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 I immediately NEED help!?
I have a poly-like sac over the area on my right wisdom teeth. It's a bit tender but it can get painful when you touch it hard.
I only noticed it today, and I'm 12 years old so no ...

 Mercury tooth filling controversy ?
Background: Teeth fillings contain mercury. There is disagreement on whether this can cause mercury poisoning. Most medical professionals seem to think it does not.

Mercury poisoning can ...

 Alternative to a tongue scraper?!?
I live in a country where tongue scrapers/cleaners aren't available yet. Can anyone give me any ideas what could be used as an alternative?...

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 Why am i scared of the dentist?

 Please help me?
i use to have some pretty teeth but all of a sudden my teeth started falle out and everything decaying bad .i had braces on them to have them stratghtn out . but i cannot not understand that could it ...

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I kinda don't wanna wait cuz I'm trying to eat and it hurts!!!...

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 I WAnt to get some braces to make my teeth prettier..does it hurt!?!!?
iwant to get my teeth some braces becit is not aligned ryt..but do they put some holes on your teeth or some silly things???does it hurt..and will it bring a better SMLE??i hope so00..plssanswers..my ...

 Please Help Me?
The past few months after I just moved out of my parents house my teeth have chipped. First was one small one in the front and today one of my lateral incisers chipped. It chipped when I bit down on ...

 Advice on getting braces?
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 Do braces???...?
ok well this friday i am getting braces... do they hurt?? and do they scratch your mouth?? how do i prevent that form happening?? Also what kind of colors do they have??...

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I heard that you can use strawberries to whiten your teeth, but the acid can also damage them...does brushing afterwards compensate for this?...

 Really worried about my Mom???
My Mom has to go in to the dentist tomorrow for what she thinks is an abcess on her tooth. I am really worried about her. She is in much pain and I'm at my dad's house right now and don'...

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Im still scared. tommorow mornings the big day....'wisdoom' teeth?
hi guys

tommorow morning at 7;45 sydney time im scheduled to go under the knife to remove 4 wisdom teeth...

im still so scarred. ....like what if and what if ...you know...like all complications...say this happens.

im only 18 and it will be the first time in hospital for me....

any advice...

like what i should do after the OPeration...

cheers. and may the Lord be with me.

i no exactly how you feel :> yet times it by like 100 as my fear is hospitals!!!! but i sure as hell wasnt gona get them done in the chair either!!!! im 14 but i got mine pulled out last year when i had just turned 13 :> and i had braces (still do) on when they were removed which hurts even more but yer as someone else said the worst thing about going in for the op is not knowing what will be going on so make sure you do your research b4 hand.

dont worry about complications in surgery as this is one of the most practiced ops if you could check the hospital records around 5-20 people in a week get them out!

the really long answer on this question basically gives you a fair idea on what to do :> but please dont use a straw no matter what as this is what will cause the clotting to burst which will start the bleeding again.......and make sure with pain reliever take it when you feel (you will understand when you get them out what i mean) as though the pain is going to begin not once it has started....

but good luck and follow all instructions your orthodontist and surgeon give to you :> and if you are living at home get a parent, if not a partner of friend to pick you up after surgery and to look after you for the first day and if you have any siblings they will probably tease you :> i teased my sister then she teased me so what goes around comes around.

Your nerves are completely normal. I had all four taken out in hospital. Wasn't anywhere near as bad as I had been lead to belive it would be. I had so much pain caused by them it has turned out to be the best thing I ever did. I did end up with nerve damage which you have probably been warned out and still can't feel the right side of my toungue but it is really no issue and no where near as bad as the pain they caused me when I had them. It will all be good.

Wisdom tooth removal is a very common procedure and rest assured that your oral surgeon has done this procedure many times.

No doubt they told you nothing to eat or drink after midnight tonight. If you haven't signed a permit for the procedure, you will sign one tomorrow. After changing in to a gown, the nurse will ask you questions about your allergies and health history, take your temperature and blood pressure and start an IV.

The surgeon may stop in and see you in your room or right before the operation. You will definitely see the anesthesiologist who will go over your allergies again and explain how he will put you to sleep.

About 30 minutes before the procedure you will be taken to the holding room on a cart where they will give you some medications to relax you and make you sleepy. Once they take you in to the operating room you probably won't recall anything until after the procedure.

Once you wake up you will be transferred back to your room where they will take your temperature and blood pressure frequently for the first couple of hours. The nurses will also ask you if you're having any pain and they may check your mouth for any bleeding.

Later on in the day you will be allowed to drink liquids and then advance to a soft diet. Once you are able to show the surgeon that you can eat and drink and that your pain is under control you will be able to go home.

You will be told to rest for the first few days after the procedure and to rinse out your mouth with salt water. Be sure to follow your surgeon's instructions because if you don't you could develop what's known as a dry socket which is very painful

If you should start bleeding, apply pressure to the area with a bandage until the bleeding stops. A soaked tea bag is used to stop the bleeding as well.

You will see the surgeon a week after the procedure and he will instruct you on what to do next. Good luck.

Scott R
Believe me. Getting wisdom teeth out isn't nearly as bad as you think. Got all 4 cut out a month ago. They put me to sleep. They put an IV in my hand and I was asleep before I knew it. I woke up and it was all done. Your face will be swollen for a few days and you can only eat soft things like ice cream, jello, pudding, mashed potatoes,etc for the first two days. Just relax and take it easy.

Good luck!

My daughter had those wisdom teeth removed in a Sydney hospital.You are worrying for nothing.Yes there was a bit of swelling for several days later .The staff were great and gave great pain relief so all the best and do not worry as every thing will be ok.After the operation only have foods through a straw and rinse your mouth out with warm salty water for sometime.

stainless steven
The worst aspect is not knowing. You will not feel a thing- so go on with confidence. You are suffering much more due to lack of knowing.

Do not worry about anything dear, take it easy. I also had four taken out, although not all at the same time. The fourth one took a long time because the root was hooked so the dentist had to break it into four pieces so it would be easier to extract. BUT I came out of this all in one piece. DO NOT WORRY. I did not experience any difficulties after that. You will be given meds for the pain and also to stop any bleeding from occurring. I did not have any excessive bleeding due to the meds.

I will say a little prayer for you.......

You will be so out of it from the meds,that you won't know what hit you. It has been pr oven that if you take the pain medicine before the pain gets bad, it will work better than waiting until it gets so bad you can't stand it. So,after the surgery, get that script filled and take one soon. You will need less pain medicine after the surgery. Take it easy, and follow all the doctor's post op instructions. They even use medicine so you won't remember anything that happened during the surgery.

Melissa :]
It's okay to feel scared- that's a normal human emotion especially with what you're going through. Just take a few deep breaths and think about this: the doctors are professionals and have done this sort of operation many times. If there are complications in the way, then the doctors will take care of it.
I've been in hospitals before and they're not scary, just cold to stop bacteria from traveling around. Just calm down a bit, and let this operation be in the Lord's hands. He will take great care of you and make sure you are not harmed because you are one of his children.

Good Luck.

get your mum/ dad / partner/ friend to make you lots and lots of jelly.
I only had one taken out earlier this year (I'm 17) but it hurt soo much. I only had it taken out at the dentist tho under local anaesthetic which wore off after an hour.. :'(
but since your going to the hospital it won't hurt as much (as ive been told by my mates)
annd don't play with the holes from where your teeth were- it may make it bleed again :(

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