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 How to stop myself snoring? I snore sometimes and i'm not aware of it! Pls help!!?

 What is pcp?
My friends all want me to do it.
But im scared to.
i know that its bad. but is it really bad?
im really highhhhhhh right now

 Help my mother is toxicated?
ok well my mom was cleaning the bathroom and she used all these products not sure whitch but i know one is called ajax after she was done cleaning 3 hours later she began to felt dissy and hey eyes ...

 Eczema and asthma?
does anyone know what the best deodrant to buy for an 11year old child who suffers bad eczema and asthma....

 My girlfriend has a kidney infection?
Do you know a good remedy for her to use?...

 Best Medicine For Cold?
I am starting to come down with a cold I am in high school and can't afford to be slowed down evrything on my head (ears nose throat eyes) burn and it wakes me up in the middle night and gives ...

 What is the best antibiotic for a sinus infection?
I have had a sinus infection for about 2 months now.. I went to the Dr. over 2 weeks ago and was given an antibiotic and antihistime..a week later i was back cause there was no progress.. they ...

 Worse places to live with asthma?
i live in st. louis. what states in america are the best and worse places to live with having chronic asthma?...

 What are the effects of Nicotine, Carbon Monoxide and Tar if you start smoking?

 Can quitting smoking have the short term effect of tightening ur throat so u cant control ur singing voice?
i have to sing at a wedding on sunday, so i've greatly reduced my smoking the last couple of days. problem is, i feel as if my throat is now even MORE constrained and i have less control of my ...

 Do prescription medicines help with physical symptoms of quitting smoking?
I've been smoking a pack a day for three years and believe it's time to quit. It's hard, but I can handle the psychological problems. I'm having trouble with the physical symptoms....

 How do u get rid of a bad cough?

 Hard to breathe when walking stairs?
i m quite sporty and fit so its got nth to do with like if i m fat of not
altho sometimes when i do long distances i run out of breath and like i can't breathe well i can but like REALLY ...

 Within how much time will it take to die if you stop breathing?

 Will the ban on smoking make u stop well i say not me?

 I have been diagnosed with COPD with bronchitis. I have had numerous chest x-rays taken and ct scans done.?
My last trip to the hospital I was told I had been exposed to asbestos a long time ago and my lungs are gone. Why didn't anyone tell me before about the asbestos scarring in my lungs.Did the ...

 Besides quitting, what can you do to overcome coffee bean allergy?
Is there anything that might overcome or neutralize the reactions?...

 I have quit smoking but a month down the line i am getting bad lung and chest pains?
I hav not heard of this side affect. is this good, bad? please help>?...

 If a patient accedidently got A- blood when they where O+ what would happen?

 Do you smoke your cigarettes in your mouth or you nose?
if i smoked i would smoke through my nose because it is cooler....

anthony g
Sinus Infection. Please Read!?
Ok. I went to visit my mom for the weekend then I started to feel weird. My head would always feel light and I would feel tingly and ichy all over my head. My ears keep clogging up and every noise even really low noises hurt my ears. People say it is a Sinus Infection but I do not think so. What is Wrong with me. Is it safe to go to school?

Sinus Infections are really painful. If it is one it can only go away with antibiotics. You need to go to the doctor.

Heather A
it is safe to go to school but call the dr for antibiotics

it sounds like an alergy caused by soemthing from your moms. maybe the trees, or plants, or carpet.
It's best tosee a doctor, and know for sure before taking a lot of useless medicines

Go to a clinic and have it checked out and get antibiotics. A sinus infection generally won't go away without antibiotics. It can lead to a strep throat because that's where the infection drains. A strep throat, if untreated, can give you some se4rious heart problems.

Go to a doctor. I have had numerous sinus infections (I get about one a year...) and the symptoms you describe may describe a sinus infection, or something more severe.

In particular the pain and the itchy issue - I have suffered some pain from noises, but never felt itchy all over my head.

A doctor can provide a correct diagnosis - and if its a simple sinus infection you are fine to go to school.

Better safe than sorry as they say.


Lisa X
Most likely a reaction to your unfamiliar environment. Could be in response to an animal, cleaning supplies, your mom's new perfume even. The sheets you slept in could have been washed in a detergent or fabric softner irritating to you. Your head and sinuses were in contact with them while you slept.
Antibiotics WILL NOT help this problem. They are used for killing the bacteria that tend to grow in the dormant liquid that is clogging your inner ears and sinuses, but leave the liquid. Find the source.

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