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 How can I stop myself from becoming severely depressed - help?!?
My life is 1 big mess at the moment!! I had to leave my job a few months ago, due to bullying, harrassment from my boss...I live with a dad who has criticised me, put me down, hit me and played so ...

 Please do not ansswer this question...?
Please, I'm serious this is not a question it is a statement. I suffer from Whobiaangwats Sydrome, which means I have a morbid fear of answers. So please, I beg, for my sanity, do not answer.<...

 If you could describe depression in one word, what would it be?
This question is for those who have had depression either in the present or the past....

 Is anorexia the right thing?
I weigh 150 and im 5'7 and i kinda stopped eating 1 week ago... i still eat just like not much at all. i've tryed eating healthy and excersizing but its not working! so i wanna know if ...

 No hope left.. What do I do now?
At 13 yrs old, these problems are probably nothing compared to what's out in the "real world", but the stress and pain keep piling up and I don't think I can handle this much ...

 Right now i want to die?
i hate myself and i hate my life...i don't know how i'm going to face another day but i know deep down i don't really want to end it....how do other people cope with feeling lke this ...

 Hi this is really weird question bare with me?
as any 1 gone to bed and there not a sleep but are and cant open there eyes and skakeing and sweating??? feels like you have been thown around the room ive noticed that it only happens if had sugary ...

 What would happen if two bipolar people had children?
What are the odds?
Additional Details
My son is bipolar with manic tendencies. While he was institutionalized, he met a really nice ...

 Please help me 10 points, whats wrong with me!?
okay, i am so self concious i think it's scary.
im in a store and i buy something really really nice, i take it home and always find something thats horrible about my self and never wear it....

 I am angry all the time. What can help?
Every thought is angry. Everything my wife and kids do seems to anger me. I want the anger to stop. I honestly feel like I am ready to explode. Will taking medicine help?...

 What's your best excuse for your cuts?
If someone sees your cuts, what do you say? Like, my current cover story (which is kind of lame) is that I was sitting in chem and I broke some glass (this part is true), and then I got curious to ...

 How Can I Get Myself To Get Out Of Bed?
Okay, EVERY night I tell myself, ''I'm getting up earlier tomorrow'' And I'll go to bed ''early'' (12:30) and then STILL get up at 1 in the afternoon ...

 Is it wrong to hit mentally challenged children?

 Suicidal thoughts...?
the past few days I have been insanely depressed. I usually cry before I go to sleep and usually for no reason. I just keep focusing on the bad parts of everything. This has happened a lot when I was ...

 I don't known what to do...?
My friend is in the hospital for cutting himself and it's all my fault. He has a history of doing things like this. I stopped him from doing it before but I couldn't stop him this time and ...

 Will every one who belives pray for me?
depressed and running ...

 When i pee its always really dark in coulour and has a strong odour .help?

 How many Americans are born dumb?

 Aside from the armpit,what other body parts do we use the thermometer in finding the temperature of our body p

 How do I know that this is real? I could ask a question and its just a super computer answering me?
Prove to me that you are real before I go into a paranoid haze of destruction around the local ...

Is there something wrong with me?
I routinely wake up craving bullets in my back.
Additional Details
This should have been written in past tense, but I felt as though doing so would have undermined the importance of my question. Even though I think I'm well past that stage of my life, I'm still hoping to gain a better understanding of what was going on back then in order to prevent myself from having to experience those feelings all over again.

j m
Bless your heart. I think you are not getting enough love in your life. Please go out and get involved with other people and your problems will diminish. Hugs. Peace.

I guesso.

Kayla S
what do you mean?

huh????????? u need help

Frank the tank
ummmm yeah, holy ****....

Dragonfly Girl
you should clarify a little bit... are you saying that you're suicidal with the very specific desire to be shot in the back?

Yes, you should most definitely go to a therapist or at the very least call one of those free 800 number hotlines for suicide prevention.

if bullet isn't a type of food then definately and you would need to see a doctor or psychologist as soon as possible

go find a doc it could turn out to be very serious if you wait any longer trying to find answers here. good luck


ari h
go to the doctors...fast

Yes, yes there is.


Dixie Chick
Craving bullets in your back? What's that all about? If you have to ask if something is wrong with you, then something is wrong with you.

allison t
Go to a doctor. NOW.


Everything tastes like chicken!
you should tell a therapist

No, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you.

You are perfectly sane.

ashley ツ A Proud Jonas Fan ♥
Yeah, not to sure what that means but it's deffinitly not normal. I would go see a doctor or tell someone that could help you.

wtffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff... yeah i think something is wrong. i hope that you are joking

I think I would get that checked out.

....thats a problem ..

maybe u should go to the doctor but what do u mean by bullets in my back like u wanna die or something?

John B
Get to the doctor as fast as you can!

D wizzle
well have you ever tried working out if not ask the docter whats wrong.

"bullets?" i suggest that whatever that means, u see a doctor just in case. i hope you feel better

i had the same thing guest deal with i

Dora Lou
This unusual craving is probably related to a subconsciencous need for mental relief. I feel you probably need to talk to a counselor, and or your doctor. Take time out for yourself. Something is probably bothering you pretty deeply.

Tell a psychiatrist that.

I'd say that's definitely not a normal thing.

how did u rid yourself of these feelings in the past? u might need to see some clergy of choice. do not expect it back, do not dwell on it..its the past remember?

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