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 How come its ok to call people too skinny but its not ok to call people fat??????
People say im too skinny all the tym and its really annoying as i eat what i want and stay the same weigh, but if i turn round to them and said that their fat its not ok and they n people say oh my ...

 Which should I quit first...my 4 pack a day cigarette habit or the 12-14 Coca Cola's I drink per day?

 So, am I fat?
Sometimes I feel so fat and ugly...so I wanted to ask here, since I'll get the most honest responses.

I'm 5'6" and 102 pounds....

 If I did 1000 sit ups and 500 push ups a day...?
Would I see any results in say a week? Or would it take longer?
Additional Details
I only have a 2 pack lol and I wanna be the ...

 Im home all day and im bored and i like ot eat alot , whatdo i do?
im exercising also and eating mainly healthy but ijust love to eat and love the way food taste i just eat even after the point of being ...

 Do I weigh too much?
I am 10 years old/almost 11. And my height is 4 feet 30 centimeters. I weight 80 something....

 Is picking your nose bad?

 Do you feeel good after a good workout??
i do!...

 I just want to be THIN!?
i am having the hardest time staying motivated to lose weight. i work out religiously, although it probably helps just keep me at the weight i am am and keeps my heart healthy above anything else. <...

 I weigh 92 pounds and I am 12 is that o.k.???
Is that o.k....

 Is it okay if I don't eat?
every other day. I exerisce and eat healthy, but its not coming off....

 Is this considered over wieght?
a female who is 13 and is 5 feet 7 inches ways 150 pounds.
is she over weight?...

 Am i FAT?!?
5ft 4in

130-133 ...

 At 12 years of age at "5.4" is 108 pounds normal?
Is that overweight?...

 How do u get rid of constipation?!?

 How tall are you?
im 5"7. u?...

 Curvy or skinny?
I am a uk size 12 and sometimes feel quite big especially compared to other girls is it too big?...

 Am i overweight?
ok i am 13 and i weigh 115-117 pounds..am i overweight?
Additional Details
i am 5'4 ft ...

 If someone called you fat would you?
a) Get there as* in a bear trap
b) Donate to charity
c) Go eat your troubles away
d) O...

 I'm so hungry right now... should I binge and vomit or take laxatives?
i want cheeseburgers, 10 of them and french fries!...

UVER ^__^
How can you lose weight WITHOUT exercise?

awesomeguy who is cool and great
actually, its imposible.
you NEED movement to lose weight.
if you have no calories being burned, then whatever calories you put in just stay there.

If your on a diet of 1200 calories (females) or 1500 calories (males) you can lose pounds without exercise. But exercise will help you lose it faster and all you would have to do is increase you physical activity 20-30 min. Suggestion: a walk around the block or on a treadmill.

Eat healthy and drink TONS of water...

kool k
get a juicer...and make fruit and vegetable juices..only drink those. if u have to drink 2 or 3 for 1 meal thats ok ..its not fatening or anything always. just dont eat any food. u can have like..ur portions of meat and stuff and maybe some special k for grains. but...dont eat bread or alot of sugar.

the whole goal is to eat less calories than u would burn in a day. the more u do in a day.. the more u can eat.

You need to decrease your calorie intake in order to lose weight without exercise.

A safe weight loss is 1-2 pounds/week and for each pound of fat, you will need to decrease your kcal intake by 2700-3500.

However, it is unsafe to decrease your caloric intake to less than 1200 kcals/day.

Alexandria D
Download the free E-book this site offers, it helped me lose weight real quickly (and lastingly!)

Danielle.English Teacher
by closing ur month , eat just fruit and yogurt and lots ,but lots of water for a week and u will c what i am talking about..I do this kind of diet and i lose about 10 pounds a week .....
water , water, yogurt and fruits and not eat late!!

Lower your calorie intake I guess. The way you lose weight is by eating fewer calories than you use, so if just doing normal activities you use 2000 calories you want to eat like 1800 calories.

