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 What do you think happens after suicide?
if you committed suicide, but you believed in god, what do you think would happen? and assuming heaven and hell is real, do you think you could still go to heaven?...

 How do you deal with thoughts of suicide?
Everything that could go wrong in my life has and i'm constantly plagued with suicidal thoughts. I've read other comments about this that say "take up a hobby" or something, but i&...

 Are people really that gullible?

 Does anyone else pull out their hair?
i pull out my hair and i think i have this condition called trichotillomania where you pull out your hair to relieve stress, and i was wondering if anyone else has this, and if they do, could they ...

 I am thinking about suicide...help?
i have severe depression and major ODD. i cant get along with anyone in my family, i only have two good friends, and my medication does NOT work. im in DBT group and therapy but that dosent seem to ...

 If you acheive only ONE dream before you die, what would you want it to be?

 What do you do when your feeling low?
I've been feeling low the past few days, need to kick myself up the a*se and get out of it. Any suggestions?...

 Plzz answer.Is it important to apologize when we do something wrong?
I never like to apologize to anyone eventhough i did something wrong.Is it a bad attitude?...

 My boyfriend keeps stabbing me with a pencil...is this normal??
He's done it like 5 times in a row now. It's Ow! He just did it again! Why is he doing this?? OW! he won't stop! Help!!! Is he normal??...

 Forms of self harm?
Should people who hit themselves, seek help as much as those who cut? Or should they keep quiet as its more likely to be ignored and it isn't as harmful?

I know many people think it�...

 Gimme another word for a fart!?

 Does the pain ever go away?
My aunt and best friend past away on 4-27-2007, and it's been very hard for me. Sometimes, I am in a good mood, thinking and laughing about the fun times we had, but then I realize she's ...

 Does it make me gay if...?
I think Johnny Depp is attractive by the way i'm a guy and friggin love woman but does this make me gay or metro or what?
Additional Details

 Why cant you people answer a serious question?
some people have no shame whatsoever..people are opening their hearts to you on this site, and some of you are pig ignorant, why dont you bloody grow up, and just think with your tiny little brains ...

 I saw a really scary movie and now i'm a wreck. What do I do?
I absolutly hate scary movies and usually don't watch them. My cousin convinced me to watch the Skeleton Key at a little sleepover we had and said it was just a thriller and not scary in the ...

 Would you turn in your own sister if she was abusing her children?
I did...I spoke up...and now I am the bad guy in the family. I still think that I did the right thing. By the way, the abuse was of a mental/psychological and verbal nature, and I would catagorize ...

 What was the last thing that scared you?

 Dads funeral at 2pm how do i keep it together?
scared of breaking down big time and embarrassing ...

 My mom dosent like me.Is it my fault?
My mom hates me.She scolds me everytime.I am 17 years old,good at studies and i never did any wrong things in my life.My mom says i am not so good looking but i think i am beautiful.She irritates me ...

 How can i be happy ??

chris w
Can you read this?
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Can you read this? The answer should be yes!

Donna Hill

yes.... brilliant... explains a bit about dyslexia too....

yes with no trouble at all,just goes to show that thoughs know it all teachers at school who made me stay behind didn't know it all after all.

yeh the letters are in dfferneit orreds
weird but cool


Chav Princess
Of course I can read it!!!! I got this mailed to me a couple of weeks ago. . . . .it's really good though. You should have over 55 answers now hon!! :0)

Yip, read it

yep I can read it. You can only read it if you know the language in the first place otherwise it would be futile. The brain will unscramble the words automatically, it will even fill in blanks, that's one of the reasons why 'eye' witnesses can be unreliable in courts. What the eye sees is corrected rightly or wrongly in the brain based on the knowledge the brain has acquired over the years.

Yes, of course.

ana g

yes its good,interesting 2 x

Yes colud raed it no pberlom. I wluod igmanie taht is bcsaue i can raed in the frsit pcale

New to me. I was pleased to find that I could read it without a problem - not that surprised though; apparently we don't put gaps between words when we speak - the brain manages to sort it all out for the listener.

sure can dude

Helen D
yes with no problem!

Belinda B
esay pasey - 2 pitnos - tknahs!

Asoblutely no porbelm!

yes i could thats cool..

yes i read every single word.

one fine day
yep, not a problem

do you konw taht some of yuor words are msielplt

Yes. As I have read it before.

Yes read it with no problem..had some practice tho because i took german in college and they jumble their words like that all the time.

That's the second one this week!

♥Pink Princess♥
well this is the first time i have seen it and i read it it without a problem
very clever thanks i never knew that

dont listen to the miserys who say thats been here before, so what not everyone would of seen it because some of us have jobs and a life and not sitting in front of our computer 24/7 waiting for a repeat so that they can jump in and be ignorant, IF YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE SUMMIT ON HERE WHOOPPEE DOOOO
leave it for someone who hasn't you rude miserable gits!!!

yes I can read it,
British Rail have an advert that does exactly the same as that. About a conductor getting assaulted and asking people to ring if they see anything.

WOW im gonna copy and paste that to all my mates. Thanks for that x

Yes. I have seen this before but, it still amazes me just how clever we are!!!!

Harley D
How old is this?

3 - 4 years old?

First time you have come across it is it? Ok, well yes I can read it. It isn't difficult if your first language is English.

This has been posted on Yahoo Answers so many times, it's becoming completely pathetic. Please find something more original...

yea i can read it and the reason why is because a person who can read when they read something printed there mind turns into an automatic word finder and sees the word for what it is

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