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 Self harm?
Okay so....for the past two months I've been self harming and today my friend had a massive go at me for doing it yesterday. I promised her that i wouldn't do it anymore. anyone got any ...

 How to help a teenage son that has depression problems?????help me please?

 If I tell an adult that I cut, will they REALLY do this to me?!?!??!?
I heard that if you cut and you tell, you will get sent to a mental hospital or special institue for treatment. I also heard that at one of the institutes they make you sleep in cells??? Is that true?...

 Whats wrong with me?
ok firstly a little bit about me, im 15 live in the UK im 6 5" yep this is tall.

Ok to the chase, ive been feeling low like i have no future. Noticed major changes in me like not ...

 Accidental Overdose?
Okay so I did it on purpose, but now I changed my mind.
I took 5-30 mg Remeron 3, 5-20 mg fluoxetine, 7-20mg celexa, 5-10mg flexeril, and 5 hydrocoodone/apap 10/650 about 12 minutes ago.
I ...

 I feel sad, upset and depressed at all times?
what should i do?...

 Why do people become depressed and commit suicide?
I think it's really sad and ridiculous....

 I feel suicidal and have tried to end my life lots of times they wnt admit me and i feel i need to be?
i have been suffering from deppression since 4 years old and only seeked help in the last two years i feel desperate if i don't get admitted soon i will be dead and no one seems to care even ...

 How can I control my anger when it comes to my insane grandmother?
I live with my grandmother who has alzheimer's and dementia. She goes off on me alot and annoys me with hopes to make me mad. She thinks she's five or so, and I'm 17. I know I should ...

 How can i get ready for someone's sudden death?

 What's the name of this disorder?
when someone makes so many plans, but never gets anything done....

 Is it bad if you have an addiction to masterbating?
like i usually do it 1 time a day and its always at night when my parents are sleeping. Because they dont know yet and it would feel unconfortable if they knew. well like i sit at my computer and its ...

 I am really unhappy what should I do???
I am 33 jobless on disability pension freindless and oh so lonely any suggestions?...

 Is it normal for one of your goals in life to be to become a s.l.ut? im being serious. What do you think?im 17

Additional Details
i don't care if i get diseases and stuff or get pregnant or anything. i just want to know what you think....

 I need a hug.?
I been very down lately. I need a boost of happiness. I am getting my hair done. I am loosing a few pounds. I find my self so miserable. Help!! :( I am angry everyday of my life. I did seek help, but ...

 How to stop an abuser?

 I am the youngest in my family?
Is that why I'm

spoiled (brat)?

 I want to be normal?
i m 26 year old i m haveing panick attack last summer but now i get medicine what is help me whit that and my high pulse to but sometime i feel like so alone and to tell u io dont want kill my self i ...

 If you call a suicide hotline, do they automatically call the police?

 What if when you sleep and piss and you dont feel it but it happens almost every night?

How do i avoid sleep?
i want to study but i feel very sleepy.as soon as i come from college i feel very sleepy

Drink Cofee.......Go to http://www.coolnick.co.nr

try not to sleep it will takes a week then it will be normal & take min food after college

Full Throttle energy drink was my best friend when i worked at the haunted houses on the side of my full time job.


My college days with travel ran 12 to 14 hours. This made me, sleepy tied and hungry.(I was not able to nap in the train, but was able to read and study on some trips).

So my routine was, use rest room, drink water, unwind for 15 minute, eat supper, take rest , set alarm.

Get up freshen up a little and hit the books but mainly do writing type work. Practise math, rewrite the notes neatly so I can read it without much efforts latter, as a science student I had 18 hours of practicals per week.

But 1 day was short but I had NCC on that day and on Sunday also.

You must do your best. Get little inventive, use holidays and Sundays wisely.

its better to go to sleep early and get up early in the morning to study. the way your mind is fresh and you wont be sleepy.

try taking a nap when you get home. an hours nap might help. then get something to eat and drink. this will give you energy. then maybe you can study and focus better on your work. let me know if this works. good luck and happy studiing! merry christmas.

ganesh dubey
Be with your boy/girl friends and gossip on any falatu sub

Take a power nap, for no more than 20 minutes. That should refresh you. Makes sure you are getting adequate sleep nightly. Are you eating well, getting exercise? When you go to study, maybe a cup of tea or coffee will help.

I would drink lots of coffe and coke and just try to not be too active during the day. There is no way to avoid sleep, but i can understand why you are up late everyone needs to study
try to finish school work earley!


Wil T
Try sleeping for a few hours and then get up at say 1AM.
You'll find once you get into a routine, you'll get used to it.
Strong coffee also helps for some people (never worked for me).
If you can't stay up to get your assignments and such done, you have a tough time in college. Get that sorted out now. It's mind over matter. Like Young Jeezy says (I can sleep when I die). Seriously, you'll have plenty of time to sleep after college.

Take a short nap (1/2 an hour) when you get home from college, and set your alarm clock to wake you up. You'll feel refreshed and ready to go.

Robin S
I went to college and just wanted to sleep when I came home, now 1 1/2 years later, I have server ear problems along w/ existing issues of of depression and anxiety from childhood,marriage,ect. Also, foreseen failure?

Give some rest for your eyes after the busy day. Take a shower and feel fresh and energetic

I don't know but i'v been up all night.

As soon as u come from college take a nap. and then after dinner u can start studying. and i bet u, u wont feel sleepy and also avoid taking caffine. drink warm water to keep u awake

Do not attempt to study without sleep. I cuts your retention by 75%> Take a nap first or study in the morning.

Why? I have a better time in my dreams than I do in reality.

Go to the gym more, and hit the stimulants. Caffiene is good, but better when mixed with diet pills.

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