i just got got tested and the little red dot is 8cm
and just a tad bit raised they said i might be + so they did
a 2ed test it's been about 8 hoursand their's just a little mark<...
I recently suffered with sinitus which lasted about 5 days. After that although most of the symptoms cleared I still find the pain /pressure in my sinus's wont completey subside. Has anyone else ...
Can I practise pranayama even if I have a nasal problem due to which I cannot breathe though both nostrils equally? My right nostril is often blocked a bit. Will doing pranayama be okey for me since ...
i have got some temaepam tablets but i am quite worried to take because some docs say yes and others say no, please can somebody give me some advice because im finding it very difficult to sleep, i ...
I had a cold this weekend, and today I had a horrible cough and runny nose. Then this afternoon my ears started feeling plugged up. Now one of them is so plugged I can barely hear out of it. It feels ...
Well, toward the end of May, I started getting a bad cough/mucus, and the feeling that my throat had closed up slightly and was pretty dry, so i had slight breathing problems. It wasn't ...
Just recently a problem. The best I can describe is it's worst when I'm sitting and now a bit bad when I'm laying down. Feels like there is some pressure from my belly area that's ...
A really weird thing happened to me about three times. When I first fall asleep I fee my self stop breathing. Then something tells me to start breathing again. I feel like I am going to die in my ...
My throat is starting to feel a little sore and I was wondering if any of you knew of any quick way to relive this with stuff found from around the house or common household medications I might be ...
Quite often, l read ads about why one should stop smoking, and quite frankly too, my eyes find it difficult to sometimes read a simply line on a paper, unless l back it up further from my eyes, is ...
I don't know much about wheezing
but i do know that Wheeze was George Jefferson's wife
Vesna G
You can know by hearing the sound
it's a noise heard when you try to breath out against collapsing airways. You can do it yourself if you force a breath out and keep going - the high pitched almost whistling sound at the end is a wheeze. However, in patients with lung disease such as bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma, the wheeze is more prominent and heard continually, not just on forced expiration. It's not always as loud though, and sometimes is audible only with a stethoscope.
One entry found for wheeze.
Main Entry: 1wheeze
Pronunciation: 'hwEz, 'wEz
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): wheezed; wheez·ing
Etymology: Middle English whesen, probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse hvæsa to hiss; akin to Old English hw[AE]st action of blowing, Sanskrit svasiti he blows, snorts
1 : to breathe with difficulty usually with a whistling sound
You can Hear the sound.
Wheezing is a real PITA, I can distrupt your sleeping
Jeffersons wife was Weesy for Louise
Wheezing is a high-pitched whistling sound during breathing. It occurs when air flows through narrowed breathing tubes.Wheezing is a sign that a person may be having breathing problems. The sound of wheezing is most obvious when exhaling (breathing out), but may be heart when taking a breath (inhaling).Wheezing most often comes from the small bronchial tubes (breathing tubes deep in the chest), but it may be due to a blockage in larger airways or in those with certain vocal cord problems.