I am feeling really suicidal tonight and I am seriously about to kill myself but I don't know why! Here's what's going on. I was in a psych hospital for 2 weeks and they really helped ...
I used to have thoughts of suicide alot, but I dont really anymore. Now my attention is turned towards other people. I dont know what im thinking anymore.
today im at an all time LOW! i posted on here the other day, i then went to a doctor who gave me some sleeping tablets coz i hadnt been depressed long enough even though its been 4 months! anyway my ...
I know I'm just existing right now, my life is meaningless, I have no purpose. What about you? Additional Details I'm 26 but had mental problems ever since I was 12. They'...
I have suffered depression all my life and now at 32yrs I feel I jus can't cope anymore. I have no confidence left, continually anxious and so confused. I have never liked conflict and I let ...
I have taken them twice in the past. Now, I have no health ins. and cannot do that again. I was considering buying St. Johns Wort, although for me in the past it never helped. Is there anything I ...
Okay so....for the past two months I've been self harming and today my friend had a massive go at me for doing it yesterday. I promised her that i wouldn't do it anymore. anyone got any ...
I heard that if you cut and you tell, you will get sent to a mental hospital or special institue for treatment. I also heard that at one of the institutes they make you sleep in cells??? Is that true?...
Okay so I did it on purpose, but now I changed my mind.
I took 5-30 mg Remeron 3, 5-20 mg fluoxetine, 7-20mg celexa, 5-10mg flexeril, and 5 hydrocoodone/apap 10/650 about 12 minutes ago.
I ...
i have been suffering from deppression since 4 years old and only seeked help in the last two years i feel desperate if i don't get admitted soon i will be dead and no one seems to care even ...
I live with my grandmother who has alzheimer's and dementia. She goes off on me alot and annoys me with hopes to make me mad. She thinks she's five or so, and I'm 17. I know I should ...
like i usually do it 1 time a day and its always at night when my parents are sleeping. Because they dont know yet and it would feel unconfortable if they knew. well like i sit at my computer and its ...
Kelis Jordan
How do people get bipolar?
Was they born with it or something, I been hearing people getting it when they where a kid or something. How do people get bipolar disorder.
It's a chemical imbalance in the brain. Many times because of a lack of lithium. Which can be caused by copper excess.
There are alot of copper water pipes................
Lithium Functions: Involved in the transport of sodium within muscles and nerves, especially the autonomic nervous system. Low levels of lithium may cause mood disorders such as bipolar disorder or depression (which is why lithium carbonate is often prescribed for these conditions)
lithium sources: Seafood, seaweed, sugarcane, eggs, dairy, tomatoes, potatoes, drinking water, mineral water, food grown in mineral rich soil
from their mother
Natalie Louise
Bi-polar disorder is not something you catch like the flu. Its not heriditary either, however there have been coincidences where family members have both had bi-polar disorder. Bi-polar disorder is a chemical imbalance in the brain. It can happen to anyone at anytime and its not unusual for the person involved to experience very weird emotions. For example, the death of a friend might invoke laughter or happy thoughts whereas at other times the person can be rock bottom and show all the signs of depression. Bi-polar is a very up and down disorder and most of the time, even the person with it has trouble making sense of why they feel the way they do.
janice h
Doctors like to diagnose this alot these days even in young children i disagree with the notion that it is all a brain chemical thing i think the way we were treated and made to feel growing up and self esteem and getting no help when we needed love has alot to do with mental illness.
agsf a
by living? its a chemical imbalance, usually hereditary.
Tough question, but I believe abuse leads to this dis-order. The brain is like a computer, you input certain things and it reacts. With a bi-polar person, they programmed their brain so to speak. In other words if you tell yourself your pathetic a thousand times, your brain takes that inform. and stores it.
David S
It is somewhat inherent and can be the result of an imbalance in your glands that produce dopamine. It usually isn't fatal.
Debbie V
It's genetic. Bipolar disorder is something you get from one of your ancestors who had the disorder themselves.
TX Mom
I believe it has to do with genetics. I also believe it is something that is somewhat developed over time but unknowingly of course.
Sometimes it can be triggered by a traumatic event. A lot of celebrities deal with it, the late star Vivien Leigh suffered from it terribly during a time with no understanding of the disease and no humane treatment available.
You are born with it. It may not show up right away but eventually if you've got it you will find out.
It's a chemical imbalance in the brain. It can start at anytime. You should search the term. There is a lot of info out there on it. Or I would give you a link. I'm sure you can find lots on ur own.
They just get born with it, its just the way they are. My friend is bipolar, and its sorta hard sometimes cause one minute shes happy and the next shes in a bad mood but you learn to deal with it and not get in fights because shes acting weird, cause its not her fault
I think people are born with it and when they get older it becomes more prominent. My band teacher is bipolar.
this website may help:
Bipolar disorder (also called manic-depressive disorder) is an illness that causes extreme mood changes that alternate between manic episodes of abnormally high energy and the extreme lows of depression.
Bipolar disorder may cause behavior so severe that you may not be able to function at work, in family or social situations, or in relationships with others. Some people with bipolar disorder become suicidal.
What causes bipolar disorder?
The cause of bipolar disorder is not completely understood, but the disorder runs in families and may also be affected by your living environment or family situation. An imbalance of chemicals in the brain is another possible cause.
it's a genetic disorder, something they are born with.
It's hereditary.
chemical imbalance in brain chemicals
Well there is a genetic component to it. My family is loaded with it. I had been depressed ever since I can remember. The bipolar part came about not long after I had gotten my stomach stapled.