i'm feeling very suicidal right now and need someone to talk to.
my family call me fat all the time and i weight 110 pounds and i'm bulimic too ( eating disorders run in my family ) ...
if you committed suicide, but you believed in god, what do you think would happen? and assuming heaven and hell is real, do you think you could still go to heaven?...
Everything that could go wrong in my life has and i'm constantly plagued with suicidal thoughts. I've read other comments about this that say "take up a hobby" or something, but i&...
i pull out my hair and i think i have this condition called trichotillomania where you pull out your hair to relieve stress, and i was wondering if anyone else has this, and if they do, could they ...
i have severe depression and major ODD. i cant get along with anyone in my family, i only have two good friends, and my medication does NOT work. im in DBT group and therapy but that dosent seem to ...
Should people who hit themselves, seek help as much as those who cut? Or should they keep quiet as its more likely to be ignored and it isn't as harmful?
My aunt and best friend past away on 4-27-2007, and it's been very hard for me. Sometimes, I am in a good mood, thinking and laughing about the fun times we had, but then I realize she's ...
some people have no shame whatsoever..people are opening their hearts to you on this site, and some of you are pig ignorant, why dont you bloody grow up, and just think with your tiny little brains ...
I absolutly hate scary movies and usually don't watch them. My cousin convinced me to watch the Skeleton Key at a little sleepover we had and said it was just a thriller and not scary in the ...
I did...I spoke up...and now I am the bad guy in the family. I still think that I did the right thing. By the way, the abuse was of a mental/psychological and verbal nature, and I would catagorize ...
My mom hates me.She scolds me everytime.I am 17 years old,good at studies and i never did any wrong things in my life.My mom says i am not so good looking but i think i am beautiful.She irritates me ...
Can anyone give me a good reason to continue with life?
I used to think that life would be exciting and full of adventure. But now, I am completely disillusioned. I have few friends ( no close ones ), and worst of all, no lover. What's the use when you are so alone? Additional Details
And please don't tell me to get out of the house more, join clubs, etc. I have tried these things and nothing seems to work. Few people seem interested in me. I don't know the reason for that, but that's just the way it is.
you have to love yourself before you can love others. it sounds like you are depressed with life in general and have probally heard this you need to talk with someone whether it be a minister/priest or counselor to get to the root of what is bothering you. life is full of adventure and exciting but with the way you are feeling nothing looks great at the moment talk with someone this will probally help!!!!
I understand the feeling of gradual senselessness you speak of. I too have felt a similar "why go on" sense of doom. I did happen to read on the internet something that led me to think that I must at least continue with life so as not to miss a chance of somehow improving it for someone else. It sounds vague but suppose some time down the road, an opportunity to pull a child from the path of a car, or any one of millions of possibilities. See what I mean, it may not be just about you. There is sometimes a responsibility to someone or something else that is our reason for living. Be fair to yourself and your enviroment, hang around, we'll probably need you.
With the help of a therapist, you should dig into what disillusioned you, why it disillusioned you, and whether the thing that disillusioned you can be avoided in the future or must be lived with. If it can be avoided, you need to change your ways so that you avoid it.
First, how old are you? Do you interact with people your own age? Life is to be lived not to be dreaded. You need to seek therapy, your thoughts are not your own. E-mail me, lets talk.
May I help You?
What is your interest?
I hope you find something to read for inspiration, or just listening to a tv show (hopefully inspirational even if it's not your religion).
How about making a list of 10 things you simply must do before you check out.......
1. What kind of love do you want, and you are right to not have one that does not meet your needs!
2. What kind of help can you give..........and receive?
3. What is your best feature?
4. What is your best love.........even if it is from a distance?
5. What kind of day do you like, sunshine or rain? why
6. You are disgusted, and have a right to feel that way..........at times we all feel that way. So what.
That's a reason to stay....just because in a few days it could be better.
7. Add chocolate, yes dark chocolate is to have a good effect on the brain...........and you can add sugar free chocolate.......
8. We are alone at times, but so what...........sometimes it's better than being around those who scream and yell, or hit us!
Yes, I've been there!
Learn to love yourself, and pamper yourself in some way each day. You are worth it!
same as above
"Ask and ye shall receive. Seek and ye shall find"
I dont want to try to pasify you with all the get out of the house stuff.but I do want you to know...you are never alone.How old are you that you should be so unhappy?I know life throws you curbs, but its those curbs that will lead you to your truths,like all else in life,we have to work for what we have,and that includes happiness. Dont give up,I can promise life will get better be patient.
Can you think of all the hurt you will bring to those around you if you don't continue living? This is a sort of self-depreciating question. Your other questions are up beat and interesting, I don't know why others would not find you interesting. I like the $20 question you got some good response to that, and your singles and dating questions are great, I enjoy reading your responses:-)
I know people have already mentioned volunteering, it really is a worthwhile activity. Just when one I am feeling sorry for myself or depressed I go spend time at the disabled children's orphanage ( I live out of the USA, that's a whole other story)
Now just my humble opinion, I too, used to think life was supposed to exciting at all times and brimming with adventure, well here's what I have learned you have to make life what you want. Seek and you shall find.
