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 My friend has a bad breathe problem what should I tell her to do besides brush?

 How do I get rid off the white stuff (Oral Thrush) on my tongue permanently?
How do I get rid off the white stuff (Oral Thrush) on my tongue permanently? Ok I am sick of brushing it off every other day,from all the brushing my tongue bleeds sometimes. Is there a way to remove ...

 Wisdom teeth?
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 Im getting my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow. my dentist is doing it and im going to be awake. does it hurt?
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 Are my teeth rotten?
So i have a few questions...
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I've had it for a while never bothering to go to the ...

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is it normal for your gums to slightly bleed when your flossing?***...

 Im still scared. tommorow mornings the big day....'wisdoom' teeth?
hi guys

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 I need to know every thing about braces?
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 When a cavity hurts?
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Do braces hurt?
I have to HATE pain, please tell me if i it does hurt

hey, i just got braces a few days ago.
First off, putting the braces on takes about 45 minutes. It dosen't hurt at all, but is a bit uncomfortable as you have to bite on this plastic thing which hurts your tongue- But just RELAX and the pain stops. Trust me on that, just RELAX!
Now, firstly, On the first day it hurt a bit, but not all the teeth, just a few. The second day it was really painful, but once i took Panadol the pain went away. It hurts to eat for the first few days but eventually the pain will fade and you will be able to eat most food. It will still hurt a bit to eat hard food, so try and stick with soft stuff.
Seconly, i admit that getting braces is very ANNOYING- you have to clean your teeth for about five minutes. But cleaning your braces is important because otherwise it feels weird and bits of food get stuck which makes it uncomfortable and sometimes painful.
Thirdly, No-one has teased me at school so don't worry about that. Actually a girl told me i look cool with the braces on =)
LAstly, I'll say this:
Only get braces if you have to. Otherwise don't get them. They're really annoying!
But there is not that much pain, only after when you first get the braces, when you eat hard food, and after you go to the dentist to get your brace's bands tightened (for a few days)
But good luk, and if u want 2 talk... well ill email u or something.
=) Good luk and dont worry.
Its not that bad.

more m
doesn't hurt ..

I just got braces today and i got the top only...They only hurt when the brackets in the back of your mouth goes and thts about it...after that you just need to get used to them
Hope i helped

Sungmin <33 baby boy
For the first few days they will, but it will go away. If you really can't stand it, take some Tylenol, or Advil.

not when u first get them, but when u go to get them tightened for the first few times IT HURTS! for about a week or so(u have to stick to very soft foods for that time).
but at about your third or fourth tightening they should only hurt for about a day or 2 or 3 but thats it!
and it is going to hurt if u get a power chain

Nope it does not hurt,when i got them on i just felt sore but not in pain.

Lords of Stockton
Yes, some days they do hurt - when you go in for adjustments/tightening it can be down right achy. When you think of the concept of pulling teeth forward to align with the lower jaw or holding the lower jaw in place so the upper jaw can grow it stands to reason some pain - If you keep the rule of thumb in your mind "No Pain No Gain" - It will help you through the difficult time of all those dental visits - Good Luck with your transformation.

Where Words Fail, Music Speaks!
not that bad....ive had much worst stuff done...
they just put brackets on with glue or sumthin
the part that would hurt a bit is if the wire rubs against ur lip on the inside, that may hurt...or if they tighten it....but u get used to them after a few days.....

now, i have braces and 2 scews in the top of my mouth....and this retainer type metal piece at the top of my mouth....the screws r pokin @ my cheeks and itts cuttin them alil...
but braces dont hurt....

Haha I just got my braces today. The actual application of the braces doesn't hurt until an hour or 2 later. It feels annoying, the metal against your teeth for a while but then I realized, if I want nice teeth I have to go through this!
A few minutes ago, I actually rubbed the brackets on my teeth and THEY HURT SO BAD. So advice would be to just drink and liquids and don't chew on anything for the first 2-3 days of getting your braces. I just had them for a few hours and I already know. Now I'm getting a headache. :P
Hope this kinda helped.

yes it does.

When you first get them braces do hurt, and periodically when they are tightened you can feel the tension for a little while which makes your mouth sore. However, for a beautiful girl like you it's worth it. Just remember, that braces only enhance the natural beauty that you already possess by straightening your teeth. What braces don't do is to provide the internal beauty which most people such as yourself possess, so to answer your question....yes there's pain but it's worth it. Don't be scared and try to think the best.

Good luck and just remember you're already beautiful on the inside and out!

The actual application of braces doesn't hurt, but every time you go in for a tightening, especially if you get rubber bands, you may feel some discomfort. It's a good thing though, because it means your teeth are moving and you are that much closer to a beautiful smile!

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