I've dropped 12 pounds from last year. For $49.99, I will share it with you....oh...what the heck. Here's how I did it. I lost 5 pounds when I gave up all soft drinks (soda). Then I started reading all food labels and tried to stay away with foods that were high in saturated and trans fats. I also tried to keep my daily calorie intake under 2,000. I also replaced all desserts with low fat yogurt like Activia. It really does help if you eat a very small amount of healthy food every 2 hours. I also eat the vast majority of my meals at home. I haven't been to any fast food restaurants in a little over a year. Definitely stay away from ALL buffet style restaurants where you will want to eat your money's worth. Good luck and don't give up because it will take awhile. You'll at least be healthier in the long run regardless of how much weight you ultimately lose. One other tip...never go grocery shopping when you are hungry.

Eat nothing but oranges and laxatixes

alla s
you can eat healthier but don't make the food portions smaller. Also, you can drink green tea. It's a slow process but, it works.

cali luv
what type of exercise? do you not want to go to the gym or just not do any physical movement at all?

regardless of whether you want to lose weight or not, you must do some physical activity 3-4 times a week and it can be as simple as taking your dog for a 30 minute walk.

being healthy is a lifestyle, not a quick fix. if you have a balanced diet and stay active, even if its just a power walk a couple times a week, then you should be in tip top condition.

Princez "P"
eat healthy.look at your diet is it something your doctor might approve of, if not change and eat stuff that fits you

Weight Watchers!!!! I've been on it since September and I've already lost 23 pounds and I haven't excersiced at all!!!! Plus I still get to eat whatever I want. It's the best in my oppinion.

Black Sheep
healthy diet is best even though thats pretty much impossible around x-mas. if all else fails starve yoursel or eat a box of laxitives i guess...lol

Drink too much water ,have atleast 3 cups of green tea everyday.

Carrie M
You might think about trying this book called "The Movie Star Diet" by Steve Simmons. It helped me lose thirty pounds in 2 1/2 months when I didn't think anything would work. My goal to begin with was only 20 lbs! It has a really easy plan to follow and an excellent workout as well, but I lost quite a bit without ever touching a gym.

Eat healthier, and don't sit in front of the couch/computer all day. If you don't want to excercise try gardening or something similar, it burns off fat.

well anerexia would do the trick.

But realisticly you cant. Walk for 20 min at least 5 days a week and you'll do fine!

Count calories. I've done it and it works
Also Weight Watchers is the healthiest way to lose weight

Dr Atkins Diet.

You can't cheat losing weight without exercise. It requires effort to lose weight. Dont be lazy!

the avg person needs approx 2000/3000 calories a day to maintain good health.now! count the calories you eat every day for one week(re: every thing you put in your mouth)no cheating!total them up at the end of the week.if you are taking in 14000/21000 calories week.here's the trick. to lose one pound a week you must reduce your total intake by 2000calories.(2000 calories is equal to one pound. this works.it worked for me.i went from 385 down to236! it toke me almost 19 months.and i still stick to my counting calories.is it easy?hell no but it works with just normal activity good luck.some interesting info... us army teaches its men one pound of extra weight is equal to one days rations so if your 10lbs overweight your good for 10 days without food ,water you will need after 5/7.have fun try it.

eating a better diet and proper sleep and daily routines will help out. and STOP drinking SODA

yes, you certainly can. it's about calories in/out. if you stop eating so much you will lose even without exercise.

exercise only expedites the fat loss process ultimately your diet determines your body composition not the exercises that you partake in.

regardless of your diet and how much you weigh or don't weigh it's impossible to truly be healthy with out regular exercise. the human body or any animal for that matter is not designed to be sedentary. our bodies are designed to be active and a sedentary lifestyle has nothing but negative effects on the short and long term health. rest assured a lifetime of inactivity WILL catch up to you if that is your plan

also those that have the genetic predisposition for easy weight gain can not manage the weight through the diet alone. medical study has shown that weight loss can occur with out exercise but eventually the metabolic rate will slow and weight gain will occur.

Do 3 pushes a day all three away from the table.

With fiber. You can also have flax seed

Merry Christmas
Eating healthier will sure stand to lose you a couple pounds

Believe it or not, eat 7 small meals a day.
Drink lots of water.
Eat lots of juicy fruits and vegetables.
Avoid fattening food.
Don`t skip breakfast
Avoid Mcdonalds or other fast food.
Dont eat junk food.
Dont drink soda

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