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 How do i cope with the death of my dad?
any ideas how im ment feel or is feeling numb normal
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thank you for all your kind words it's going be hard 2 ...

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its ok dont be ascared!! xxx x x x x
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Lauren R
I think I have a problem... what's wrong with me?
I think I might be depressed. I have very severe lows which end up with me sitting in the shower cutting myself with my razor while crying. The cuts aren't that deep but they hurt like hell and bleed for ages. It's got so bad that I don't even want to be alive sometimes anymore. I used to cry a lot but these days, I only cry when I bottle my emotions up and let them explode when I'm by myself. I also have a problem with my body and my weight, and have made myself sick frequently lately.
The thing is that I have really terrifying mental episodes sometimes where I scream really loud in my bedroom lying on the floor and laugh manically while crying at the same time. This happened at school once and really freaked out my friends. I've left threatening messages to people on my mirror while enduring this e.g 'Die'... 'F**k out of my life'.
I've been under a lot of stress lately and maybe this contributes to this but I just want to know what's wrong with me?
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Thanks everyone... problem is, I can't go to a doctor because that would involve telling my Grandmother, who I already tried to explain this to, but she told me I was being selfish and I needed to do some serious growing up. Needless to say, that didn't help.

One thing is that you are not crazy a lot of people go through these struggles everyday and it is not worth killing or hurting yourself over... I would strongly suggest that you get a therapist because it sounds like you need to talk to some one and please don't stress about your weight you are buetiful in you own way and don't make yourself sick because of that there are better ways to deal with things
well I really hope that I helped and I you have any questions or you just wanna talk then you can e-mail me.
P.S. I use to be like that so I know what you are going through

it sounds like you have depression and you really need to get help. Go to a doctor and describe these same symptoms to him and he should give you medication that can help.

Mich K
OK first of all, chill. You really need to chill. Why would you cut yourself if it hurts? Just do exercise n youl be happy.

i can relate to that..don't be scared, i think they're severe mood swings...ask your parents (do they know about this?) to see a therapist...that will help to diagnose what it is...

i.m. me on aim
i feel the same way

Sounds like you are depressed. Maybe you should confront a friend, family member, psychiatrist. Hopefully it is a phase. Don't be so negative!

i dont care what your grandma says! you need help! please get it before its to late. you need to see a profesional about this. With time and proper treatment, it will get better.

vaughn favrua
you need to talk about it. let others help you. motivation and determination to get better. believe in yourselfand like me and others we will help you

Aubreigh aka The Female T-Pain
Everybody has problems. Maybe you should go see a doctor!

Wow..you really sound like you're depressed.

I know I might sound a bit like a broken radio, but I suggest you go get some counseling.

Even I had those dumb, stupid days where I felt totally wretched about everything in life. Getting though is just a matter of staying positive, no matter how annoying it seems.
Show them damn stressful days who's boss!

Don't cut yourself though, self inflicted pain ain't helping..no way.
That's all..just an opinion of a med student..

master of deception
you need to go check that out, not may people say random manatic things for no reason. just go check it out, (therapist)
hope that helps =]

You just need to relax babe. Stop it with the razor, your going to get an infection :-(. Heres what you need to do: dont fret about your weight- if your too skinny; eat. If you think you are overweight; then do NOT starve yourself (it has even been proven to make people FATTER!), go slow and eat healthy, small portions of meals with only about one or two (AGAIN HEALTHY) snacks a day. Keep it cool. Manage your time with homework ( you mentioned school...and homework can lead to stress) read a lot, find something you like to do, take bubble baths, go outside. Just RELAX. You sound pretty depressed- but people can get out of depression and you can too! All you have to do is relax, focus on important things in life, manage your time, get your sleep, and eat healthy. Not to mention, find a really good friend and talk to them. Tell them EVERYTHING. Do not bottle things up inside- cause then you WILL explode. Take it easy. Good luck and
Best wishes. :-)

you need to seek help .where e you can talk to some one professionally that can help you not to hurt yourself or others

The same exact thing happened to me at the beginning of this year. I asked my mom if I could see a psychiatrist to go on medication and I was diagnosed with depression as well as anorexia. You should definitly see someone because that is not normal and it's really too hard to go through it alone. trust me i know.

I think you should talk these problems over with your parents and please for the love of yourself, please, please,please seek out a counsler, even if it is the school counsler! They will be able to HELP you better then anyone else because they are TRAINED to deal with problems like yours! Even if you are experimenting with drugs(which can lead to these types of problems)......you need to get help! And remember that you are very important to everyone around you and they will help support you....much better attention then cutting yourself!

There's nothing wrong with you. It sounds like you are in a very stressful situation or you are very unhappy with your live. This happens to me sometimes, and although the cutting can help sometimes, it's not the right thing to do. I would advise you to either see a counselor or find another way to vent your feelings. You could write in a diary, or take a walk when you get angry. You could even focus all that energy and anger to do well in a sport or physical activity.

go to a therapist!!!! people on a computer cant tell u whats wrong with u. If u are cutting yourself u are mentally ill and need to seek professional treatment.

Yea I'd DO HER
Somebody call a shrink

Big TOm
Exercise can really help. I understand that no one likes to exercise, but just try running for a week and see how you feel. Good luck. Do this before going to a doctor to get hooked on drugs. 76% of depression cases can be solved/controlled by exercise.

I think it's best that you seek psychological help a.s.a.p. before you hurt yourself anymore

therapy is the answer

It sounds like depression or you may even have a Bipolar disorder if you go from extreme highs to extreme lows...talk to an adult about it and the reason I'm saying that is because if you need help, and this is just the beginning. i recommend you let someone you know and trust very well first about your feelings. Just a thought.

aw im really sorry. i think you should get a therapist. they can certatinly help you with any problems your having withyourself. whether its self-esteem or anything! please dont cut yourself. its not going to make things any better. and its good to let out your emotions dont keep them in.

Jessica W
This is not something that can NOT be solved online.
FIRST! If you are cutting yourself you need to find a more constructive way to manage your emotions. For now I would suggest calling a suicide hotline. These are national numbers...
1-800-SUICIDE 1-800-273-TALK
1-800-784-2433 1-800-273-8255
If you do cut yourself, GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM!

Also, I would access your insurance plan and obtain provider list for social workers/psychologist/psychiatrist. There is nothing wrong with having a problem, everyone does. Its not managing it properly that becomes the issue.

Please I urge you to speak to someone, anyone. If you do not have insurance, you are at school there are social workers and/or a psychologists you can speak to. This could be a life or death situation.

see a psychiatrist

cutting is beyond depression. you should see your family doctor for a check up first of all. then he/she may send you for tests or to a specialist/psychologist/psychiatrist. It could be a chemical imbalance, could be stress, could be many other things. You need to have it checked.

You should really discuss this with your doctor.

go to the doctors.. they will help u hun..
also go to ur counselor.. at school or something.

Kiki Nicole
go to the doctor.

people that cut themselves NEED HELP.

Cutting yourself? Random outbreaks?
I'm sure theres a better answer for this but all I can say is that you're suffering from depression. You may want to get some anti-depressants.

Ok seriously people, some of your answers are sick. "You're not cutting deep enough." Or "You're ok for an insane person." You guys this isnt a joke. GROW UP.

You could be bipolar..Or manic depressive. You should go see a doctor for the correct diagnosis

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