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 RIGHT AFTER you get braces , can you talk normally ?

 My friend has a bad breathe problem what should I tell her to do besides brush?

 How do I get rid off the white stuff (Oral Thrush) on my tongue permanently?
How do I get rid off the white stuff (Oral Thrush) on my tongue permanently? Ok I am sick of brushing it off every other day,from all the brushing my tongue bleeds sometimes. Is there a way to remove ...

 Wisdom teeth?
Do you feel really pathetic when their growing? I can't seem to shake off a cold, my throat always hurts, my ears are blocked and I wonder if its all ...

 My partner keeps grinding her teeth when watching TV or when she's relaxed. Why do people do this?

 Im getting my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow. my dentist is doing it and im going to be awake. does it hurt?
has anyone ever been awake and had their dentist removed their wisdom teeth. tell me your experience. did it hurt?...

 What is the best toothbrush I can buy for only $500?
my papa give me only five hundred american dollars to buy myself a good toothbrush. please help me find a good one. thank you so much....

 What causes your gum line to recede, and what can be done about it.?

 My breath smells like shet what should i do?

 What is the best type of toothpaste?

 Are my teeth rotten?
So i have a few questions...
In the middle of my front two teeth there are blackstuff, not on my gums but on the actual tooth.
I've had it for a while never bothering to go to the ...

 Is it normal for your gums so slight bleed when your flossing
because maybe you pressed down to hard?
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is it normal for your gums to slightly bleed when your flossing?***...

 Im still scared. tommorow mornings the big day....'wisdoom' teeth?
hi guys

tommorow morning at 7;45 sydney time im scheduled to go under the knife to remove 4 wisdom teeth...

im still so scarred. ....like what if and what if ...you know...like ...

 Does a tooth cleaning require anesthesia?

 Have you ever had a cavity?

 I just had 3 of my teeth taken out 2 hours ago,what am i aloud to eat because im realy hungry?
I'm really hungry because i didn't eat since like 7 hours ago. I had 3 of my molars extracted on 3 different sides and the only side with my mollar still there is the lower right side.What ...

 How much does it cost to have wisdom teeth removed without insurance?

 Is a Porcelain/Metal Fused Crown Truly Better?
My denist has prescribed a buid up and crown on a back moler that has deteriorated. The way the wrote it up, it is a Porcelein/Metal crown.

However, my insurance will only cover what they ...

 I need to know every thing about braces?
Be very specific. Do they hurt? how much? I need to know EVERYTHING about ...

 Dental problem please help!!?
My male friend is driving me crazy, the past few weeks he has been getting very bad tooth ache. He is literally crying with the pain. He went to A and E the other morning and they advised him to go ...

What is the purpose of wisdom teeth?
What I don't understand about wisdom teeth is why do we get them? They don't start erupting until we're in out twenties (sometimes later for some people), yet from an evolutionary point of view, early human/pre modern man only had a life expectancy of about 40-50 so what is the purpose of developing new teeth so late in life?

Like,duh, to chew with. As to why we get them, no one has figured that out. 20-29 really is'nt late in life, even thousands of years ago, some people lived to be 90, but it was common to die before you reached your teens which lowered the average lifespan. If someone lost all their erupted teeth early, then got his wisdom teeth it would be good, because he would have something to attach his dentures to.

for wisdom duh

There is no purpose. Wisdom teeth are vestigial, which means that they used to serve a purpose, but evolution rendered them useless for our species. Same thing goes for tailbones. =)

same as an appendix

A lot of people don't know this. It is because actually they are replacing teeth that have fallen out. Well, teeth that would have fallen out. See, before we used to take such good care of our teeth, some of them would fall out. That is why we must have them removed sometimes. See, if we don't lose a tooth, then our eventual wisdom teeth will have nowhere to go, that is why they become impacted. They have no room to grow, so they try to come out in any way possible. Oh and also, wisdom teeth usually come out earlier than twenty, Its usually around 15 or 16.

Count Acumen
The reason they got them so late in life, is probably because all the rest of their teeth had fallen out.

To summarise musicman's link..
If you knock teeth out the other teeth space out a bit. Primitive man was always losing teeth so four extra would not cause crowding as it does these days, hence they get pulled a lot.

for the pain of it all.

The fact that your asking the question...shows you are using your head and developing wisdom...therefore the name Wisdom Teeth...they make you think why you have them in the first place

Here's a good answer:

Our 'wisdom teeth' are molars that are a throw-back from the early evolution of hominids from the apes. These teeth fulfilled the function of grinding food, in particular tough vegetation that many apes, our ancestors, regularly ate as part of their diet. Today, we look to regulate our diet to include 'fibre', but apes knew nothing about diet, they merely ate instinctively those foods that are appropriate for their health and proper development.
Yes, as one answer points out, they are evolutionary vestiges, like our coccyx, our appendix and the longer second toe on our feet! As you are aware, very few of us humans chew bark, have tails, or swing from trees (that is, no one that I know) - but our ape-ancestors did.

well its in natures hand,,,you cant ask why its erupting,,,earlier they were used by the primates,,, cause they used to eat raw food which involved the active use of the wisodm teeths,,,,but nowdays these teeth are not being used as in todays world people are eating refined food which is soft and less chewable,,,as the wisdom teeths are not being used they bcome crowded so due to the improper alignment they have to be removed,,,,thats all,,,hope i answered ur question,,,,the tooth which fails to erupt in the mouth is called as impacted tooth ,,,,most of the wisdom teeths are impacted ,,so they have to be removed....

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