while i was 5 years old,i broke a mercury thermometer..back then,i didnt know that mercury is very hazardous,so i just touched the mercury with my hand and i saw lots of it kinda 'enter' my ...
My dear cousin is in stage 4 cancer. I've never asked her what type of cancer she has but it is in many places in her body.
She's just had surgery to remove a mass in her throat. The D...
My Mum has just been diagnosed with adenocarcenoma(excuse spelling) and it has apread all over her body she has been given 3 yrs if she responds to treament and less than 12 mnths if she does not, im ...
I found a lump. It is hardly on my breast, but is on the border of the armpit and breast. My sister convinced me to get it checked out, and the doctor said it was just a gland and since I am younge (...
I just asked the same question but not getting many answers with that headline question. Need to know anything about it, cost, what is in it, is it worth the money, side effects. Any help would be ...
There were about 20 strains of hpv found, including 16 and 18. They did a colposcopy but couldn't see anything so now they want to do an operation to remove most of the cervix, but with no ...
I have had a small whitish colored spott on my forearm for a couple of years. Now that I have been out in the sun and it was 103 two dayss in a row, it resembles a raised pimple. It won't pop or ...
The Doctor used a Scan that was done in August and operated in December. The Cancer had spread beyond the glands and is now terminal. Just wondering about a time frame to live....
I know smoking is unhealthy full stop so dont give me all the risks of smoking, but i was just wondering which ones are the best the have?
x Additional Details
I have a friend who is very sick of cancer and the doctors said that she does not have any hope of recovering. I want to buy her flowers and write a message for her....
Is it possible to have a baby while going through Chemo?
I would say yes to that. I would talk with your doctor about your concerns. He would be the best source of information regarding whether or not your situation could result in pregnancy, possible birth defects, etc.
yes, a few years back when i liked oprah, she had a guest on her show that carried a child full term while undergoing chemo for some type of cancer. she said it was tough but she made it.
I wouldn't advise it! The chemicals from the chemotherapy will cause serious birth defects in the unborn baby. Raising a normal baby is hard enough as it is let alone raising a special needs child.
Either have the baby first and start chemo or get cleared of cancer and then start your family.
It is possible. However, the radiation can be very harmful to the baby. Discuss with your oncologist what the best course of action is for you personally.
Angie P.
I'm sure it's possible, but it's not advisable. The chemicals in chemo can do serious damage to a fetus so it would be best to wait until you've finished treatment and then discuss exactly how long you should wait with your doctor.
Good luck!
You can receive chemo during the 2nd & 3th trimesters, doctors weigh the risk of not treating the cancer against the slight risk of the drugs passing through the placenta. It is not recommended to plan a pregnancy during cancer treatments, get the cancer under control first. I'm 7 months along with a perfectly healthy girl, diagnosed 2 months ago and only one chemo left!
Fish <><
Most doctors would advise against it,because the chemicals can harm the fetus.