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 Is it bad if you have an addiction to masterbating?
like i usually do it 1 time a day and its always at night when my parents are sleeping. Because they dont know yet and it would feel unconfortable if they knew. well like i sit at my computer and its ...

 I am really unhappy what should I do???
I am 33 jobless on disability pension freindless and oh so lonely any suggestions?...

 Is it normal for one of your goals in life to be to become a s.l.ut? im being serious. What do you think?im 17

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i don't care if i get diseases and stuff or get pregnant or anything. i just want to know what you think....

 I need a hug.?
I been very down lately. I need a boost of happiness. I am getting my hair done. I am loosing a few pounds. I find my self so miserable. Help!! :( I am angry everyday of my life. I did seek help, but ...

 How to stop an abuser?

 I am the youngest in my family?
Is that why I'm

spoiled (brat)?

 I want to be normal?
i m 26 year old i m haveing panick attack last summer but now i get medicine what is help me whit that and my high pulse to but sometime i feel like so alone and to tell u io dont want kill my self i ...

 If you call a suicide hotline, do they automatically call the police?

 What if when you sleep and piss and you dont feel it but it happens almost every night?

 Mother in law is psycho and stalking me plus hurting my daughters mentally?
My MIL is saying mean and hurtful things to my daughters. My oldest (10.5) has talked about suicide because her nanna doesn't love her. My MIL is constantly saying mean and hurtful things to ...

 I need help? i cant cope with the pain?
Im on the verge of a nervous breakdown because of my x bf, he was madly in love with me and then the next wanted me out of his life. He was my world i loved him dearly and still do, over the past 8 ...

 Have you ever attempted suicide?
If you have, did you get help? How long does it take to get better? And are you happy you didn't go through with it?
Looking for serious answers please....

 Can video games (like GTA) help someone become less shy?
I'm so alone, and I feel just like somebody else
Man, I ain't changed, but I know I ain't the same
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I know GTA is *not* real, but since I playing I ...

 I'm just curious to know how old are the people who hang around in this section?
I am 25....

 Help me..? im hurting so bad inside i just want to kill my slef?
ok this is hard for me i dont know what to say to explain how i feel except that im 20 years old and i havent ever been in trouble before and i live at home im not currently employed cause i just got ...

 Can anyone tell me why do people ask stupid question's?

 How long can you go without sleep before you start going crazy?

 I'm turning 39 in 10 minutes. Is life pretty much over after the 30's?
I'm really becoming aged. I have one year of my 30's left. I'm looking for answers from old people (40+) about how to handle leaving my 30's and entering old age. If you are under ...

 Why would anyone with a reasonable amount of intelligence use Crystal Meth.?
Knowing what we know about this drug. About how addictive it is; how unstable it is and just how dangerous it is; why would anyone with any amount of intelligence even try it.

Is it ...

 Can people please say something to me, distract me...?
i've got a lot on my mind atm, i'm stressed, worried, and i really feel the need to cut myself right now, but i'm desperately trying not to. i haven't cut for weeks, so i'm ...

Self harm?
Okay so....for the past two months I've been self harming and today my friend had a massive go at me for doing it yesterday. I promised her that i wouldn't do it anymore. anyone got any alternatives for me? I'm 13 and a girl

I've had a lot of problems in my life and I don't do it for the attention, I do it to help with my problems

tell me how it helps with your problems?

Well, obviously it is for the attention as there's no other positive affect of it.

Sandra M
You do it because it is an obsession and they make medicine for that. You need to see a therapist and a psychiatrist.

Chelsea Meow
Seek professional help...?

put rubber bands around your wrists and snap them when you got the urge.

Wow another typical case of ignorance. You do understand it's not cool to hurt yourself but seeing as your only 13 your naive enough to believe that it is helping you when in actuality it's not. You may feel like your the only one with your problems but your not and there are offers who are suffering a lot more than you can even imagine. Stop pitying your self and go do something that keeps you wanted to always do regardless of what you have to do to accomplish it because one day you will die and that's it.

