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 What in the world would cause this to happen??!!??
Yesterday, i went to pick up my son from school for a dr. app. and while i was walking up to the door, all of a sudden i got this feeling that i was at the wrong school. So i started to question ...

 How do you fight lazziness?

 Dont you wish sometimes to curl up in a ball and die?

 Why am i depressed? is it because there are things i cant change? or is it because im ill?
to clarify. would i be depressed if everything was ok.. so am i just p*ssed off?
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you lovely kind people thanks. i cant do anti depressants. im fighting it . sometimes ...

 My fiance was a kidnap victim, who was raped and beaten for two years. She now suffers from PTSD..any advice?
I would like to know how to handle this delicately. The man responsible will be out of prison October of next year, and we will have to face him in court to make it ok for me to legally adopt the ...

 Is there anyone who can reassure me please?
i feel lost and i dont know who i am. i need hope. what if everything in my life goes wrong? i feel so alone, please help :-( thank you xxx
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aged 14, not on medicines, ...

 What is not good to do while sleeping?

 Im depressed. I think. I cant think a happy thought at all. Why?
Im 19 years old. I still live at home. I dont go out, i dont do anything fun. I dont have any friends in town, they all went off to college. Basically i have no friends. I go to a job i hate and i am ...

 What do i do in this situation? Preferably adults answer please!?
Ok so my fiancee and i are having problems. I am ADHD, and sometimes i cannot control the way I act. I am controlling and very demanding i dont listen and im mean. I hate this so much I cry everyday. ...

 If you see a homeless person who appears to be 'crazy', how do you think s/he became that way?
Do you think that life on the street did that to him or her, OR do you think that a mental problem led him/her to the street?...

 Someone burned my hair?
a group of idiotic boys burned my hair yesterday. it wasn't alot of hair that was burned off but what pisses me off is i dont even know these people and they just thought it would be funny to ...

 Why do people lie?

 I have a presentation to do in front of 50 people and im shy, if i get drunk before it will it make it easier?

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 Is it normal?
is it normal to be your own worst enemy? like, i hear a voice in my head thats a little like mine, but it trys to get me to do stuff, like, asking out a girl, or doing something crazy-uber. i dont ...

 Does MADNESS prevent INSANITY??
I know you may think i'm contradicting myself, but if you think about it.....Those people who are a little mad in their daily lives, like doing stupid acts and unexpected things such as doing a ...

 Are anti-depressants really the answer?
I have been going through some really difficult times with my marriage, my family and myself for some time.
My wife and I have been seeing different psychologists plus we go to two different ...

 Ok so what do u think of cutting if it is not done for attention, not done to kill ones self...read more.....?
okay so like if someone had been cutting only they did it like on their stomachs or somewhere where clothes covered it and someone accidentaly saw it and they said that the cutter had been doin it ...

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 Is it safe to just double my medication?
I take anti-depressant Efexor (xl) 150mg daily but I feel really low. Is it safe to just double my dose until I can get to a doctor?

amit g
I have a one questions my mind is very depressed. my mind thinks always.?
i think i have two minds working in same time. one mind say one thing and second say other thing. i am very confusrd. what should i do?

See a doctor fast. Sounds alot like schizophrenia which is very serious.

apparaju j
depression is always due to not adjusting to some situation.

do you know that the human mind is the fastest in the world-- ? all of us tend to get confused and i dont think you should conclude that there is some cause for concern . Pray to God for clarity of thought. 2. whenever the mind tries to wander and dwells on some unpalatable issues , say a particular prayer -just chant the name of God-- you will find that you are much more at peACE-. ONE IMPORTANT THING IS WE MUST REMEMBER THAT THIS LIFE IS SHORT AND WE OWE IT TO OURSELVES TO KEEP GOOD MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH. constant . focussed effort to forget unlikeable issues will rectify the situation. all the best. look for some productive diversions and hobbies like reading , music etc..,

Manjunath G
This is common thing every suffers, even i too had this problems. While working on one my mind used to think something that is not related to the work that i was performing.... this is due lack of concentration..... i got the answer to this by doing Dyana twice in a day.... try it out it might help you

I too have similiar experience personally. seek medical help and counseling, although i tried hard to fight this emotional disorder it is something i could not do on my own, and that feeling made me feel more helpless sinking into deeper depression.

all i can say is that i am so much better today than i was four years ago and can even think clearly most of the time.

Go see a doctor for professional help.

Go to see a doctor....it could be one of 3 things, each needs help....So yes, go seek their opinion...

I don't know if this can help or not, but take this quiz that helps determine if you are truly depressed..http://www.yourtimeforchange.com/symptoms.asp

Gestalt therapy is good for this.

Hi amit

your question is one of big thing which exist from the prehistoric times. recollect adam and eve time,when the serpent asked eve to eat the apple she had two mind whether to eat it or not...

like wise,not only you many of us even me i have this problem before starting a work

be an optimist and believe yourself and trust in God is the only solution

meditate and try to increase your concentration

your problem is solved

U didn't mention abt ur doubt. But if ur mind works fortwo things at a time, then first set ur mind and feel the importance of the doubt more prior. If u feel something is more imp. than the other , then solve it first and den swtch over to the other.

Thinking doesn't make u depressed , it's the negative thinking which makes u depressed.

Be positive and u'll feel that the whole world is urs.



See a psychiatrist fast.

x x
seek a professional.. it seems you maybe experiencing split personality ..or not ,but just to make sure..

concentrate on the work u do, if u have two minds go with the one which u think is right.... to come out of this please do meditation it will help u a lot....

thats a simple thing, nothing to worry, everyone will have this situation. we think with 2 minds which contradict with each other. Just for ur satisfaction u can visit a psychiatrist near ur place.

ur problem is solved.
Good luck.

bilahari a
dont get tensed, every human being have only one mind. and this mind can play anything it wants. dont concentrate on ur problem. always be free and relaxed.

meditate every day for 10 - 15 minutes by concentrating on ur breathing. do the same thing when u go to bed.

try u to engage in something always. laugh, talk, make some nuisance and celebrate each moment.

if the mind is going beyond ur control, just watch the way it going, dont try to control. dont give stress to ur mind. then it will slowly come back to you

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