelve I have thoughts almost everyday of commiting suicide. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Father's Day, but I still have those thoughts. I have a thing against ...

 I'm drunk and feel really depressed?
No words can describe how low i feel right now,i'we been drinking none stop to help me for get my probs,i'm so down right now....

 Do i need help!!!!!?
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 I was raped by my boyfriend when he was drunk should i trust him again since he was drunk?

 I feel empty.?

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Emotionally empty....

 I need help i think I kill my self..?
I'm so sad and depressed I don't know what to do I really need some one to talk ...

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 What is the best way to suicide?

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i'm 14...........................

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could they be depressed,

what do ...

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 When you're tired but you know you won't be able to sleep?
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i'm sleepy now....

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 I am a depressed teen all the time, i hurt so bad and have noone to talk to and no doctor what do i do?

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Well, my daddy died last year.I have tried sucidie 2 and the only person i trusted told everybody and made fun of ...

Should you ever seek revenge on someone who has caused you suffering and/or pain? Why/Why not?

depends what they did...
but secrestly i would just have alittle bit of fun and toy with them for awhile....you know, mess with their head abit...
its always better then revenge..its for fuin with a good laugh.

"Turn the other cheek" - Jesus Christ

you can try but i don't think it would work.you need to stay away from the people cause they would end up hurting u again.it not worth it.

u can try but it usu. never works out. revenge isnt usu. as sweet as i'd like it to be. i just end up making and *** outta myself.

two wrongs don't make a right. revenge is unhealthy, and will not resolve the issue for either party, it is a waste of time and effort better spent on healing.

Yes, one should get revenge if the suffering and pain were against the law. One should get revenge by making the one who caused the suffering and pain to pay by state laws, by turning them in.

Roger L
No B E C A U S E Revenge = time + lost energy

Revenge = Revenge back at you i.e. Neverending circle.

Only sadists get satisfaction out of seing other people get hurt.

2 wrongs dont make a right.

sh*t happens move on evolve into a higher being.

Thanks im here all week , is that enough reason why?

no it will go back10 fold.

alex b
If you do u need to make sure that u do it really clever so they don't know its u.

I never do it cause although i can do GCSEs 2 years early, i'm not bright enough. Its also childish and immature.

Life has a way of taking care of that all by itself...
As good as revenge feels, it has additional reprecussions... You will further the pain and agony for yourself. As this will be a, never ending game.
Read Deut. 32:35
35'(BR)Vengeance is Mine, and retribution,
(BS)In due time their foot will slip;
(BT)For the day of their calamity is near,
And the impending things are hastening upon them.'
36"(BU)For the LORD will vindicate His people,
(BV)And will have compassion on His servants,
When He sees that their strength is gone,

The best thing you can do FOR YOURSELF is forgive and move on... You will be surprised how things will end up in your favor later on...
All you do by harnessing vengeful thoughts is hurting yourself and not giving other more important people and plans the place they deserve in your heart and mind.

God Bless you and hope this helps!

Pretty easy answer to this, if you just take a good look at our current situation, globally and historically.

My opinion is that it is appropriate to seek for restitution, if you have been wronged. Use proper channels, do it with a calm mind. Usually involves a third party or arbitrator.

But the word "revenge" is not the method I would choose. That will give the other party a reason to circle back around and seek "revenge" on you, and thus you have created a never-ending battle.

I wouldn't, because I think that the someone will receive their own punishment. Just sit back and watch it happen.

I am sorry and I do understand you want to, but it just never helps. You will still have the feelings. My belief system also prevents me from doing this. However, I confess to one instance when I did slam my car into my cheating husband's brand new convertible. It really didn't make me feel better at all.

I seek revenge. But I shouldn't- later on if you forgive the person you're supposed to feel all warm and fuzzy and adultish.

i dont, cuz i dont believe in revenge, because i dont like to make people suffer, period. even if they did the worst thing ever i wont do anything.

No, in the end you will be the one feeling bad again. Revenge backfires on you.

Always remember this: The best revenge is living a good life.

