well if u consider possibly becoming a future suicidal person not bad then no its not. u cu get germs from the knife u cud loose to much blood, u cud leave ugly scars wrose then acne scars, and u will ba labeled as a cutter and or emo depressed cyco. EVen tho being labeled as that is not very nice u will be. go get sme chocolate, take a bath, or do something and keep something that puts u in ur happy place...o ya ur username does not sound cheerful and ontop of that u wanna cut? if one of my friends did that i wud b very worried |

i know how you feel i harm myself to and i just can't stop! |

I cut b4. It's not the answer belive me. You need to find someone to talk too or to shout at. You need a release somehow. Even it's only jogging or taking up a physical sport to release the pent up emotions. But you really need to talk to someone. Take care. |

I understand the painful emotions you are feeling at this moment, but please try to resist cutting right now
go talk to someone, anyone who will listen, just get those negative feelings out, and you will feel better.
find other ways to get rid of the stress other than cutting. exercise is one that works for me, and art is another good one. I know that you are battling your self in your mind not to cut, and keep up the good work - you can fight it!
Best of Wishes
and never forget that you are loved.
someone out there loves you,
and that should be reason enough not to cut
:) |

halicia w
Cutting is a coping skill. While it's not the best coping skill to have it still works or you wouldn't be tempted to cut. My son is a cutter and after getting treatment he didn't cut anymore.
There is hope out there.
It's a free call |

i think you need profesional help but are you depressed or what? |

yes because u could get a disease from cutting. why do u want to cut yourself |

tooo hot 4 u
well why are you feeling the temptation to do this? look at where your life is at the moment and see what you could do to help make it better. sometimes these kinds of things happen because of your feelings towards someone or theyre feelings towards you |

When you get the temptation to cut,
develop a distraction, keep yourself busy.
It worked for me, and i still have severe depression, but keeping distracted and trying not to think about cutting has helped me get my life back on track alittle better.
if you ever need to talk
contact me :]
xx |

It's not bad to be tempted. Just don't do it. Find somebody to talk to. Pray if you need to. Somebody out there loves you. |

yes go see a physiologist. |

yes cutting yourself or whatever you do is VERY bad for you
why would you wanna hurt yourself?
i mean if your like mad or upset trying taking your stress and anger out on soemthing else or some other ways
for me what works is putting your face against a pillow screaming as hard as you can until you feel better
i bet you if you do that you'll feel whole lot better then cutting yourself
and snapping may annoy ppl around you but that's not bad for you |

PLEEEEEEEEASE back AWAY from the scissors or whatever and talk to someone that's not healthy |

dude thats stupid. im not even gonna say go see a shrink. once you grow up maybe you will understand that cutting is stupid becasue if you really wanted to kill yourself, you'd do it. |

Nick B
Take a chill pill.
It is bad, go see a doctor/therapist. |

the only cure is to amputate the limb you're cutting. sorry. |

Twisted Soul
Why would you want to cut yourself when there are so many others to choose from?? |

why? just punch something else, dont hurt yourself. it actually makes me kind of upset when people hurt themselves. i wish i could help you... |

Stephanie M
I'm a recovering self harmer. It like a drug accident. It's a bad habit. You need to go see a therapist or a psychologist? You can talk or ask me any questions if you need? Just email me. I understand. But you really need to go see a therapist or psychologist to get you to stop cutting or scratches. |

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