i just bottle it all up. and when something REALLY finally sets me off, i get so angry i just cry hysterically in private at home, or if it's bursts of extreme anger, i punch walls and doors. |

See anger management at http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris on page 4. |

take a walk and observe those people around you. try to look on how thet deal with different situations that comes to their lives. |

The best way is to deal with the problem directly, Sometimes you just got to kick some ***. If we did not have anger we would be pushed around and no one likes that. |

Anger, (or the chemicals released by our bodies when we are angry) are stored in the large muscles of the arms and shoulders. Any rhythmic thrusting motion of the arms and shoulders will help release this. Examples are punching a punching bag or punching pillows, chopping wood, hitting a baseball with a bat, etc.
Another effective way to release the anger from your muscles is massage. A professional massage therapist is trained in how to release this anger and how to help you process it.
And remember to breathe! Deep breaths. |

Uppidada MBBS
Just counts 1 to 10 ten times |

Listen to music....call up a friend that understands you. |

Lots of options
Talking it through with someone you trust, esp on longer lasting issues where anger is built up.
On things that make you flare up:
Just pausing
Breathing slowly and deeply for 5 to 20 breaths
Count to 10
Do something physical: Transform the feeling of anger into something that helps you. Lift some weights. Work on your jump shot.
Learn to meditate
Distract yourself with something else productive
It may help to read a book on handling anger as well. Self talk is pretty important but is a bit much to cover here. The book below might help. Go to Amazon and just search on 'anger'. You should find a book that would be a good fit for you.
If it is still a challenge, talk it over with a counselor.
Good luck. |

venting is the best way for me. There's also exercise. |

punching bag. |

Mocha M
whay ever yo udo DO NOT CUT i am a really young teen who is cutting and i jsut started like an hour ago just dont do it it is the worst path ever i am now addicted to cutting i cant stip thinking about it so please dont cut :( |

Get on a regular exercise routine. Running is great for stress relief. |

Shelby Doolittle
lock yourself in the bathroom and scream into a handtowel
punch a pillow |

Knock N
Why don't you just figure out the source of why you are getting mad and try getting rid of it. |

Especially for 1 of my children who can fly from fine tojust massive anger (at times it is scary) any way, I bought a punching back and the appropriate gear to protect him(them) us (me too), and when there is a little anger that you know is going to fester inside and grow like a cancer, go to the punching bag and punch, kick, headbutt, swing punch some more and just keep doing that till you feel better. No just feeling ok, but I mean better. It honestly makes you feel so much better.
Make sure you hace the proper gear and also that the bag is mounted the correct way so it does not fall and hurt someone. We have been doing this for so long, it is 2nd nature. We don't need to remind each other any more to go punch the bag. Now we became aware, found a solution, practice the solution, we feel so much better and no one gets hurt (my son could be violent at times).
Out of all the solutions I tried for him, this was perfect. Just perfect.
Go punch the bag...
Be safe and be well. |

I agree...Punching Bag. It works, is cheap and good exercise. Can't feel angry after spending 20 mins punching something...and then you don't get hung up on the stuff; you just release the anger that is likely blown out of proportion anyways. See how more clearly you think after you release some of that anger in a way that does no harm. |

Go for a run, or engage in some kind of excercise that will help you rid yourself of the excess energy as well as the emotion.
Keep in mind: are you in control of your emotions, or are your emotions in control of you? |

buy yourself a punching bag |

boxing classes. kickboxing. |

Go into a biker bar or if you are in Britain where soccer hooligans hang out or whatever the equivalent of a biker bar is over there, go up to the biggest guy in the place, slap his face and say, "I told you not to leave the house until you washed the dishes, *****!"
Your anger, bodily fluids, and possibly some internal organs will be properly released shortly thereafter. |

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