No, depression is an excuse to stay in all day and feel sorry for yourself whilst we are all out working to pay for the group therapy sessions and the drugs...nice |

yh i spose. cus u try n do stuff tht mke u happy |

yes definately!
i was realy down a few years ago and when i was well again i swore i would never go that far down ever again and made positive steps to make my life how i wanted it to be
i told myself that no one was going to come kocking at my door to offer me a better life - it was down to me
now i am very happy with a new partner - i am still being treated for depression but i have a good gp and a very understanding and loving partner
i wish you every happiness with your future - if you have come thru depression you deserve it
: - ) |

Very much so, if u escape suicide! |

i think it does, ive been a miserable sh1t for many years but getting some motivation and goals in life works better for me than any marijauna smoke or fluoxetine ever did. |

depends on the degree the person is suffering |

fly t
I have to agree, that depression is such an independent thing. Some people never fully recover, other people, such as myself get a drive to be better and to beat the "illness" or negative thoughts. You can't predict how it will affect individual people, but there are people who do get a kick in the @rse from it. |

depends on how far down you are. ive experienced my whole life having depression. i noticed when its not -too- bad, then i wanna get off ma "@rse" and do something to make maself happy. but when im down deep, i jus wanna sleep it all away and say f*ck tha world, cuz they didnt help me. depends on what kinda person you are, if youre a quitter or not. if you wanna quit, then dont matter how depressed you are, life is bad and you wont try. but if youre stubborn (like me) then youll do whateva you can to get up and kick your own self in tha @rse to do more in life! |

The Complete Idiot
depression is a complex thing. you're talking about a particular aspect of depression. most of what we call depression works the other way. |

Once you are truly over a depressive episode I believe that it makes you re-evaluate your life and make the effort to do more. I have just come through a terrable time of nearly 3 years after a bad break up with a partner. I have certainly realised that life is too short, and am now making the effort to do more than I ever did before I had this experience. Life is strange, you have to hit rock bottom sometimes before you realise your own true worth:-} |

Closed Down
No it makes it hard to get out of bed each day and motivate yourself. Then you are tired all the time. Ive had it since the mid 1980's but I do still get out and about and do things, just a lot slower and a lot less. Its better than giving in and staying in bed all the time.(Unless my wife is at home)!!!!!!!!!! |

Lone Wolf
I have suffered from depression for quite a few years, I have been up and down so many times that I feel like a yo you, but I haven't let it beat me and I have learned to live with it, I can't say that depression gives you a kick up the backside but more like you try and kick it, everyone has their own ways of coping and only they can make the decisions in what will happen, some are in control and some aren't, I suppose I am one of the lucky ones that have managed to keep it at a reasonable level and tell it to sort itself out and stay away, its not the depression that needs a kick up the backside it's the people who know it all and say "its all in the head" DUUUUUUH |

senorita spanish rose
well, from what ive seen and heard, depression rather makes u not wanna leave ur own bed. U feel motionless, unwilling to do anything etc (hey i won't go about depression symptoms as i assume u know them :)... Maybe the question then is "is it possible that some ppl after overocming depression get a kick in the @*** to do more in life?"-- i guess so. Mariah Carey suffered from such and after some time spent in a mental health clinique she stood up and "made it through the rain". She released a great album etc. Ok but that's stars' life. However, same thing happens to regular people "when you believe". |

bernie c
There are lots of types of depression and also many reason why people are depressed, what if someone lost a child and was depressed I certainly don't think they would need a kick up the bum. Look at why they are depressed, sorry only you can't stereotype. |

annemarie f
no i certainly do not deprssion is a terrible illness that can ruin ones life not to be fooled with . |

i wish it did at the moment i am in the midst of depression and people say just snap out of it but i cant but hopefully when it is all over i will look back at this time and it will have given me the kick i needed to do more with my life until then i just have to wait and hope |

no. i wouldnt say so. depression is not something you just snap out of its a disease that stays with you you just learn how to control it |

only if you have recovered from it then maybe...but no i dont really agree with that statement being someone who suffers from it...depression can often make you feel there is no reason to live, nothing seems enjoyable and you just don't feel like you want to exsist or that you even do....so no i dont think it makes you want to do more, infact it usualy makes you want to do less. |

Number 3
No - depression is a serious and often debilitating illness that can severely affect your life.
It can make it impossible to get out of bed - it is far, far more than just being a bit down with your lot in life. |

Dr Frank
I really don't think that these sort of views help the already biased views many people have about depression. True endogenous( from within) depression, as distinct from sadness and unhappiness about life, exogenous depression ( from outside), is a chemical illness. The brain chemistry is disturbed and it is not possible for the patient to alter this or pull themselves out of it, no matter how much they try!
Though it will sometimes resolve spontaneously, it generally requires sustained periods of time on medications which also alter the brain chemistry. In addition it can be helped by the understanding and input of various types of health professionals. |

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