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 What will the hospital do if you cough up blood?

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lets just say that this was caused by something not because it just started automatically. i know why it is happening but i want to know what the hospital will do?...

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Coughing up blood?
Hi. I have a friend who has, on two occassions, coughed up blood. She is not bulemic or anorexic, and as far as she knows, is healthy. She has no other symptoms or pain, but this is the 2nd time that it has happened. She also tells me that it is more than a few teaspoons when she does cough it up. We're in college, and the Medical Services Office is closed today. It opens tomorrow at 8 AM. Should she just wait until tomorrow morning, or should we go to the emergency room? I don't want anythingto happen to her.


Be there @ 8 unless she does it again tonite then go to the ER!

I think I would call the hospital and ask them.

call your local ask-a-nurse phone number. They will know for sure. Could be a burst capilary but could be something else. Has she been eating raw spinach?

Please get her to a hospital or doctor now. I started coughing up blood when I was in hospital with pneumonia and got really upset cos my dad died of lung cancer and this was one of his symtoms. I was lucky that mine was because of the pneumonia.

Go. Now. You are her friend, convince her that the time is now.

Well, I think she should go to the emergency room. I think coughing up blood is pretty serious.

seek medical attention as soon as possible --

tx lady
do a search on hemoptysis and it should take you to medlineplus. there is a list of various things that cause a person to cough up blood. I have sever lung problems and I do that quite a often, scares the heck out of you when it happens. my pulmonary Dr. told me unless it was a large volume or you didn't stop, then you should worry, but she should see a Dr. asap and have chest x-rays done.

Aubri M
Coughing up blood is one of the symptoms of tuberculosis (TB). If it has been more than a week since this has happened, then you need to take her to the emergency room now.

does she smoke? is she somokes marbro's and then smokes newports that can make u cough up blood.. but if not i would take her to the er

go go go now to the emergency room

Fleur de Lis
Yes definately the ER! Hopefully it isn't anything serious, but its worth going.

Jen G
She isn't healthy if she is coughing up blood. Go to the ER!

More than a few tspoons is a lot of blood to be coughing up and since am no MD would not begin to guess as to what may be the cause. I would go to the Emergency Room simply because at the Hospital esp the Emergency Room they will do , including tests to determine the cause and they have all the equipment right thee in the hospital. If you wait and go to the Medical Services Office the cause of this blood may be worsening(showing no symptons) and they can't possible have the sophisticated equipment required to track down the cause and more than likely will refer to specialist.Why not be safe and go esp since neither of you know whats going on and to the place where they can find out whats wrong. I hope she isn't secretly vomiting food for that will weaken the veins(arteries?) to the point where they will Suddenly Hemorrage and then it is Vital she get immediate medical treatment-can be fatal. I'd go simply to avoid something getting more serious, get a diagnosis and Know what is going on-I hate not knowing and will go where I can find out. The best of luck

Go straight to the emergency room immediately, And don't listen to anyone here just toe hospital doctor for god sake!

yes take your butt to the ER sounds like either a infection or TB, until you know you need to wear a mask

I would go to the ER.

Go to the emergency room NOW!! Sounds like TB

Go to the hospital or at the very least call the consulting nurse at the hospital.

Anon Y. M
go to the emergency room now

If the two occasions were today, yes she should go to the hospital. If the first was quite some time ago, she should be okay, but should go to the hospital if she experiences anything more severe. Or another blood coughing episode.

If you cough up blood, it comes from your lungs and not your stomach, so anorexia or bulimia would not have anything to do with it. TB is only one cause for coughing up blood, which is called "hemoptysis," by the way.

Personally, I'd consider the first time a curiosity and the second time a warning that something is seriously wrong. You never know when the third time will come or how bad it will be. I have known people to die from hemoptysis, so you decide if it's serious or not. It's not the kind of thing you can just put a Band Aid on and hold under pressure until it stops.

You can ~probably~ wait until Monday morning, but that's your friend's call. It depends on how much actual blood she coughed up.

You can use "hemoptysis" as a search term and find thousands of articles on the subject.

You can also go directly to http://www.pulmonologychannel.com/hemoptysis/ which I find to be an excellent review that should help you in your decision.

Emergency room ASAP


she should get to an emergency room right away.
never mess with your lungs or copious amounts of unexplained blood.

mary lynn
I did this twice in one day one time too, i puked out blood. It was because i had a nose bleed the night before. Nothing was wrong. but its proalby not like that for your friend, Id say its better to be safe than sorry

Luv Bug
well if u care about here take her but into the hospital and make her better and if she hates u for that she will be glad l;ater on for saving her life

Go to the emergency room, that isn't healthy!

She has consumption, also known as tuberculosis. I suggest you take her to the emergency room immediately or she'll die. Zachary Taylor, our previous racist president, died of consumption, but today it can be treated.

♥ lani s
Coughing of blood is an ibdication of a respiratory tract involvement. Though TB is a well known association to it, there are quite number of other causes to it as well. Anyway, a spoon of blood quite causes some level of concern. She is bleeding inside and it should be known as it imposes great danger so you have to see a doctor immediately and have Chest X-ray done. For the meantime be cautious as it may be an infectious disease and if that is the case you need check up afterwards too especially if you have been in close contact with your friend recently.

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