Secrets of the Night
Revenge never truly solves anything. If a person has caused you pain or suffering, and you get "revenge", will it truly change any of the things that caused your pain? Will it undo what was done or will it only give you satisfaction that the person is suffering along with you? If that is all it is, then how does that help you?

Revenge is never about yourself. Revenge is completely directed at the person you're retaliating against. So, with this in mind, you spend your time trying to clean up the messes they made in your life, and then you give them the rest of your energy and effort by seeking revenge... that may or may not work. Either way, they end up owning you because you're focusing your life on them instead of living your life as you would if they weren't made part of it.

The best way to exact "revenge" is to deny a person what they want. What they want is to control and upset you and prevent you from living your life as you wish. Deny them that satisfaction. Refuse to pay them any attention.

Another thing to consider, is that those who want to upset others want to be noticed, and want power. They want you to say... This dude screwed up my life! He's powerful don't mess with him!

Someone who wants to be feared will detest being ignored and treated insignificant. Trust me, if someone wants to hurt you and you act as if they're no more significant than a mosquito, it'll drive them nuts.

Do yourself a favor. Live for yourself, and don't give so much to people who don't deserve your time, effort or thought.

Gordita de Oro
no...because even though they caused you pain...think about all the suffernig they would be going through...and they might make someone else suffer because they get angry after being sad....revenge is a never ending cirlce

no, revenge is bad, you get absorbed in it and you can't not anymore. You're supposed to just let it go... thats what all those movies and books say anyways...

Jo Blo
you lower yourself to their level
you cut that person out of your life and that will be their punishment

God evens things up in the end.

I would say no for YOUR sake, because the person who caused you suffering is already sort of holding you hostage both with the suffering they caused and the time you spend now thinking about it. So, they've taken power away from you.

If you devote more emotional energy to the situation, they still have quite a hold over you. They just get (whether they know it or not) to keep punishing you, because as you imagine, plan, and exact revenge they are in your thoughts constantly. They don't deserve to be!

Also, honestly? The best revenge would be for you to do really well in your life and not even care about what happened between you and the other person. A mean-spirited person hates it when the meanness they express doesn't make a direct hit.

Mimimize contact, ignore the person, pretend you've never heard of him. (or her). Think ahead to what life has to offer you. If that's difficult (and I know it can be), maybe try talking to someone about this stumbling block you have, I mean outside of this forum.

Good luck!

Just leave it up to Karma..what goes around will definately come back around. It's not your job to punish others, it leaves a lot of ugliness in yourself when you are vengeful.

Though revenge sound fun it doesn't fix the original problem. Instead sit back and watch karma do its work. It might not happen right away but karma will catch up. When it does karma is a real *****!!!!

Revenge usually doesnt pay- you end up thinking about that person and what they did way too long, and the stuff you do can get you in trouble.

Living well is always the best revenge.

No you shouldnt. In doing so you are putting up to their same level of inmaturity. And plus by doing so, what do you get in return, nothing just the feeling that you got back at them, not worth it. ITs just inmature. Be the stronger person.

Revenge is like fatally poisoning yourself because you are mad at your neighbor.

Mike E
You should strive to be the "bigger man" and forgive all those who trespass upon you.

That is a tough question. I would think eventually what comes
around goes around. And they would get theirs in the end.

kk kk kk
no.... an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind

i used to think about it each and every day but now not very often. if you seek revenge, IF it works, you will feel good for just a little while and then nothing.. this will not make the hurting and suffering go away. I learned that the true revenge and courage is by forgiving and living peacefully. I'm not saying that you should talk to whoever hurt you, just forget about them coz they do not deserve being thought about. plus, i think that if you get revenge, you will not be better than them, you will be just like them and that will make you feel much much worse. only the strong people can forgive in their heart because they are happy with themselves and who they are, and only that will make the suffering go away. and think about it, whoever hurt you wants you to be unhappy, so if you ARE happy without even getting back at them==> BEST REVENGE YOU CAN EVER GET!!!

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