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 I need help with obession...?
Ok, I am seriously in love with Chris Daughtry. I know everything about him and I almost broke up with my boyfriend just because I like Christopher *so* much. I have even slept beside my laptop ...

 What is your phobia?
whats your phobia and how severe is it for you?...

 Why do you think I feel sad?
I don't seem to have that social able quality that others seem to have and as a result I often feel lonley and unwanted. I dunno when even with my companions I don't know what to say and ...

I was just wondering if everyone (at some point in their life), do they have thoughts of..ya know..suicide? Or is it not common (like with teens)?...

 What is the best way to spook yourself (without a scary movie)?
Sometimes being scared is just something I need every now and then. I have been getting too much of humor and boredom lately. Nothing that will get myself killed please.
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 Have you ever experience extreme anxiety, stress, and severe depression all at the same time?
How bad had it gotten. How did you deal with it....

 Prayers Needed Please?
Hi Guys:

I am going to need your support the next few weeks or more. I want to ask you all to please say prayers or talk to your higher power for Allen as he had an accident yesterday. He ...

 My Mom's boyfriend Herb says my dreams of becoming an Astronaut are silly. How should I react?
He says I have only wanted to become an Astronaut since I learned that they get to wear diapers during takeoff and re-entry. He seems to have influenced my mom because she says it 'isn't ...

 Is it okay when my boyfriend controls my life?

 Why do I feel so down?
Latly I have been feeling very down. I have been very tired in the day and very awake at night. I have been crying and I don't even know why. Can any of you tell me why I have been feeling down ...

 Calling all addicts!! when your are........?
away from yahooanswers....do you STILL think about it???
like ya can't wait to get back on it?????...

 One minute I'm sad and crying in my bed in the dark, and the next minute I'm happy and working out and stuff.
Could I be bi-polar?...

 How can i get over sucidal thought's...The more that i fight depression..?
the more my depression worsen's and more sucide sounds like heaven to me..I don't know what to do and i don't know how to be really truley happy...Real smiles and lauph's not fake ...

 Cure for anxiety?
I have to do some public speaking next week anyone know any of anything that will help.
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anything OTHER than drugs?...

 Whats the point in life?
i just dont get it..we work and love..then just die..just die and its all over..and ur gone forever...i just dont get it..i never wanna die im 18 and im starting to know now that we really die..i ...

 What can I do when the GP just recomends self help?
I am depressed. I have a stressful job, managing staff as well as the public, and I feel as though everything I do away from work is a mess. I live with my boyfriend of over 3yrs, and I consider our ...

 I truely need help, I'm feeling so suicidal?
My mind is really messed up at the moment,Im so depressed, I feel like there is no point in me living another day,Im 19 n have been feeling this way for a very long time now - previously on here ...

 Is looking at the toilet paper after you wipe normal?

 Anyone have a good way of releasing anger?
i get mad often and i would like to be able to release it ...

 When does a Pyschiatrist think you should be placed in a mental hospital?
If someone is told they have signs of psychosis, a mood effective disorder and obsessive compulsions then gets placed on antipsychotics, the person still goes out and drinks on a night out whilst on ...

dizzy k
Can depression and anxiety make you feel out of it?
i have depression and anxiety im currently on the medication effexor i always feel abit out of it like im not with it and like some one is in my head mixing up my emotions is this normal and i was feeling like this before i started effexor so its not that it atually seems to be helping abit..im just really worried im goin mad or im gettin skitzaphrinia and end up loosing it..i just feel tottally stressed and carnt stop worrying..due to the anxiety i have become pretty much agraphobic im currently on a witing list for cbt witch im hoping will help me thanks for reading anyway and sorry about the spelling

I'm a weird, ugly, and cute!
ya think?

You betcha.

dinasour man!

Yes it can! Let your Dr know that you have the same symptoms and it doesn't appear to be working. You could need either a different dosage or different medication, everyone has a different reaction to meds, so there's an adjustment period!
Good Luck, ;-)

First of all its great that you are aware of what is happening, that you are "man" enough to acknowledge that something out of the ordinary is happening and you are doing something about it.

It is best to talk to the doctor who prescribed the medication, it may need to be reviewed to see if there is a better medication.

There is also other types of therapies especially for agoraphobia - talk to your doctor.

But of all things know that this happens to approx 3.2 million people in the U.S. alone at one stage of their life.

♥ Aysha Baybiie ♥
Its can be just the medication making you feel abit spaced out, my mum suffers with anxiety and depression and is on medication and always says she feels abit out of it.

but I also suffer with anxiety and depression but haven't been to the doctor or been put on medication yet and I still find myself staring into space feeling empty and out of it :/

so the answer is yes.

Shannon E.


Look up derealization/depersonalization. I think you will be able to relate to what you read based on what you're saying....also there are some fairly interesting stories about it on YouTube....

i think it is the medications that are making you feel out of it.

i cured myself of severe anxiety through holistic medicine (ayurveda) without drugs of any kind.

the best book is "vital energy" by dr. david simon (medical director of the famous chopra center in ca).

diet changes, yoga, listening to certain music, deep breathing, and calming "self-talk" were the methods i used to escape that hell.

google ayurveda and anxiety.

may you regain your peaceful mental state, without drugs.

Walk By Faith
That is EXACTLY how I feel. It's scary, huh?

I'm on 10mg of Prozac and I'm in an "Out of it" state most of the time. Like someone else is controlling my physical body and I'm just in my own head....
You can't really begin to explain the feeling. All I know is that it's terrible. Definitely talk to your doctor about it. Get back with me because I want to know what the deal is with me too!

It's normal I guess, since I feel it and my brother is on Prozac because of that too!

Darn genetics.

Not all drugs for depression work on all people, effexor didn't work for my daughter either. Need to discuss your concerns with your physican, there are a lot of different drugs on the market today for depression. Keep on it.

For sure. They can affect tons of stuff!

XXi am ur best answer!!!XX
hell yesss

Just Thinking
Yes it is quite normal to feel this way and Effexor will take time to build up in your system before you notice any benefits, if however you have been on it for at least a month and you arenot feeling any improvment go back to your Dr the dosage may be incorrect or it may not be the right type of meds for you, sometimes you have to try a few different antidepressants before you find the one that works.

Sad to hear your going through this, somehow, searching for the right answer could be that you need to Trust in God...believe me, God can heal you....God Bless


Yes, that is totally possible...

How long have you been on the medication?

Anything under a month, you will feel VERY VERY strange... Don't give up the meds until you have gone past a month...

I can't even beging to describe the strangeass side effects I felt when getting on the meds I'm on...

CHeck out this site... It will spell out the good, the bad, and the ugly of being on meds...


maybe let you doctor know? sometimes the dosages have to be adjusted before you feel ok-

Yeah that definitely will. Especially anxiety. Though it could be the medication also, many anxiety medications make you feel out of it. But you'll be fine:) Just hang in there! You are not getting scizophrenia that is just your anxiety talking.

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