If you really want to do something beneficial to society and the world we live in... Get into marine biology and study the oceans on the planet we live on. There is SO much we don't know and take for granted while wasting billions of dollars on "studying" outside planets.
Did you know that some species of coral have no technical lifespan and could life forever if given the chance?
That's just my opinion on things. |
it sounds like someone wants to laugh you out of the astronaut program before you get into it.
if you work hard enough to get into the astronaut program, the laughs will be on them. after all, just getting into the astronaut program is a tremendous achievement, even if you never get into space.
it's possible your dreams will change, but for now enjoy the challenge, get good grades in math and science, and look forward to a good laugh some day. |
Indiana Jones
Is this Herb Tarlek from WKRP in Cincinnati?
He's a dufus, I wouldn't listen to anything he says.
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/4/49/200px-Frank_Bonner_on_WKRP.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.answers.com/topic/frank-bonner&h=150&w=200&sz=10&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=ZrQ_AfjG4FRCJM:&tbnh=78&tbnw=104&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dherb%2Bwkrp%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26channel%3Ds%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN |
punch him in the face and say,"take that herb!" and then go become an astronaut. |
markos m
Dreams should be cherished whether they are soiled by sh*t or not. |
Ignore him, don't let anyone get in the way of you and your dreams.
And give your mom a dirty look everytime you see her. x_X |
Go for it & when you achieve your dreams slap Herb with the soiled diaper |
Don't listen to Herb...he's no rocket scientist. You just keep strapping on those diapers and practicing for a smoooooooth landing and don't let Herb soil your dreams. |
Tell Herb to go back to the garden before you make him into a salad.
Also make sure when you talk to him you are always sharpening a knife just to freak him out.
Buy and read the book: The Road to Success is Paved With Failure.
And remember you can be anything you want to be- ignore Herbie the geek. |
Darth Belichick
where the mind gos the body follows. Go and be a Astronaut kid |
Don't ever give someone power to destroy your dream! Have confidence in yourself and go for it!! |
kitkat (gimme a break)
well everyone has dreams, you can only be an astronaut if you take years and long years of science, engineering, astronomy and math in college. You can prove him wrong by going to a lot of college, than by blowing a raspberry and saying "ha ha i can do it, you're wrong!" I dream of being a backup dancer for beyonce, is that a silly dream? |
No matter where you go or what you do you will always run into people who can't see anything past their own noses. Just ask
yourself this... whose life is it anyway? His ,hers, or yours? |
well looks like you have to become an astronaut. Success is the sweetest revenge! |
you can become any thing you want to be these are your dreams and yours alone your moms boy friend sounds like he likes to agrivate you the next time he picks on you tell him your not going to waste your life like he does also he might be a little jelouse over you good luck |
oh, being an Astronaut is a great job from what ive heard, you float in space, get payed a whole lot, and you explore where people havent gone before. You see stars, and lots of planets. As long as you work hard and ignore her attempts to crush your dreams id say your fine |
in all my years as a travelling used accordion salesman, i have yet to find a place where soiling oneself was undignified. often my customers find it to be a wonderful ice breaker. sometimes their disgust with me is so apparent that they throw their own feces at me (which i assume is a form of payment).
still my parents have always taught me that every time you dream about things, god gives aids to one of the tiny elves that live inside my knees. so perhaps, herb is just trying to save the tiny elves inside of you... |
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