find this story disturbing |

contact the police...give them the diary...I am so very sorry for your loss,,,,A mother should NEVER have to bury her child...my heart goes out to you...I wish you and you son peace |

Call the Police straight away!!! |

Thats terriible news... I am honestly speechless. How do you know her grave was vandalized by those people? Did you call the police? I would submit the evidence you have to the police and hopefully those you know whats can get found out and put in their place. |

joanne kebab
there are plenty of support groups go to brevement .com they might be able to help and can i just say my heart goes out to you i know when i lost my little sister 2 years ago and then my Nan not long after to cancer the loss was unbearable i just want you to not think of your daughter as just gone but passed on to her next life think of her as an angel and when you passed on you to will meet again and all the pain your child suffered in this life will be free she will be at peace sometimes when you are on your own just close your eyes and think about all the great memories as i am sure she is watching you and them people that hurt her i am sure they will pay as it says in the bible an eye for an eye my heart goes out to you and i will say a pray for you and ask god to guide you and help you in your time of need |

I don't know how to answer this question, except to send my best wishes to you in your sorrow. My heart goes out to you and your son. Please try to find professional help. |

dream theatre
firstly sorry to here about your daughter and what happened to her grave there nothing anyone can do really but you could look at family for support or get professional help take care darling |

Roxas of Organization 13
You should contact the local authority and show them the diary for proof since they will need some kind of proof.
I apologize to what happened to your daughter. |

Miracle mom
I am truly sorry for you. I would definitely call the police. If you have evidence of who it is, the better the chances of them getting what they deserve and being punished. |

i am sorry to read this.you should report it to the police. |

You me more help that we 'yahooers' can give. If feel for you in your time of need but this is the time to be contacting authority figures and getting some mental help for yourself for letting your daughter go through so much in her short life. |


How totally devastating for you and your family to have the memory of your beloved daughter abused in this way...these moronic individuals are abusing her memory just as they abused her physically when she was a young girl...they cannot be allowed to get away with this...do you have evidence which backs up your notion that they are the ones who vandalised her grave? If so, contact the police, the parish of the church where she is buried, the council, in fact contact as many people as you can to try and get this sorted out and to prevent it happening in future. I am so very very sorry, it must be awful for you and I hope that you and your family will draw comfort from each other. It is such early days for your grieving process and then for this to happen.....don;t let them beat you, don't let them get away with this, and you just remember that they cannot take away all the memories and love of your daughter....they are evil sick b******s. take care of yourself xxx |

im really not sure that this is the place to find the answer for this question. i think you need to talk to the police and also possibly a berevment councellor, try CRUSE maybe they can help. i am sorry that you have had to think about such a terrible thing.
http://www.crusebereavementcare.org.uk/ |

i feel so sorry for you i lost my dad last year to cancer he was only 56 i know how devastating it can be, how do you know that these people did this? |

ask around ask your son does he know anyone close around her also if you find hair strands or DNA near the scene get it tested to see who it belongs to and I also hope faith guides you to the cruel person who done this. P.S. you might wanna call the FBI |

My goodness! Firstly let me pass on my condolences to you! I have recently lost a friend to this same ailment! Horrific!
I cannot believe that some people in this world are so heartless! My thoughts are with you and your son. You both must be horrified!
Report this to the police immediately! You cannot let the scumbags get away wioth this any longer.... According to your daughter's diary - maybe she wasn't the only one effected by this scumbags!!!!
Be strong and do this for your daughter!!
Again my condolences and thoughts are with you and your family.
Take care!
Sorry I have to add this.... some of your answers are giving extremely good advice. The ones who are not - ignore. |

If you have not already let the on site cemetery staff know about this, and also file a police report. |

i dont no what to say but that is aweful-it brings a tear to my eye. some people r so sick and twisted. hope things get easier for u eventually x x |

You have to go to the police take the dairy with you. There is a chance they could be doing it to somebody else. You have to for your daughter and somebody elses daughter. i am so sorry for your lose but you will get through this and they will treat you well. |

First the cemetery is responsible for the grave sight and they should bring in the police. Make copies of the diary and take it to the police. What has happened is a shame and that you are feeling guilty about the whole thing. Some people say you should of known, but many things can happen that we are unaware of, your daughter did not feel safe sharing what was going on. Now you need to begin your life a new your life has been changed and it will never be the same. Do not hold on to the anger and disappointment. |

Carlo B
I feel very soory for you and i hope you find the vandils |

Contact the police. |

sorry for your loss....everyone has given you very good advise.
take the advise you feel comfortable with and proceed with
a police investigation. |

sexy legs
Call the police and show them the diary ... some people are so cruel imagine doing that to a persons resting place , i am saddened by society at times , I do not know what i can say to you to aleviate your pain ..
God Bless you and your son and may your beloved daughter rest in peace ... |

Please call the police. I 'm so sorry for your loss. I hope the police can help you. |

Why are you here instead of calling the police?
Hmmmm? Makes me very suspicious. |

I am sorry for your loss and situation but i feel that this is no place to bring such sorrows .... Sorry ......
*edit* I am sorry that some of u feel i deserve a thumbs down , the reason i don't think that this is the right site for this kind of thing is because there are so many freaks out there that would enjoy to use this kind of information for wrong doing.... My heart does genuinely go out to u ... but please contact the right people ... the police , family , friends , none of us here truly know what u are going thro or have any real idea on how to help u ... U may get given wrong harmful information.... |

i dont think this is the place for you to find solace.
commiserations on your loss!
i must admit i agree with la swap above.
jizzumonk is completely right! |

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