It feels good to have tasty food in my mouth. Its an addiction. Sometimes even after overeating you just still feel hungry yet your stomach feels full. |

la naca

Some people get so depressed that they feel like their only friend is food. Therefore food makes them happy and they feel happy when they eat. Its a vicious cycle because they are depressed and they eat to be happy but they become even more depressed when they see how much heavier they have gotten and the cycle repeats itself. |

i don't know. i guess they just feel pleasure and want tmore and more. I have a feelig they have a kind of weakness in their mind. it may be linked to depression.
However, i'm depressed and i never think about eating endlessly. so i have never been overweight except when i was below age 13, then took up jogging and .. i got slim from age 13 to age 24.... Then got knee injuries and couldn't walk or move so i gained a bit...but then got better at age 25 and i started moving alittle again and so i keep in shape. Now i have so much artritis and pains in my body due to my history of sprains and strains and scolisios, etc.. But i still do my good eating and exercise even if i catn' to it that much.
Point is, some people just have a lazy personality....and they give in to it. they start not caring...and it continues |

Zanzibar (Chris K)
Eating = Satisfaction, but not necessarily from hunger. For a fatty, the brain can be "tricked out" to make eating satisfy many different things. Boredom, Lonliness and loss are often dealt with by consuming, which more than satisfies the bodies actual need for food (hunger.)
Of course, laziness is also a big contributor to the increase in fatties. |

Sometimes it's not a question of 'like' to eat. It can be due to depression, happiness, boredom or a whole host of emotions.
Some people do just 'like' to eat, but most I've met or spoken with usually have many more reasons why they overeat. |

gasp...people like food? go figure |

long live the dream
for some people it is a addiction. just like beer and other things. some people continually eat and eat because they can't control themselves. overweight people eat a lot because for the most part they have a low self-esteem. people make fun of them and they see food as their friend. it makes them feel good and it does not judge them. it takes will power and control to kick the eating habit. some people are just not capable of doing that. good luck. |

Weekend Warrior
The same reason people like to smoke, drink, and do drugs. It's addicting and addiction is passed down from generation to generation. |

Beth Z
People like food because it's a comfort to them. It is like an addiction, it's hard to get rid of. Not only does it taste really good and you want more. But the more sodium you eat, the more you crave it. When people have a bad day they turn to food because as weird as it sounds, food can't turn you down or make you feel worse. Chocolate especially. |

some people find happiness on eating food and having a full stomach.. :) |

Many people turn to food for comfort, to quiet anxiety, and out of boredom. Some people just have poor self-control. As we age and our metabolism slows and we tend to be more sedentary, the problem is just exacerbated. |

♫You hate Cuz I'm a RockStar
Because food is so darn good!.Damn it calories..lol I guess its an addiction for them idk. |

Food is a good thing. Don't fear it. |

I'm c/p this from a previous question I answered
Depression was the reason I gained a lot of weight. I'll break it down for you:
1. Depression is genetic so I got it from my Mom's side of the family
2. Depression decreases the serotonin level in the brain (serotonin makes you able to rationalize...like every little thing isn't the end of the world)
3. Food (especially carbs) raise the serotonin level in your brain
So, it's a coping method. It's the same as drugs and alcohol.
It has NOTHING to do with someone just not caring, or just letting themselves get fat.
It's how they cope.
Luckily, I am fully recovered and have lost all the weight I gained.
I hope this answered your question : ]
Oh and depression doesn't directly make you fat. It can make you eat a lot, become an alcoholic, or become a drug addict. |

I am overweight and probably eat less than you do. Everyones metabolism is different. Food isnt the only thing that makes people fat. Lack of motivation due to self image issues for one. So maybe you should think about how that question sounded. |

deep blue
Why do some people eat only one piece of lettuce a day, it makes them skinny and boney.
Obesity is often caused by a food addiction. Have a little more sympathy. |

...'Cause food tastes good? |

Why do people like you like to judge others so much? It makes you seem pathetic and immature. |

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