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 Why do I feel so down?
Latly I have been feeling very down. I have been very tired in the day and very awake at night. I have been crying and I don't even know why. Can any of you tell me why I have been feeling down ...

 Calling all addicts!! when your are........?
away from yahooanswers....do you STILL think about it???
like ya can't wait to get back on it?????...

 One minute I'm sad and crying in my bed in the dark, and the next minute I'm happy and working out and stuff.
Could I be bi-polar?...

 How can i get over sucidal thought's...The more that i fight depression..?
the more my depression worsen's and more sucide sounds like heaven to me..I don't know what to do and i don't know how to be really truley happy...Real smiles and lauph's not fake ...

 Cure for anxiety?
I have to do some public speaking next week anyone know any of anything that will help.
Additional Details
anything OTHER than drugs?...

 Whats the point in life?
i just dont get it..we work and love..then just die..just die and its all over..and ur gone forever...i just dont get it..i never wanna die im 18 and im starting to know now that we really die..i ...

 What can I do when the GP just recomends self help?
I am depressed. I have a stressful job, managing staff as well as the public, and I feel as though everything I do away from work is a mess. I live with my boyfriend of over 3yrs, and I consider our ...

 I truely need help, I'm feeling so suicidal?
My mind is really messed up at the moment,Im so depressed, I feel like there is no point in me living another day,Im 19 n have been feeling this way for a very long time now - previously on here ...

 Is looking at the toilet paper after you wipe normal?

 Anyone have a good way of releasing anger?
i get mad often and i would like to be able to release it ...

 When does a Pyschiatrist think you should be placed in a mental hospital?
If someone is told they have signs of psychosis, a mood effective disorder and obsessive compulsions then gets placed on antipsychotics, the person still goes out and drinks on a night out whilst on ...

 Someone please exsplain this to me?
does anyone relate to this situation that i am in...i am living with my boyfriend who has bi-polar a couple of yrs ago he decided to quit taking his meds cause he said it was a joke...sometimes he is ...

 Am I Emo? I Have To Know!?
I think of suicide a lot. I would never attempt it though. I get depressed EASILY! I get sooooo mad soooooo fast. Most people annoy me. I am usually just never happy. I DONT cut myself. I listen to ...

 Are there people out there that really hurt themselves???
I don't get it!!! Help me understand why they do it!!! I'am serious!!...

 Why do I cry almost every night? It is because of my bad childhood experience. Do you guys think I am crazy?

 What should I have done about a Dr who keeps phoning me at home?
I started seeing a Consultant Psychiatrist about 2 months ago for an eating disorder. By the second session he was discussing aspects of his own life such as the fact he is studying for a Masters ...

 Why i see black things fly around all times???Please I need a help.?
I have beeing seeing these stuff more obvious about 3 months.
There every where...they have different shapes such as circle and squre sometimes it's like zigzag. Inside there are small ...

 I like to self-harm. Is it so weird?

I'm 25 and have found myself to be very depressed lately. I'm going through a divorce, ect. I have tried Paxil and Lexapro, and both make me very sick to my stomach, which I ...

 How do you know when your anti-depressants start to work?
They say it takes around three weeks for it to kick in. Is there a sudden change when it does? How does it feel, not to be depressed anymore??...

sally b
I am always going to wonder how my life could have been!?
I returned home from oversease and turned down a wicked job and also missed an opportunity with a wicked guy, i'm so ashamed of ym actions for the last 6 months but there is nothing i can do to change it so now i am always going ot wonder what could have been if i had of done things differently, i hate how i have acred for the last 6 months but nothing i can do can change it! How cna i get over it and stop thinkig about what i could be doing?

heres a tip dont ask about it on yahoo answers?! :D

write a story about it and submit it to a magazine or a newspaper. they are always looking for interesting stories. take it to the extreme and write a book or pick up the guitar and write music.

tell me what the job was and i'll tell you how good it really was.

There are times when everything we do goes wrong, or seems to go wrong. But you need to think of your wonderful years when you felt good. You can have it back. Just try to forget the past and dont brood over it. If you keep thinking the negative aspects of life then you will end up in depression. You know that you are feeling the guilt or remorse for the actions you have taken. This is a very good point to make amends. When you think about the negative points for a particular action, think otherwise and you will change yourself.

To help you in this matter, you can take Rescue Remedy mother tincture, 2 drops on your tongue 3 times daily for a week followed by twice a day for a month. You will definitely feel better.

time to dump the old baggage kiddo. You won't leave the past behind until you start working toward a future. So, decide what you really want and develop a plan for going after that.

you answered your own question ! get over it, and stop thinking what it could have been. everyone makees mistakes... but next time you are offered something very special, try not to take it for granted. = )

hope i helped

Sometimes lost opportunities turn out to be Blessings in disguise. Even if we've done stupid stuff to cause the lost opportunities. Usually if we're doing stupid stuff, there's reasons behind it. So don't beat yourself up. A year from now you could look back and say "Thank God I didn't hook up with that job or that guy." It could be that back then you just weren't ready to handle them, and in the future you will be. I've noticed that if I'm really meant to have a job or be with a guy, there's NOTHING I can do to mess it up. If that's what God has planned for my life, He's going to make sure it happens. Blessings and Bliss! - Bunny

Ummm that always happens to me when I do something (in your piont of view) and always wounder what could have it be like.

What I do to turn away from that is draw, hang out with my friends, play some video games, what ever you enjoy the most (what ever you enjoy the most do that).

replace the things that could of been with the things that are.
besides if you turned them down there was a reason and you should be proud that you did what you wanted for once or at least happy that you did what you decided to do.


If you find a way to change the past, then please bottle it and sell it on eBay. The whole idea is that you can't go back in time but you can learn from your mistakes so you won't repeat them in the future. Remember the future is the place you CAN control. My sincerest suggestion is to stop being as impulsive as you were in the past and think things thru in the future.

Well it just sounds like you made some ill thought decisions and you will just have to live and learn from this. You seem to be a person that needs to SERIOUSLY think things out before taking action. Regret is a state of mind and unless you have the blueprints for some type of time machine you can successfully build and transport yourself in then there is no need in dwelling on the past. Time is the most valuable thing ever... it can never ever be regained, replaced, or changed so value it and stop wasting it on regret!

quit living in the past and with regret. make better choices and succeed.

Deborah Z
By looking back and concentrating on the past you are depriving yourself of day to day happiness and experiences. I know it is hard to move on but asking the question shows me that you are concerned and looking for a change. I believe that things happen for a reason. You have a life ahead of you with new people and many new opportunities. The person and the job in the past are just that, they are in the past. Look forward to each day, take it one day at a time. You had a lot happen in a short period of time, give yourself a chance to accept it and do your best to move forward. Good luck and don't give up. The world needs you.

Forgive yourself. Things happen for a reason. Know that the guy probably was not that great. Something that fits you better will come along.

hmmmn have you tried PRAYING? just being in the presence of God will give you an awesome release...

Have you asked yourself why do you miss the bad things that past? maybe your just bored... be careful when you get to that state of mind... Instead fill your head with GOOD things and not worry about missing out on the bad part of life...

Yep, you can't do anything about it now so don"t look back at your past, Look ahead and focus on what's going on at present and plan your future.

Time heals all wounds, Life's to short to worry a missed job opportunity.

Don't think about what you should have done - it serves no positive purpose. Think to the future and what you should be doing, and then focus in that direction. If you are looking to the future, you don't have time to look at the past - and don't be too hard on yourself :-)

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