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 Each night I have to brush my teeth or it's always on my mind...?
...is that an addiction or a habit? If they're different then what are differences in the way each is addressed?...

 I truely am worthless?
I lack the ability to complete simple tasks. I use drugs to kill the pain I feel, and it works. I want to crawl int a hole and disappear from the world. I would be doing it a favor. to say everyone ...

 Is there anything out there that is safe and can get you high?
Well I tried weed a couple of times. There was times were I had this feeling that felt soooo good. Like a mood lift. Like my soul was smiling and I felt good. Like a long lasting feel good sigh.

 Am i just weird or is there really something wrong with me?
i don't care if i ever see my grandparents, i don't have a relationship with them and i don't want one. my nephews B-day is today and there haveing a party for him and i don't ...

 I have a one questions my mind is very depressed. my mind thinks always.?
i think i have two minds working in same time. one mind say one thing and second say other thing. i am very confusrd. what should i do?...

 How to treat depression without professional help or drugs?
I do have depression symptom.
I'm a little workers ant so dont expect me to seek help from a professional....

 Why am i like this?
since chilødhood i have a complex that i m ugly. no one has ever told me that and even ppl say my looks are above average but still i feel ugly and hate it when someone takes my photo during any ...

 I am a very beautiful female, but i am afraid of my own beauty?
ppl always say i am pretty, they say that i should worry about anything, that i can easily get any job bc of my looks or whatever.....
but the problem is i am afraid of my own beauty. i know it ...

 Help me i think that I am seconds away from doing something really stupid!!!?
Help.....i know that i talked to people on here yesterday....but right now i am thinking about doing what i know will end it all....last night i tried to take everyones advice....i called people for ...

 Why is it that so many "teens" are so troubled these days?


 Am I depressed? Bipolar?
Yes its long. Please read. It would mean a lot.

I feel like there is a deep pit in my stomache. Fun activies that use to excite me dont even spark interest. I am only fully happy when I ...

 How come I didnt die after tying cord around my neck and passing out with alcohol last nite?

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I guess I didnt make it tight enough. Next time I got to make it tighter and drink more alcohol so I dont notice how tight I put it and then I will pass out. What a ...

 Heroin addiction?
Hi, i have heard from many heroin users that 4 hits( injected) of heroin is all someone needs to get addicted. is this true or does it depend or each person?...

 What is Your Greatest Fear About Aging?

 What in the world would cause this to happen??!!??
Yesterday, i went to pick up my son from school for a dr. app. and while i was walking up to the door, all of a sudden i got this feeling that i was at the wrong school. So i started to question ...

 How do you fight lazziness?

 Dont you wish sometimes to curl up in a ball and die?

 Why am i depressed? is it because there are things i cant change? or is it because im ill?
to clarify. would i be depressed if everything was ok.. so am i just p*ssed off?
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you lovely kind people thanks. i cant do anti depressants. im fighting it . sometimes ...

 My fiance was a kidnap victim, who was raped and beaten for two years. She now suffers from PTSD..any advice?
I would like to know how to handle this delicately. The man responsible will be out of prison October of next year, and we will have to face him in court to make it ok for me to legally adopt the ...

Why am i bulimic?
i'm bulimic and i don't no why. well i do its because i feel so fat but i feel bad becos i come from a great family. ive never been bullied etc. most eatin disorders seem to hav underlying problems so the sufferers want control. is it normal just to want to be thin so bad it hurts??? i hate wat im doing but i just can't stop! :(

don't do it

Fallen Angel
The WHY doesn't really matter (does it?) You need to accept that you DO have it, and then try to change it. Often the "why's" of things only ever become apparent long after you have been able to improve and move on. You really really do not need to understand WHY you are like it before you can change.

Does anyone KNOW? Are you getting any support? This illness breeds on secrecy and shame....

Please go to your GP and tell them because its REALLY important that you have your electrolytes check and checked on a regular basis.

Good luck, keep fighting..... just keep trying. xxxx

Im listening but something aint hitin home. Yoy might ave problems , get a grip while you still can.

Sue R
The way we act and think doesnt always come from traumatic experiences, we all have core beliefs that we arent aware of until we delve deeper, usually with thearapy. I would recommend you do a search on Mindfulness, it may help you stop the urge to vomit, also get on a cognative therapy course, group or individual, you could learn loads, and will have nothing to loose. Our self perseption isnt always right or doesnt have justification of evidence. Hope things improve for you.

Go see a psychologist

It's very likely that you're simply insecure and unhappy with your self image, hence why you want to be thinner. I blame the media. Throw away your glamour magazines. Stop idolizing the super models.

