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 Are my teeth rotten?
So i have a few questions...
In the middle of my front two teeth there are blackstuff, not on my gums but on the actual tooth.
I've had it for a while never bothering to go to the ...

 Is it normal for your gums so slight bleed when your flossing
because maybe you pressed down to hard?
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is it normal for your gums to slightly bleed when your flossing?***...

 Im still scared. tommorow mornings the big day....'wisdoom' teeth?
hi guys

tommorow morning at 7;45 sydney time im scheduled to go under the knife to remove 4 wisdom teeth...

im still so scarred. ....like what if and what if ...you know...like ...

 Does a tooth cleaning require anesthesia?

 Have you ever had a cavity?

 I just had 3 of my teeth taken out 2 hours ago,what am i aloud to eat because im realy hungry?
I'm really hungry because i didn't eat since like 7 hours ago. I had 3 of my molars extracted on 3 different sides and the only side with my mollar still there is the lower right side.What ...

 How much does it cost to have wisdom teeth removed without insurance?

 Is a Porcelain/Metal Fused Crown Truly Better?
My denist has prescribed a buid up and crown on a back moler that has deteriorated. The way the wrote it up, it is a Porcelein/Metal crown.

However, my insurance will only cover what they ...

 I need to know every thing about braces?
Be very specific. Do they hurt? how much? I need to know EVERYTHING about ...

 Dental problem please help!!?
My male friend is driving me crazy, the past few weeks he has been getting very bad tooth ache. He is literally crying with the pain. He went to A and E the other morning and they advised him to go ...

 When a cavity hurts?
By the time a cavity is causing toothache, how likely is it that you will just need a simple filling rather than anything more complicated like root canal therapy?
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I ...

 Question about braces?
ok im going to need braces for my over bite. my question is does it hurt bad? does it hurt when its getting put in? do they give you shots in your mouth so it doesnt hurt? and will they give you ...

 I am 12 years old and a front tooth lower tooth is about to come out. Is this normal?

 I immediately NEED help!?
I have a poly-like sac over the area on my right wisdom teeth. It's a bit tender but it can get painful when you touch it hard.
I only noticed it today, and I'm 12 years old so no ...

 Mercury tooth filling controversy ?
Background: Teeth fillings contain mercury. There is disagreement on whether this can cause mercury poisoning. Most medical professionals seem to think it does not.

Mercury poisoning can ...

 Alternative to a tongue scraper?!?
I live in a country where tongue scrapers/cleaners aren't available yet. Can anyone give me any ideas what could be used as an alternative?...

 What is the most painful procedure you have had done at the dentist?

 Why am i scared of the dentist?

 Please help me?
i use to have some pretty teeth but all of a sudden my teeth started falle out and everything decaying bad .i had braces on them to have them stratghtn out . but i cannot not understand that could it ...

 How can you stop braces from hurting after you just got them?
I kinda don't wanna wait cuz I'm trying to eat and it hurts!!!...

em <3
Brace pain!!!!?
I got braces yesterday on the top and bottom. My top hurt but not that much compared to the bottom. They are killing me and its my birthday tomorrow and I don't want it to be ruined because of stupid braces. Is there anything that can ease the pain? How long will they hurt?

I know exactly how you feel!! I am really sorry that you are in so much pain. Try not to bite down really hard and eat soothing foods like italian ice (convince your parents to take you out for ice cream?) and cold applesauce. You can take pain medication if your parents allow you to, but advil/tylenol did not help me. If you are patient and you don't think about the pain it goes away a lot sooner. Happy Birthday =)

They will hurt every time they are adjusted. Take some Advil before each appointment. For help with current pain take some Advil.

Braces don't hurt at all when you get them in but I never got them tightened so i don't know if that's when it hurts. I never felt any pain ever since i got braces!!!

But takee ibuprofen 4 times a day and if that don't work, tryyy orajellll :)

pretti gurl ♥
Just take some painkillers such as: Tylenol, Advil, Motrin (and any other pills).

Try brushing your teeth too! That works sometimes.

Lindsey G
Try pain killers. The pain will go away in a few days. It was like that for me too. They are sore right??? When you eat try cutting you food into tiny tiny pices. Try eating softer foods too. Maybe a some soft serve ice cream. Thatelps, plus it doesn't hurt to eat. Good Luck. Also your teeth will look great at the end so just be patient.

Take some Tylenol, try some oragel, and also use that wax on the braces to keep them from rubbing on your gums. Godd luck, I was there 22 years ago.

Peace, Love, & Pink!
They will hurt for about a week...then they will hurt again when you get them tightened...braces hurt a LOT.

Eat cold foods/soft foods. Do not eat something crunchy!! Swish your mouth out with warm water. Take painkillers like Tylenol. Put ice packs on the sides of your face.

Good luck! Just remember you'll have a beautiful smile after it's all done! Happy birthday!

It's horrible isnt it!!!!!!
Take the painkillers you would for a headache in the same way as you would for a headache
I'm realyl sorry it has to be on your birthday!!!
They hurt for about 5 days :(
Having said that, they really are worth it.

it'll hurt for about 3 days max sorry to say!

Try taking some anti-inflammatory for the swelling and pain like ibuprofen.

oh, pain relievers! the pain lasts for ONLY 3-5 days.. yes yes, I'm in braces now! but think about it! you'll get really nice teeth after! =))

it'll hurt for a few more days, and every time they r probably tightened. take pain killers and happy birthday :)

i had braces, i know how painful they are.
they will hurt for a few days until your teeth have been moved to where the brace has been tightened to, and then they will be tightened again until they are in the right place.
i used to take some ibuprofen or paracetamol, your teeth will still feel tight, but the pain won't be as bad.
try not to eat hard chewy foods, i used to eat ice cream, cereal and yoghurts, a good excuse to have dessert for dinner!
just think about when you have them taken off and you have nice straight teeth :)
EDIT** also as emily says, take some pain killers before your appointments, it will help the pain each time they are tightened.
p.s they hurt loads more when they have just been tightened and then the pain will die down, and you will be ok.
Happy Birthday for tomorrow :)

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