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 Bump on my gums?
i get a liitle buimp on my gums, i can push on it and puss comes out. the bump usually forms overnite and during the day it's a little tender..could this be an absess tooth?...

 Why am I born with bad breath!?
every time I talk to someone they ask me if I want a peice of gum or a mint or a tic-tac, I take one but as soon as I finish the one mint they ask me if I want two or three more. I brush my teeth ...

 When you first get braces, how long does the pain last?
I just got braces, and the pain is just terrible. So I was wondering how long until the pain wears off? I also can't eat anything, so anyone have some good ideas on what I can eat that won'...

 Im polish thanks for free health care...?

 Tooth sensitive?
One of my molars that has a rather large filling, on and around it has suddenly become severly sensitive. What could be causing this? It is getting quite painful to eat anything hot or cold on that ...

 How many fillings do you have?

 I have some weird pain!!!!?
I have weird pains that last only a few seconds. Its kinda hard to explain. I get a shooting pain up to my head and it happens really quick.sometimes it happens once a day sometimes 30.I have been ...

 What are the consequences of very bad teeth?

 Help need teeth desperately!!!!!!!!!?
i am 49 and in 1996 i had a serious car accident. it took 181 stiches to put my face back, but i lost all my teeth, i have an upper plate, but they said there is no way that i can afford the $6000.00 ...

 The dentist un-registered my kids?
I've missed a few dentist apointments in the past with my kids, there's just so much going on I forgot about them, and I just realised today that they were supposed to go last week and I ...

 Are toothbrushes on short supply in Britain?
The corn looking teeth is why I ask, just curious?...

 Does it hurt when u get ur braces off?

 I getting braces but they have to take out 2 of my teeth Will it hurt and how do they do it?

 Tooth Question?
Ok...this question may seem weird, but since dentists took off my braces, one of my front tooth is kind of damaged, some part of the tooth broke and it keeps breaking more I think. My tooth seems ...

 Adult Braces..Why do i look so dumb now?
It was my choice and $$ to get braces. I couldnt get the ones you take out cause my teeth are just a bit to bad for thoes. I didnt look to bad with no braces and messed up teeth. Now i have the clear ...

 ~i want while teeth~?
i want white teeth what can i use for toothpaste and what should i eat to make the really ...

 Will having 5 teeth removed under sedation hurt?And also will the needle hurt much?
Im pertrified of needles and need these teeth removed due to braces . Please please be honest.
Additional Details
Aww I didn't realise how polite and kind people are.. You have all ...

 Why do I have teeth?

 I had my wisdom teeth pulled and stitched up. Am I going to have holes still?

 Wisdom tooth removed?
I had it taken out a few days ago
and I am feeling sick , cant stop going to the toilet and am very swollen and sore

have to add though that I have irritable bowels brought on by ...

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How come one of my teeth is dark?
my 2 front teeth, one of them is normal and the other one is dark....like the whole teeth looks shaded....it dont hurt

Cecily P
probably cuz u didnt brush well on that toot or pild plaq stayed in your teeth and packed down so it made it darker.

You should stop SMOKING and drinking COFFEE, man.....
Buy the whitening toothpaste to brush your teeth....

You poor thing. You should have the dentist take a look at it.

visit a dentist

It could be that the nerves around the tooth are dead.Best thing to do is see a dentist. You could probably have the tooth bleached to match the other one.Dentists do great things these days.

Lief Tanner
If the discolouration appears like it is just under the surface of the tooth, then a good bet is that you have a cravity which, if you don't have checked soon, will start to cause your tooth to splinter.

Do you go to the dentist regularily. If there was something wrong with it, they would tell you.

you really need to go and get that looked at, sounds like the tooth is dying or has already died.

if you just leave it then you risk infection and loosing the tooth and other teeth. You may have a problem that caused this tooth to die that may affect the other teeth, so its worth getting checked out!
if you dont have enough money to go to a private dentist go and put your name down at the local hospital, government dentist etc

this usually happens if you had a filling or a root canal. Go see your dentist

mabey you need a rootcanal/ the nerv may be damaged.


Probably means the root is damaged and it is dying

The nerve in the tooth has suffered a trauma at some time and is dying or dead. The darkness you see is dried blood that has seeped into the tubules from the dying nerve of the tooth. About the only thing you can do now is have an elective RCT preformed, then a post and crown placed on the tooth. Your dentist may want to bleach the canal of the tooth prior to post placement to clean the dried blood from the tubules so there is less chance of this showing through an all porcelain crown. Hope I've been of some help with this. Actually I had to have this procedure done myself several years ago, did it while I was at work without any anesthetic since the tooth was dead. To this day I still have no idea what may have caused it to die. Good luck!

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