I just got new glasses at a wholesalers,i returned them once for having the wrong material for lenses and they refused to put the cool greeny tints on them the second time round. just wondered if you ...
What is the cost for a decent pair of eye glasses. I just know that the power of my contact lens are 3.0. My eyes are fine besides the fact that i cant see far away. Besides that, nothing else is ...
My eye doctor gave me an eye drop for my eyes because they get red all of the time but when i red the ingredients it says that it has BORIC ACID. The stuff they use to KILL Roaches... is that even ...
I've been wearing contacts for about 2yrs, and recently my optometrist put me onto a different brand. They're supposed to be more 'hi tech' than my older ones, allowing me to wear ...
I have had glasses for the past 7 years and I am considering changing to contact lenses. I have astigmatism in both eyes. I have really bad allergies, but they only act up around the spring time with ...
i wear contacts.
theyr like red.the white part i mean.
they kinda like burn from time to time too, and when it burns, tears come out since its burning so much.
what should i do?? ...
I dunno if I am having a serious dumb moment but I have ordered Proclear shere contacts online - the boxes arrived today but there was no marking on the box to tell me which is ...
ok 1st i got glases today and they make my eyes ich and make me more blind and dont help at all when i look and try to read something it doesnt matter how far away it is but i cant read it as well ...
I had glasses since the 3rd grade I am now in 5th grade I had worn 4 different glasses the most recent one I am wearing is my only favorite but it is kinda big and it always falls so I leave it there ...
last week i think i had an allergic reaction to something...i had hives all over and eventually my right eye swelled and got really itchy. then it turned red and it got worse ever since last week.<...
lol i hav perfect vision i just wanted coloured lenses....about how much (approx) are they? and where can u get them if u ...
My disgusting oozy eye!?
Whenever I leave the house, regardless of whether I'm in the car, walking, at a supermarket, whatever, one of my eyes waters like mad and it's even worse when it's windy! My perfectly applied make up is always ruined and I just look gross, is there anything I can do to stop this, I don't care how extreme the action is...it's necessary!
dont worry about it lol. that happens to my eye all the time(the right one) i thinks its cause of my allergies but w.e its not like deadly or anything haha
my eyes do that sometimes to. in my case it's due to allergies though. try some over the counter allergy meds like chlor trimeton or non drowsy benadryl
even if in your case it's not due to allergies the pills will still effect the symptoms your having.
Your eyes look OK in the photo.
I have the same problem, not the make up bit as I am a man, but the runny eyes.
I have not been to the docs yet but I suspect a blocked tear duct but I use drops daily so it might not be. I also take anti histamines so I do not think it is an allergy.
It only occurs when I lean forward, I stand up straight and it disappears again. It's a pain on a windy day though.
PS Cleavage looks nice as well as eyes....lol
I would see the doctor on this one....it could be caused by allergies, or a clogged tear duct etc...you could probably get some drops and be done with it!. I wouldnt wear make up on it, smudged looks worse than none. If you must...try waterproof mascarra and skip the shadow and liner. If your eye is infected or something you have to discard ALL Your eye make up......or the issue will come right back and you will have a pooey goopy eye forever. Make a DR's appt...today.
You may have an obstructed tear duct that doesn't allow your tears to drain from your eye as they normally do. That blockage leads the tears to flow over the lid and not back down your nose and throat. See an ophthalmologist..