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 I feel a little sore throat coming on!
My throat is starting to feel a little sore and I was wondering if any of you knew of any quick way to relive this with stuff found from around the house or common household medications I might be ...

 Does tobacco really make someone blind as l have cause to read in a government warning about smoking?
Quite often, l read ads about why one should stop smoking, and quite frankly too, my eyes find it difficult to sometimes read a simply line on a paper, unless l back it up further from my eyes, is ...

 A sore throat that starts in the early evening into the night. have had for 2-3 months.?

 What are the side effects of smoking weed?

 I am having a panic attack what do i do?

 How can one improve your lung capacity when its at 17%?
My best friend's mom is really sick... according to the doctor she has 17% of her lung capacity left. Is there ANY way of improving this? She walks around with some oxygen...but I really wish ...

 Has Anyone been diagnosed with sleep apnea?

 What do you think about 'passive' smoking ?
I grew up in a small house with two smokers on 40 a day each. Everyone at school thought it was me that smoked because I smelled of it which was annoying. The house was totally impregnated with ...

 Sinus Infection. Please Read!?
Ok. I went to visit my mom for the weekend then I started to feel weird. My head would always feel light and I would feel tingly and ichy all over my head. My ears keep clogging up and every noise ...

 If left untreated does bronchitis turn into pnumonia?

 I have bronchitis?
I am 29 years old, i smoke socially (20 x per week) which I will never do again. My sister emailed me to say that people come down with bronchitis usually have other health problems. She is ...

 My friend has started smoking cigars?
my friend has started smoking cigars, where could he be getting them from he is way underage.. like 16.. and looks ...

 I have cough and no ins. what's the best method to get rid of this cough?
I can't sleep at night, I take Robitussium, Nyquill and they don't even work. It's been 1 month now....

 When I shout or laugh too hard, I always get some breathing problems afterwards. HELP!?
I always get the feeling that there is phlegm in my throat, at the windpipe area. Breathing becomes pretty difficult, cause I get the feeling that I can't fill up my lungs.

This ...

 Inhaled Food?
I was just eating some grapes and when I bit into one it sort of 'exploded' and the mushy inside slid back down my throat. For a second I couldn't breathe (I certainly didn't ...

ive just been the doctors and been diagnosed with asthma, he explained it all to me but i didnt catch it all (hes foreign) can anybody explain to me what astma is? and what causes it?...

 What's the best way to cure laryngitis?
I'm recovering from a terrible infection that caused me to totally lose my voice. I'm taking antibiotics and it's getting better, but I need my voice! I know that time is the best ...

 I feel sick when im in my house if i leave for a while i feel better, No one else in the house feels sick???
could it be mold or mildow
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if so who do i call???...

 Can you get pulminary fibrosis by taking steroids for some forms of artritis?

 How to stop myself snoring? I snore sometimes and i'm not aware of it! Pls help!!?

James Bond
I have a frog in my throat. How do I get it out?

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And um....how exactly is she going to kiss it if it's in my throat Luu?

a frog??? WOAHH.
you should go see a doctor quick.
or try and make you bring it up, dont swallow it!

RIP Timmy
First of all...I sure hope you don't mean a REAL frog...if you did, then why did you put it there? If you really mean that you feel like you have something stuck in your throat or that you can't breath or talk right-then try to drink some water to see if it work. When my throat gets a "frog" in it, I drink some hot tea with honey in it. It makes me feel so much better because the heat from the tea is bringing the swelling down and the honey is coating your throat which is making if not feel so scratchy or sore.

Hope this helps.

John Mc
Try dangling a fly outside of your mouth and see if it goes for it.

Put a female frog in your mouth to attract the other one out of your throat.

Have a princess kiss it ...see what happens..

your a guy figure it out..

see Kev has the idea....Now Sil that just sounds gross..lol

Swallow hard. It will come out eventually!

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