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 Bad breath?
some questions about bad breath:

how can you check your breath? because i breathe in my hand but can't smell anything but my mom tells me my breath stinks.

sometimes i get ...

 Rotten?Broken Tooth?
I was eating some chicken tonight when part of my upper right tooth the one by my molar broke off! I had been having a bad smell in my mouth for a few days! Anyway it doesnt hurt-however it still has ...

 What are the white blotches I usually have on my teeth? And how do I get rid of them?
I usually have these white blotches on my teeth. Usually on the front teeth. They aren't always there, and some days they are more extreme than others. I've noticed that it sometimes ...

 How to cure bad breath?
my boyfriend has bad breath most of the time no matter how much water he drink. he also brushes regularly and uses mouth gargle. what might be the cause?...

 Can I mouthwash with whiskey, vodka, beer, etc?

 Dental technicians. Is that a job mainly for a man?!?
Im quite interested in working in the dentistry buisness :) Theres a course at college for dental technicians, (im a girl) i guess it doesnt really matter, but i was just wondering could anybody give ...

 Brace pain!!!!?
I got braces yesterday on the top and bottom. My top hurt but not that much compared to the bottom. They are killing me and its my birthday tomorrow and I don't want it to be ruined because of ...

 RIGHT AFTER you get braces , can you talk normally ?

 My friend has a bad breathe problem what should I tell her to do besides brush?

 How do I get rid off the white stuff (Oral Thrush) on my tongue permanently?
How do I get rid off the white stuff (Oral Thrush) on my tongue permanently? Ok I am sick of brushing it off every other day,from all the brushing my tongue bleeds sometimes. Is there a way to remove ...

 Wisdom teeth?
Do you feel really pathetic when their growing? I can't seem to shake off a cold, my throat always hurts, my ears are blocked and I wonder if its all ...

 My partner keeps grinding her teeth when watching TV or when she's relaxed. Why do people do this?

 Im getting my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow. my dentist is doing it and im going to be awake. does it hurt?
has anyone ever been awake and had their dentist removed their wisdom teeth. tell me your experience. did it hurt?...

 What is the best toothbrush I can buy for only $500?
my papa give me only five hundred american dollars to buy myself a good toothbrush. please help me find a good one. thank you so much....

 What causes your gum line to recede, and what can be done about it.?

 My breath smells like shet what should i do?

 What is the best type of toothpaste?

 Are my teeth rotten?
So i have a few questions...
In the middle of my front two teeth there are blackstuff, not on my gums but on the actual tooth.
I've had it for a while never bothering to go to the ...

 Is it normal for your gums so slight bleed when your flossing
because maybe you pressed down to hard?
Additional Details
is it normal for your gums to slightly bleed when your flossing?***...

 Im still scared. tommorow mornings the big day....'wisdoom' teeth?
hi guys

tommorow morning at 7;45 sydney time im scheduled to go under the knife to remove 4 wisdom teeth...

im still so scarred. ....like what if and what if ...you know...like ...

How does oral surgery for impacted tooth feel?

Its going to hurt..

Sam D
probably numb and pokey.

Ana Banana
i had in impacted wisdom tooth and oral surgery hurt so incredibly bad. my guess is it hurt more cuz it was a wisdom tooth and at the same time i was having a molar taken out so it probably wont be so bad for you.
Good luck!
godbless =)

I'm a weird, ugly, and cute!
hopefully not like anything because of the anesthetic

Yvette C
I got an IV and then I went to sleep. Then I woke up and it was over. My face was numb from the numbing medication they had injected during the surgery. Then they gave me a prescription for steroids to prevent swelling, I had an ice pack, and a prescription for pain pills. It was not bad. Good Luck

David S
Well if it's impacted they'll numb you up really well. You may think it's overkill with the number of cartridges they use, but it's better to be numb than not numb enough. Remember to be calm during the procedure. Anxious patients increase anxiety and it decreases the effectiveness of the drugs we use.

During the procedure you'll feel pressure. Have you every had anyone jump on you while you were lying on your bed(assuming you have the covers on and everything)? You'll feel like a heavy sensation but not pain.

Here's what most people don't know, when we grab hold of the tooth, we have to have a firm grip on it, which means it's a lot of pressure. Don't be fooled into thinking that's pain. It's not pain, just a lot of pressure on your tooth. If you weren't numb enough you'll feel pain almost instantly, not 5-10 minutes into the procedure. Of course usually we'll just shoot you up one more time just to be safe.

It's also possible they'll section the tooth. Rather than having to take out 1 difficult tooth, the doctor might cut it in 2 pieces and remove one side, then the other making life for the dentist and you much easier. It all depends on the case.

PC be with you my friend, kmj
Hey Journeyo.....I have had a few impacted teeth removed...no big deal! Just bite the bullet for the injection, or hang on tight to the chair arms for a couple seconds.....and presto! The process is painless after the injecton. A little soreness during the healing process, but nothing that a couple of tylenol can't subdue! If you have several impacted teeth, sometimes you can talk the dentist into doing it in the hospital so medical insurance might cover! No worse than having a baby!!!! Just kidding, I am sure you will do fine! Peace be with you my friend......God Bless! kmj

I was born without any wisdon teeth, as were both of my sons. However, my daughter-in-law just went through surgery last week to have 4 impacted wisdom teeth and 2 molars removed. They gave her great drugs and she is still floating along with the aid of the drugs--lol.
Earlier the same week as the surgery she had 3 root canals and 6 caps put on her teeth. (her insurance was ready to expire so everything had to be done right away)
You will be fine, but sore for awhile. Don't hesitate to ask for some painkillers to use afterwards.
Good luck.

the anesthesia they put into using a IV needle will help you feel no pain but just dizziness during and after the surgery. after that, it may hurt a little bit...but usually goes away after 1 week or two.
keep that spot clean when you are able to brush!

depends on the doc..
my first time was awful and painful
2nd time I went to a different guy..it was a breeze. I didn't even have to take the pain meds.

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