Confidence > weight.

please get help from your doctor.good luck

No its not normal to want to be so thin that it hurts.I blame Barbie for it.

You're bulimic because you dont believe that you really are a beautiful, strong, wonderful person. And you should. You need to stop caring about how fat you think you are, and actually make yourself MORE beautiful by getting healthy and working out. Eating WELL and keeping it down. Drink a lot of water. Eat a well balanced diet and get a hair cut. by a new outfit.... seriously.

If you can push this out for two months, eating perfectly, keeping it down, going for jobs, working out, enjoying the sun, enjoying life, You will feel better, you will look better, and you will stop feeling so down on yourself.

There are ways to stop it. And your brain is the most powerful weapon against disorders such as these. You're smarter than you think just by questioning this, and you're stronger than you'll ever know just by wanting to fix it.

So do it.

And we are all rooting for you in the process.

Good luck.

i cant completly answerr but its all in your mind, and well id say only through theropy and talking it out you can find out why?!?! it could be anything, like learning from other members? or a desire to be like others...
or like reinforeced behavour for example...
you started doing it, and people complimented you on loosing wieght so you comtinued becuase you liked the praise, and now well you dont want to stop/ cant! but you might not realsie it,..
but ther are many explainations.
dont feel alone,,,
but their is plently of help and id adivse you get some.
good luck,,, xxx

it can just be from wanting to be thin - that's what the media portrays women to be. please go talk to someone - they really can help you. i was anorexic for 3 years and i have a lot of problems from it - don't let this go too far. bulimia can really mess up you insides and deteriorate your teeth.

its people telling you that you are fat, its you not seeing you like you are in the mirror, its you punishing yourself for something you think youve done wrong. Give up, get help before you get to the next step of harming yourself. It is not nice. I had it and i harm myself really bad. I gave up by going away from my family and mirrors and not help. I just thought i was hurting my mum and i didnt want to be a problem for her. I thought of how i was hurting others by being sick, how much worries i could cause. Go on, you can do it, your body doesnt matter, it matters what it is in your heart.

I am a recovering bulimic, like you I never thought there was a reason appart from wanting to be skinny but there can be uncouncous underlying reasons behind your behaviour that working with a counsellor could help you discover. I think sometimes it is just the case that because of pressure from society, most women want to be skinny and that is a valid enough reason to put behind your illness! However it's usually when bulimia is not seen as the actual illness but as a symptom that it's thought there are more underlying problems, but everyones different. It is often the most intellegent and so called 'happy' people that end up having problems....infact most people with eating disorders are high achievers and perfectionists....they don't have to be people with major problems that cause the illness..everyone is unique.

best of luck xxx

Jodi S
The root of most eating disorders lie in the wanting to have control over something in your life because something in your life feels out of control. Do some soul searching as to what you feel in your life is out of your control and find a good therapist.

you may have an addictive personality trait. you may even find that another member of your family has the same thought patterns. contact the eating disorders association online.your teeth will be badly damaged and you can have heart failure during vomiting. do you really want your loving family to find you dead in the toilet in a pool of blood? I'm sure they would prefer you got help. feeling fat is not the same as being fat. all women feel fat some days..usually a hormonal fluctuation makes us bloat. do not make friends with other people who do this...talk to someone please or see your gp

agsf a
from expierence, its all just a personal opinion of yourself. and you cant compare yourself to others EVER. thattts where the eds come from.

I don`t think there is an answer to the reason why your bulimic, i mean why do people drink too much or for that matter eat too much??? All i can say is that all people are what they are, being fat,thin,black,white,asian, whatever we are all the same so just relax and try being comfortable with yourself and see how you go
Take care Xx

Its not anything to do with your family, its nothing to do with your lifestyle. Its just part of you, go to the doctor and get some help... they will help sort it, or at least try to help you get through it! good luck with it!

Go and see your Doctor and try to get some counselling to help you out with this and before you do some serious damage to yourself. You are worth so much more than this and, with help, you will be able to stop.

I tried the barf-a-rama thing when I was a teen. I'd put on some weight, think I was fat..so, I'd eat any thing I wanted, then go puke! Food really does feel better going down! Your'e obviously at an age where your self image is so important, but distorted. Your family's awesome, life is good, but there's a control issue goin' on inside you. Your not abnormal, just need to look deep inside yourself.Tell mom, or dad. I almost guarantee they will be there to help you as they have and will always, ok? hugs to ya. oooooooooooooooooo

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