Janet G
First of all it wont help. Second of all try getting rocks and a table. Bang the rocks against the table. I swear it helps.

hi,im 14 im not sure about self harming but i reckon you need something to make you fell more confident. You should join a club or get a new hobby. something to make your life better.

you can talk to someone about, your mum, your friends, a teacher from school or a psycologist or someone... if youve had problems then you need to sort them out or they will never go away, self harming or drugs or drink just makes you forget for a bit and/or gives you more problems. you need to get help or you will live your whole life in pain and sadness...

Cheyenne ♥ (Pro- Sarcasm)
Therapy.......Don't hurt yourself just because something isn't going right for you right now. It will only make it worse.

Melissa Cole
Have you tried talking to a school counsler? You don't need to tell them about the self harm, but just talk about some of the other problems in your life right now. That can help a lot. Some people think we do it for attention, but that isn't the case a majority of the time. You really should try and talk to someone about you problems before it gets to much out of hand. I'm 22 and still struggle with cutting. Trust me you don't want to deal with this for a long period of time. Talking about it is simple, and a start. Don't force yourself if you don't want but it's better than where you are right now, isn't it? Keep your head up and good luck with everything.

Rosa Mystica
This site has a lot of useful links...


Also, consider giving this number a call...

Self Harm Hotline


Help for "cutters"

Therapist. it really helps I swear =]

Butercup© ily mark ♀ + ♂ = ♥
i want to know too. im 15

sarah b
i think you need to talk to someone. harming yourself isnt going to help with your problems

Fifi Cherry
hey ya. i know what you mean you feel out of control and you need to be in control so what do you do? you cut.
at the time it appears to be the best thing but it is not
talk you your friends about it it helps to know there is some1 out there who can help you.
when you feel like cutting go somewhere where there are alot of people then you cant do it.
i hope that has helped

Gemma M
I read in a magazine once that holding ice cubes in your hand is an alternative some therapists and doctors recommend as you feel pain but it doesn't cause any damage to you. Saying that I think you should go and see your doctor or a counseller at school who'll be able to refer you to someone you can talk too about your problems. It sounds like your friend really cares about you, she probably had a go at you over it as she's worried you might do serious harm to yourself. Good luck x

self harming isnt solving your problems.it is adding to them.to sort problems you have to face them which can be scary at your age.see your teacher or some adult you trust.you need to stop this now.let your friend help you.she cares for you.your skin is to pretty to scare.be strong girl.help yourself get out of this.girlpower.you can do it.ask for help an it should be there if not get back to us all.

you are probably doing this because you think its your fault or something like that but you just need to talk to someone about your problems I'm sure your guardian wouldn't mind you telling them.

try crushing ice in your hand.
it gives you the same feeling as cutting but no harm is actually done.

feel free to e-mail me.
I was a cutter but not anymore.
I'm 14

big foot
heidi, plez stop. it's not helping u with ur problems. its 1 of them. i was a cutter.same age as u. my arms had so many cuts i had 2 wear long sleeve all yr round. i was abused as a kid by stepfather.[ i even hate saying he was my stepfather] from 2 yrs to 9 yrs old.i did'nt know what 2 do. i did'nt tell any1. it was all on me. so to take the pain of what happened to me away, i started cutting, just a lil at 1st. then more, because i could focas on that instead of ' other' things. it worked 4 awile, then it was booze, then drugs, anything, 2 make itstop. the pain from 'st/fthr' only stopped after i started talking about my problems. not all at once, but a lil at a time. it took many yrs. for me to get my head straight. and it's ahard, and even sometimes scary,. road to go, but u gotta take it. start talking 2 SOME1! a teacher, a minister[it does'nt even hve 2 be a minister u know. just go 2 a church of ur choice & START Talking. u will feel sooo much better the more u let ur inner feelings out. keep a journal. let ur feelings out there, 2.it really, really makes a difference. i look at the scars on my arms now, and all they remind me of how far i came frm there. u can do it, heidi. ur stronger than u think.what i always tell myself is, GOD never gives u more than u can handle and everytime u handle something the right way, u get stronger. ur voice bcomes louder & u will feel better about urself. u can count on that, i ptomise. so, don't take my road, make 1 of ur own. a better 1. good luck, and GOD bless u. u CAN do this.

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