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 When does a Pyschiatrist think you should be placed in a mental hospital?
If someone is told they have signs of psychosis, a mood effective disorder and obsessive compulsions then gets placed on antipsychotics, the person still goes out and drinks on a night out whilst on ...

 Someone please exsplain this to me?
does anyone relate to this situation that i am in...i am living with my boyfriend who has bi-polar a couple of yrs ago he decided to quit taking his meds cause he said it was a joke...sometimes he is ...

 Am I Emo? I Have To Know!?
I think of suicide a lot. I would never attempt it though. I get depressed EASILY! I get sooooo mad soooooo fast. Most people annoy me. I am usually just never happy. I DONT cut myself. I listen to ...

 Are there people out there that really hurt themselves???
I don't get it!!! Help me understand why they do it!!! I'am serious!!...

 Why do I cry almost every night? It is because of my bad childhood experience. Do you guys think I am crazy?

 What should I have done about a Dr who keeps phoning me at home?
I started seeing a Consultant Psychiatrist about 2 months ago for an eating disorder. By the second session he was discussing aspects of his own life such as the fact he is studying for a Masters ...

 Why i see black things fly around all times???Please I need a help.?
I have beeing seeing these stuff more obvious about 3 months.
There every where...they have different shapes such as circle and squre sometimes it's like zigzag. Inside there are small ...

 I like to self-harm. Is it so weird?

I'm 25 and have found myself to be very depressed lately. I'm going through a divorce, ect. I have tried Paxil and Lexapro, and both make me very sick to my stomach, which I ...

 How do you know when your anti-depressants start to work?
They say it takes around three weeks for it to kick in. Is there a sudden change when it does? How does it feel, not to be depressed anymore??...

 Any advice for the partner of someone diagnosed with Manic Depression?
Our relationship is longstanding and I don't want to be scared off!!! I need to understand more how this thing works and just how supportive I can be. Is he better ignored when in a depressive ...

 Would it destroy you and send you under if you lost all your material posessions? or would you survive it?
i think it would totally destroy me....my soul would be crushed and my house of cards would come falling down....i dont own many material posessions, hardly any cept a computer, but if i lost that, i ...

 How do people get bipolar?
Was they born with it or something, I been hearing people getting it when they where a kid or something. How do people get bipolar disorder....

 Im negative?
Im negative about myself is that a bad thing??
Additional Details
Everyone puts me down y not just do it to myself??...

 How can i put myself to sleep without feeling tired?
i hate to take medicine to help me sleep. i have alot on my mind. i am a ...

 How long does it take to get over death?
my grandfather died 8 days ago. he was 90 and had alzheimers so it wasn't unexpected. he was the first person i've ever known to die and i had a really hard time for the first few days and ...

 Do you think Depression gives you a kick in the @rse to do more in life?

 Can worry turn into Depression??
Can worrying turn into Depression? I some time worry a lot and some times way to much about things that i do not need to worry about .. can that turn into Depression?...

 I found my boyfriends bottle of...................?
i found a bottle of Paxil in my boyfriends cabinet. What should i do? Should i confront him about it?...

 Why live when we feel so much pain and suffering?

Is it okay when my boyfriend controls my life?

who's in control think about it

That would depend on what he is trying to control! If he is trying to control every aspect of your life or even major things and his interferance is bothering you or causing you problems then the answer is absolutely NO, it is not okay.

well i guess it you to decide, afterall its your life!!!!!!!! so better you take a decision............

Brian M
It is probably okay for him. He may be a control freak and possible needs to act this way to be happy, If you want to keep him you need to let him think he is controlling your life while in fact he is not. The other alternative is to dump him probably the better choice but if you do dump him it is for good because going back to him after that will just lead to him exercising greater control. The best solution is counselling but control freaks don't go there easily, they are not about to give control to a stranger. Good luck.

Of course not. He isnt your father and you should inform him of such. Your boyfriend should not want control of your life. I would keep an eye out for abusive behavior.

if you think your mind can accept it that way throughout your life, it is okay. if you feel like accepting it now and yet, if, at some point of time feel it's not okay with you, it would be very difficult to get that habit out of your boyfriend. before it does become a habit, tell him what you feel about it.

hell no....no one should control your life but you, even if he pays for your bills he has no right to control you


This is supposed to be a free country, but depending on your age, it is possible you have an overprotective sweetheart from SCHOOL that is insecure about himself and needs to know everything you are doing. Am I right?

Tell him you are a FREE WOMAN and if he doesn't understand that you are going to dump him.

Patti C
No, no and no. Please do not let him do this. You will never be happy this way. If he really loves you, he will not want to do this. He will want you just the way you are.

Run, run, run sweetie.

no its not ok. you should be in control of your own life. it is not acceptable for him to do that

Run Do Not Walk outta there!

you should consider his view on thing concerning him but you should have control over life.u should listen to everyone but do as you like it

If you're dumb enough to ask this question, then sure!

Actually it depends...as long as he doesnt exceed his limits and whether you are comfortable with it...sometimes there are certain things our bf control us on things and there is certain things we control our bf on things... but depends on what things.. if its reasonable, then its fine to me... when people are in a state of a relationship, they would wan to be treated differently compared being treated by their friends. Ofcourse, your bf would want to be different from you friends… he want to be treated special with certains control in your life and for me that’s normal for anyone to feel that way… For example, when you are going out with your friend, your bf would want you to tell him first before going out right?? thats special treatment... dont tell me you need to inform him if he is your friend right?? So me this is a normal thing...but like i said depends...as long as he doesnt go beyond his limits... but if you said he is controllling your life as in not letting you go out with your friends and family, then i say that is wrong because in the first place, he has no right to do that to you... secondly there is no trust in the relationship... unless if he caught you with another guy thats why he is doing this, then i see nothing wrong with it... but like i said too...it depends on you whether you are comfortable with it or not... If you don’t like what he is doing to do right now… then you should clarify with him on this matter...

that is ABSOLUTELY not okay.

indian girl
If he lets you control his life then its okay... but if he doesn't let u interfere in his matters n tries to control ur life then u dont hafta dance on his finger tips n in this situation u shudnt even consider him as ur bf ... just a frnd for the time being n forget eachother

No, my dear. This is NOT okay. This is what seasoned spices will tell you is a RED FLAG. RUN LIKE HELL! You deserve better!@

Ummmmm.....NO! You control your own life. When he dumps you, you will have spent all your time following his orders. Don't do it, be independent and make your own decisions!

No. You are asking ?

NO no no no no no no!
I cannot understand why anyone would want someone else to control their life.

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