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 I truely need help, I'm feeling so suicidal?
My mind is really messed up at the moment,Im so depressed, I feel like there is no point in me living another day,Im 19 n have been feeling this way for a very long time now - previously on here ...

 Is looking at the toilet paper after you wipe normal?

 Anyone have a good way of releasing anger?
i get mad often and i would like to be able to release it ...

 When does a Pyschiatrist think you should be placed in a mental hospital?
If someone is told they have signs of psychosis, a mood effective disorder and obsessive compulsions then gets placed on antipsychotics, the person still goes out and drinks on a night out whilst on ...

 Someone please exsplain this to me?
does anyone relate to this situation that i am in...i am living with my boyfriend who has bi-polar a couple of yrs ago he decided to quit taking his meds cause he said it was a joke...sometimes he is ...

 Am I Emo? I Have To Know!?
I think of suicide a lot. I would never attempt it though. I get depressed EASILY! I get sooooo mad soooooo fast. Most people annoy me. I am usually just never happy. I DONT cut myself. I listen to ...

 Are there people out there that really hurt themselves???
I don't get it!!! Help me understand why they do it!!! I'am serious!!...

 Why do I cry almost every night? It is because of my bad childhood experience. Do you guys think I am crazy?

 What should I have done about a Dr who keeps phoning me at home?
I started seeing a Consultant Psychiatrist about 2 months ago for an eating disorder. By the second session he was discussing aspects of his own life such as the fact he is studying for a Masters ...

 Why i see black things fly around all times???Please I need a help.?
I have beeing seeing these stuff more obvious about 3 months.
There every where...they have different shapes such as circle and squre sometimes it's like zigzag. Inside there are small ...

 I like to self-harm. Is it so weird?

I'm 25 and have found myself to be very depressed lately. I'm going through a divorce, ect. I have tried Paxil and Lexapro, and both make me very sick to my stomach, which I ...

 How do you know when your anti-depressants start to work?
They say it takes around three weeks for it to kick in. Is there a sudden change when it does? How does it feel, not to be depressed anymore??...

 Any advice for the partner of someone diagnosed with Manic Depression?
Our relationship is longstanding and I don't want to be scared off!!! I need to understand more how this thing works and just how supportive I can be. Is he better ignored when in a depressive ...

 Would it destroy you and send you under if you lost all your material posessions? or would you survive it?
i think it would totally destroy me....my soul would be crushed and my house of cards would come falling down....i dont own many material posessions, hardly any cept a computer, but if i lost that, i ...

 How do people get bipolar?
Was they born with it or something, I been hearing people getting it when they where a kid or something. How do people get bipolar disorder....

 Im negative?
Im negative about myself is that a bad thing??
Additional Details
Everyone puts me down y not just do it to myself??...

 How can i put myself to sleep without feeling tired?
i hate to take medicine to help me sleep. i have alot on my mind. i am a ...

 How long does it take to get over death?
my grandfather died 8 days ago. he was 90 and had alzheimers so it wasn't unexpected. he was the first person i've ever known to die and i had a really hard time for the first few days and ...

 Do you think Depression gives you a kick in the @rse to do more in life?

Have you ever experience extreme anxiety, stress, and severe depression all at the same time?
How bad had it gotten. How did you deal with it.

Yes. I actually am just somewhat conquering that. It got so bad that if the right person would have walked in front of me, i would have put him in ICU. I have anger problems and when i am under extreme anxiety, stress, and i am depressed i could kill u today and not think anything of it. Which is not cool, cause i'm one of the nicest polite people you'll ever meet. I'm dealing with my problems by writing in my journal. And i have support from my boyfriend.

Sean B
Yes, it's very common actually. Anxiety and depression usually go together and stress is a main cause of it. You are like millions of Americans. Go see a psychiatrist who can prescribe good medication for this. They can also recommend a counselor to help you deal with your problems.

yes i have, i just decide to go for a walk or talk to my best friend or take a shower

yes, I have and I don't handle it well. What I usually do is cut myself.

No one
Yes, I had all 3 at the same time. It got to the point I
had to be hospitalized, because I tried suicide.

I have been on a host of meds., but now I am on 6 that help
me alot. I also can't sleep so I take stuff for that as

I deal with it by going to counseling once a week. And I
have hobbies - I take pictures and I am doing a scrapbook.
It helps to get out and do "SOMETHING" if you know what I

ya, i think everyone does

Yes, during he last two presidential elections.

Wow it must be pretty tough for you to have this all at the same time. Maybe you should talk with a friend about this, or go to a specialist. Anyway, good luck and hopefully you'll get well soon.

-when the going gets rough like that-i just throw a few plates

sOuL dOcToR
I saw a friend of mine in that condition and I gave him the Homeopathic remedy BRYONIA ALBA 30 he was feeling better 15 minutes after taking it and after taking it for about a week he says he is cured of all ANXIETY ,STRESS & DEPRESSION plus he says he had a joint swelling problem which happens of and on he says now that is cured too !
As a Homeopath I will prescribe BRYONIA ALBA 30 3 drops in a sip of water thrice a day half hour before meals.
Take care and God Bless !

For me I did and I ended up in the hospital for attempted suicide, I still have alittle bit of everything but I'm alive

Yes, I think I have experienced all 3 at once. My family almost had me hospitalized but determined I wasn't a danger to myself or anyone else. I know I increased the SSRI I was on, and I think my doctor added something for sleep too. Eventually it passed, but it was a horrible couple of weeks.

well.. mine is the same as Goody2shoes8553. I end up cutting myself too!

Yes, and I just kind of bear with it you keep living and the world keeps turning so go somewhere and wait it out. If you can get alone scream let it all out until you cant no more. I break stuf scream and cry like a big baby and then I go to sleep.

yes i have but may not all the same time i take paxil best advice i will say is see your doctor good luck

never even heard of this, as I am medico I never see a patient with all this at same time.

mom of 2
When my mother died,I went and got on Zoloft,took a half of a pill per day for 6 mths.yrs later,my anxiety levels are under control only on a rare occasion do they sneak up. It's a horrible feeling

Check out ( http://www.reducingstress.net ) there are really good articles and information on that site. Also the stresseraser is a great product, you can find it at (http://www.buystresseraser.com )

Yes I do but I finally went to the doctor bacause I was also suicial and was diagnosed with depression and put on the highest dosage of Zoloft and it has helped quite a bit all thought it is common to have up and down moments in life especially if your a female. Two weeks before your monthly cycle. Write down in Journal when this occurs and what has happend in your life when it occurs for a few weeks and you should see a pattern if. If its just a monthly thing or all the time and it never goes away you should talk to your doctor and get some feedback from him/her about what to do.

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