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 Is drug testing mandatory when seeing a doctor about temporary state disability due to an injury?
Is testing positive for Marijuana reason to be turned down for temporary state disability benefits?...

 My hand hurts I have a 3rd degree burn how can i make it stop hurting?
help me im in severe pain i havent felt this much pain ever help ...

 Mild but bothersome knee pain, any advice?
Lately I have been having some mild knee pain on the outside of my right knee. It didn't seem to come on suddenly and has been bothering me for some time now. I have noticed there is a bump in ...

 I am very anxious around needles. Having a blood draw soon. scared please help me. Will it really hurt?
Are nurses used to treating nervous patients?

Will they be able to calm me down, and distract me?

Last time i had a blood test, was 4 years ago, the nurse was really horrid. And ...

Today at gymnastics I landed with my ankle turned to the side (as in my ankle was very near the floor when i landed) and I can barely move it now without it hurting and I cannot walk on it. My dad ...

 Have i broken my kneecap??
i fell down the stairs and hurt my knee. then i had to do sport and ran 3.2km. also i then slipped in the bathroom. my knee really kills and i have trouble moving it, but it is not swelled or ...

 Ok I have a Cut In My Arm And I Need It Gone By This Weekend!! Any Suggestions?
I haven't told anyone yet cause I really want it gone and FAST!!
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It's not that deep well not really! I just have this thing this weekend and I can't ...

 Tell me what you think?
I think that if we made alcohol illegal and marijiana legal a lot more of us would be alive today, alcohol kills. That's just my opinion....

 I've cut my hair like a year and a half ago. Why hasn't it grown since then?
I've heard that fish oil pills can help the growth of my hair and nails!...

 How to fake a wrist injury or hurt it a little??
i really dont wanna go climbing on the 1 class trip and my teacher already said that it was madatory and im really terrified of heights and dont wanna embarress myself. im thinking about a wrist or ...

 My friend just fell off his bike and twisted his leg and it keeps on hurting?
So wat hapened was he fell off and and from his knee to his ankle it hurts cuase it twisted. We're trying ice, but when he moves it, it hurts alot. Any suggestions wat to do?
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 Why do I wake in the morning with a pulled muscle in my inner calf?
For the past year or two I've been waking up in the morning with my inner calf hurting like crazy; it feels like a pulled muscle and it hurts A LOT. I used to wake up to these pulled muscles ...

 I fell on my wrist, what could it be?
I feel hard the other day, with most of the pressure on one hand. Now my wrist hurts going up the side of my arm by that bone that sticks out. I know I didn't break the bone. And I'm not ...

 Knee problem. Should I demand more from my doctor?
I have had a knee problem since I was 12 years old. I was running across the street the next step my knee gave out and I crashed like a ton of bricks. It felt like my lower leg went one way and my ...

 Will this affect me playing soccer?
My toenail is basically dead and will most likely have to be removed (its my big toe)
Can I still play soccer if It is removed?
What is the general recovery time?...

 I've got a ganglian on my wrist?
it's been there for years. sometimes its worse than others. when its big i find it embarrasin but i also find it uncomfortable when i flex my wrist. what exactly is a ganglian, will i always ...

 Does anyone have any ideas of how to break if not just injure yourself, like an arm or leg or foot...?
Nothing too serious, just enough to not allow to play a sport....
I know I must sound insane, but this is an actual non-joking question....I just need something wrong, like a break, maybe a ...

 I have a blister type thing on my toe on my left foot..from idk what but its there what do i do???? it hurts?
i walked home today and my toe was killin me so i took of my shoes and socks looked at my foot saw my toe and theres a blister type thing on it... how do i get rid of it??
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 Do you have any really great stories about a scar you have?

 How do you know if you have broken a bone in your foot?
Earlier I tripped up and my foot is agony! I actually cant put any pressure on it or anything and I think I might have broken a bone :-| although I can move my toes but it is still agony when I do it!...

I got bit by a spider!! AM I GOING TO DIE?!?
I live in Texas, where I know there are some poisonous spiders. I think I got bitten by one three hours ago while I was playing with some pretty spiders I thought were house spiders.

Now my pelvis is black and purple and my skin looks like it's rotting it! Do you think I'm going to die or could I wait this out?
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Also- I'm really really poor right now so I can't afford a doctor's bill.

So any home cures would be nice, thank you!

unless you can identify that the spider was not poisonous i suggest that you get someone to take you down to your local emergency department as soon as possible where they will probably give you a tetanus shot, and monitor your vital signs, they may also give you an anit-venom. its difficult to say what they will do if you cant identify the spider. if the spider was poisonous you could be at serious risk. im not sure what sort of spiders they have in texas but some spiders can give you fevers and it sounds like your already experiencing side effects some also interfere with your respiratory system (breathing) and your heart which can result in death. do not be stupid and think that you can just sit this out its better to be safe than sorry. if the spider was poisonous some venoms take a long time to flow around your body and some take a very short time, it is also possible to have an allergic reaction. if your skin looks like its rotting head down to the hospital. goodluck and hope you get yourself to hospital soon.p.s in the future do not play with spiders and the pretty ones are usually the venomous ones.

lol. pretty spiders.

black and purple. looks like its rotting.
have fun waiting that one out.
seriously you are crazy. not even i would do that. and i wait everything out.
thats just idiotic.

Ozark Butterfly
I agree with the first poster, this isn't something you can fix yourself.
You need to get seen asap, go to the ER. This can make you very sick and leave you with a very very nasty scar.

ms P
Go to a Dr. This could have been a black widow or brown recluse spider. Either one can be life threatening. Go the Dr. at once

Unless you're a pro with spiders, it's a good idea to leave them alone.. Come on now.

What did the spider look like? Wasit thick? What color.
call 22 nurse and they can help you out. Use your brain.

Btw.. How old are you? Nevermind that.. But tell your parents or somebody that could be of help!

If you are poor enough you can go to the hospital and the government will Pay the medical bills. Just go to the hospital!!!!!

You can't cure this by yourself, you're gonna get really sick.
Don't even THINK about waiting this out.
You're gonna have to go to the doctor.
Good luck.

1. How old are you? My guess is under 15. No one "plays" with spiders they find.

2. House spiders are usually dull and black or brown. If this spider was "pretty," chances are it is not a house spider and is poisonous.

3. Get off the Internet and go to the doctor. C'mon now... common sense.

yes; you're going to die...

on a side note; who in their right mind plays with "pretty" spiders?

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