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 Within how much time will it take to die if you stop breathing?

 Will the ban on smoking make u stop well i say not me?

 I have been diagnosed with COPD with bronchitis. I have had numerous chest x-rays taken and ct scans done.?
My last trip to the hospital I was told I had been exposed to asbestos a long time ago and my lungs are gone. Why didn't anyone tell me before about the asbestos scarring in my lungs.Did the ...

 Besides quitting, what can you do to overcome coffee bean allergy?
Is there anything that might overcome or neutralize the reactions?...

 I have quit smoking but a month down the line i am getting bad lung and chest pains?
I hav not heard of this side affect. is this good, bad? please help>?...

 If a patient accedidently got A- blood when they where O+ what would happen?

 Do you smoke your cigarettes in your mouth or you nose?
if i smoked i would smoke through my nose because it is cooler....

 Do you feel free when you quit smoking cigarettes?

 Trouble breathing?
I've been having trouble breathing for a couple of days now. I'm not sure if it's asthma, because if I'm not mistaken, asthma is when you have trouble breathing out (correct me if ...

 Smoking question?
I am a non-smoker. I only smoke when I am depressed. I would get a lung pain the next day if I smoke the whole pack at a time. Is this a sign of lung cancer?...

 CPR; during cardiopulmonary resuscitation why would nurse have to locate xyphoid process?
(nurse must plae one finger on xyphoid process and other hand just above the lower half of sternum)
what complication would arise if the nurse places hand on xyphoid process
Additional D...

 How to stop dry cough?
I am very sick, I feel something is stuck in my trouth. I tried to throw-up but couldn't I tried honey with lemon still coughing all the time this started from today morning. I drink medicene ...

 I'm sick. Chest pain, severe sore throat, difficulty breathing...what should I do?
I have been sick since Tuesday, and have just gotten worse. I have a severe sore throat, chest pain, difficulty breathing, blood in my mucus occasionally, vomiting, trouble swallowing, and my resting ...

 How can I stop smoking?

 Can you have anxiety while working out?
I often have trouble breathing. I have/had sleep apnea but had surgery for it. I'm 5'4 and about 120 - 125 lbs, so I'm not overweght. I've taken tests for asthma several times (...

 Husband diagnosed with COPD...?
He is 37, had never smoked a day in his life and was diagnosed with it in March of this year after a biopsy. The drs have told us that he has had it for at least the last 5 years. They are giving ...

 Help my asthma is really bad, do you know why???
About a month ago my asthma got really bad, I mean bad. When it happened I was at a relatives house in the boonies, so I had to suffer for a while before getting to a doctor. I don't know why, ...

 How does Vicks vaporub work?
what action do the vapors do?...

 What is the best way to relieve fatigue?

 I have a cold and i want to get better! Please help?
I have the common cold (mucus, cough here and there) and I'm leaving on Friday to NYC for New Year's and I need to get better!!!!! It started a week ago and it wasn't as bad, I was ...

Help my mother is toxicated?
ok well my mom was cleaning the bathroom and she used all these products not sure whitch but i know one is called ajax after she was done cleaning 3 hours later she began to felt dissy and hey eyes were vary irritated and her chest felt swollen she also vommited a few times after that now shes laying in bed coughing and sneezing talking in a low tone what should she do those chemicals are not mean to be dlelibritley inhaled through our lungs and what can cure it or help,slow down the preocess

let her drink something hot and to breath fresh clean air from out side the house
i hope she gets batter

YOu need to get her to the hospital so she can be taken care of . I hope shes gets better . But get her to a doctor soon . hope shes gets better soon.

If she mixed a few cleaners (Bleach and ajax or any bowl cleaner) Then she created Chlorine gas.

Its very very toxic and it can kill. Granted it smells really really bad and its very very hard to breath it.

I would take her to your local ER asap.

Better safe then going to a funeral

take her to the hospital immediately
you dont want to risk it

she probably mixed chlorine bleach with ammonia - a big no-no. get her plenty of ventilation and if she's still ill tomorrow take her to the doctor.

Dr. ER
call poison control. they can help


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