Just because you don't have many close friends right now, doesn't mean you never will. Being alone can make you stronger, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Don't give up!!!
anyone . Get out of yourself try helping others , rather than wolloing in your own troubles . It really works !
there is for certain someone who loves you and that is God--you are here for a reason. despite your religous beliefs I highly recommend you read PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE. great book! what about your family? also have you been to a dr. to talk about your symptoms? ant-dpressants can help get you back on your feet. It doesn't mean that you will be on them forever. It is norml for everyone to go through low points in life--surely you have already been through some and come out ok. You are worth more.
Paula P
If you don't continue you will NEVER have an exciting life or any adventures! We never know what is right around the corner. You may have already met your soul mate but don't even realize that you have. Even if you can't grasp on to just a little bit of hope for tomorrow, even if there isn't one little thing that you may like, even if you don't have one person in your life that you love or loves you, even if tomorrow doesn't look very appealing........think about it, because tomorrow may bring you everything that you are searching for in your life. That is why you should continue with your life.
That's what I've been thinking for years, and I've discovered what I can do to take away any thought of suicide: Learning Html. If you want to learn, add me on your MSN buddy list: sonic_knx@hotmail.com
My best friend just killed herself this June. She said she couldn't take the pain anymore. She was 34. Last night I was sitting on my front step and thinking about her, and all the things that she's missed in a measley 2 months; I couldn't even begin to imagine what she will be missing in say, the next 20 years. I don't profess to have the most exciting life- in fact, it's pretty gd dull. But that one blue sky, breezy day; that one whiff of a favorite perfume; that one early evening watching those sparrows hop about by my front step; those are the little things that make life worthwhile.
always think the life is precious one and one has to enjoy by sharing with other. as you are telling you dont have lover. it is your mistake. dont do mistake by not loving other. you should love your friends then automattically your friends will show how to lead a joyable life. you practice with dolls and practice the same in your real life.
I know how you feel.When I was younger,I looked forward to the future.I thought life would be exciting and full of adventure.But now that I'm older,I don't feel that way anymore.
I,too,don't have many friends.And I don't have a relationship with someone special,either.
Life is a struggle for me.I have a mental illness,which takes up all my time and energy,in trying to overcome it.So,even though I don't wanna die,I feel like I am dying.Because I can't control my illness,I can't overcome it.It pretty much controls me,and it keeps me immobilized from having a normal life.
I can't suggest to you,what I think you should do.The way to a good life,is up to you to decide.I would say,though,that if there's anything you've never done,that you've always wanted to do,then do it.Find what makes you happy,and do it.There are good things out there in life.Things you have yet to experience.I hope you find out what makes you happy.And when you do,you'll realize that life does have some good in it.It's just up to you,to decide what that good is.I hope this helps some.
Robin B
Do you go out looking for new friends and a lover? Dont just sit home go and try to meet new people.
Neil G
get a hobby i don't have any Friends either so i do crafts play with my computer and stay away from people
I felt just like you a few years ago, and i can assure faith is the only cure. i just mean you should ask god for some friends, and someone who loves you. it may sound silly, but it worked for me, i used to be bullyed by everyone and now i have lots of friends and an awesome girl. have faith and keep on, there is always someone like you, it just may take a while to find him/her
get in touch with Jesus.
there are many people in the world who are alone. Try to identify them and help them. You know what is loneliness. Better, you can keep these people away from it, so that you can enjoy the life by seeing the GLOW in their eyes.
Everybody gets those days, you sound like a very caring person, don't give up tomorrow's a new day, and believe me you will find somebody soon , get out there and mingle, it going to happen.....
My brother committed suicide 20 years ago at the age of 21. I think of all the things he's missed, the people he never got to meet, and it just makes me so sad. My parents never recovered from his death and my Mother still goes thru bouts of depression over him.
All I can say to you is this -- please think of your family and contact them. Let them know how you feel and ask them for help. I only wish my Brother had done the same.
Just Smee
no, you have to find your own reason...simply put my reason will not work for you.
life is beautiful. get married have children, u will realize that nothing you can ask for more
You never know what's around the river bend or what you might find if you persist.
Forget about everybody else. How do you like you? You have to love yourself before anyone else will.
Just sit there and you will get worse, move on even in just your house, you will start feeling better and want to move around more - maybe outside.
Get on-line friends. Some of my best friends are on-line!
If your life is not exciting, if all you do is work and stay at home , no friends, no lover i would say there is no reason BYE.
Use the remainder of your life planning your demise. The longer it takes, the more intricate the planning, the more fulfilling your life will be.
Miss Sierra Sun
I'm in my forties and have never been married even though I am considered very attractive, so go figure! Yeah, life is disappointing but I think just about everyone walking on this space rock would say the same thing, even the very wealthy. The answer is to realize that your purpose is to have a personal relationship with God who will guide you and give you so much wisdom and love. One tidbit of wisdom I have been given is to realize that disappointments are a fact of life but discouragement is a CHOICE. Maybe you don't have the strength in you to stop being discouraged but God will give you that strength without any effort on your part. I have asked Him for strength almost everyday since becoming a Christian 27 years ago and it always blows me away how I can suddenly feel so different just because I prayed for that strength.
I'll be praying for you bud. Hang in there. Love, Dianne