im pretty sure you dont have it. its just a part or growing up. dont worry about it!! just if you go to the dr. for like a check up or w/e u can mention it if you want. |

you should visit doctor
you cannot predict any thing ,so getting depressed is not good
its better you visit doctor or ask your elders b4 it get worst |

Definately see a doctor. It's better to not have cancer and see one, than to have cancer and not know for sure. Good luck! |

Go to a doctor...Duh and yes its possible |

a complex kid
please, go to a doctor, very, very soon. |

i dunno but i think whatever it is a doctors visit is in order. |

Sky k
I will say this. I'm not a doctor! I wouldn't know if you have Breast Cancer! Go to a doctor and ask this,not strangers on the internet. |

Rachel C
i think i got something like that when i was you're age and i emailed someone about it and they said it was probably just the tissue in my breasts changing with puberty...i wouldnt worry about it, it should go away pretty soon but if it doesnt go away then you should be! but seriously you've just begun puberty so this will happen a few times, your body is gonna change loads the next few years...; |

Max Power
Highly unlikely at your age , your breasts are changing as you go through puberty , dont worry , but to to put the record straight ,mention it to your doc next time you see him |

It is highly unlikely for cancer to develop in both breasts simultaneously, it sounds like you have an abcess, which happens sometimes when girls go through puberty. The glands that produce milk later in life are activated and if yours are clogged or blocked they will swell into lumps and leak from the nipple. You are 13, making this your biggest possibility. Go to the doctor and mention this, you should be just fine.
Good luck!!! |

What are the signs of breast cancer?
Unfortunately, the early stages of breast cancer may not have any symptoms. This is why it is important to follow screening recommendations. As a tumor grows in size, it can produce a variety of symptoms including:
lump or thickening in the breast or underarm
change in size or shape of the breast
nipple discharge or nipple turning inward
redness or scaling of the skin or nipple
ridges or pitting of the breast skin
These symptoms do not always signify the presence of breast cancer, but they should always be evaluated immediately by a healthcare professional.

Confront a parent or guardian right away and have them take you to get it looked at. It might be awakard, but it's better to be safe than sorry. :) |

Andrea J
Sweetie, breast cancer in someone your age is rare. Instead of trying to get a diagnosis from unqualified people on yahoo answers, you need to speak with your mother and then see a doctor. Some women have cystic breasts, or it could be swollen milk glands. You're still developing. Don't panic - talk to your mom. She'll know what to do. |

Nah I don't think that's it but you better go see a doctor,that's the best option and if you really have something(I doubt it) you should start immediate medication |

Go to the doctor.
You need it checked, now. |

don't hesitate - ask your mother, or go to the doctor - they will support you in whatever you do! |

Tommy M
see the doc for a scan |

Vicky H
askk ur mom.. |

it's very very very rare. i knew someone who had a lump or something too once. and shes only 14..it ended up just being a pocket of puss stuff and she took meds and now its gone. but you neeed to get you're thing check out by a breast doctor ASAP. if your nipples are leakking and stuff thats not good.. |

I am Me <3 and i ♥ u
oh jeez...
well it sounds like your still growing, the lumps are normal..
i would deff. see a doctor

I'm sure you don't have breast cancer. Your breasts are just growing. Everyone has those huge lumps. I thought the same thing when I was 15, and I was scared to death about it, and I made my gyno give me a breast exam, and she said it was perfectly normal. Sure, you can go to the doctor and make them give you a breast exam if you want, but more than likely you are fine. Don't self diagnose using the internet. That's a good way to scare youself. Hypochondriacs are annoying. |

ur developing but just
to make sure GO TO THE DOCTOR!!! |

go to the doctor |

:) Lucy (:
Its very rare for a child of your age to have breast cancer. Stop reading things that are going to scare you unnecessarily.. If you are really very concerned tell your mum, and tell her you want to see a doctor. A lump in the breast does NOT mean cancer, it could be anything from them growing to a cyst, reading things on the internet is just going to further make you believe you are sick, when the chances are you are not.
Are you taking any medication? Some medications can have those side affects. |

You need to contact a doctor and get two opinions don't settle for one person just to be safe
I am praying for you that you don't have cancer |

go to the doctor! don't ask us |

At 13 the chances of breast cancer are very, very, very close to zero. Breast cancer is predominantly a disease of ageing: 80% of people diagnosed with it are over 50, it's rare in women under 40 and it's almost unheard of in under 25s.
The American Cancer Society and other cancer organisations recommend that women start breast self-examination at the age of 20 - there's a reason for that..
Your breasts are still growing and developing and what you describe is perfectly normal; the fact that both your breasts are the same makes it even less likely to be anything sinister..
Talk to your mother about this, or if you feel you can't do that then talk to your school nurse - she will be used to such questions and will take you seriously, and should be able to reassure you. Meanwhile, stop worrying - you haven't got breast cancer |

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