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 I am always going to wonder how my life could have been!?
I returned home from oversease and turned down a wicked job and also missed an opportunity with a wicked guy, i'm so ashamed of ym actions for the last 6 months but there is nothing i can do to ...

 I have migranes on one side of my head and my skull is larger on the top, on the same side, and is tender?
I have been having EXTREME migranes on one side of my head. I have tried every over the counter medication, but nothing is helpful. Also, on the same side, the top of my skull has kind of a hill on ...

 I need help with obession...?
Ok, I am seriously in love with Chris Daughtry. I know everything about him and I almost broke up with my boyfriend just because I like Christopher *so* much. I have even slept beside my laptop ...

 What is your phobia?
whats your phobia and how severe is it for you?...

 Why do you think I feel sad?
I don't seem to have that social able quality that others seem to have and as a result I often feel lonley and unwanted. I dunno when even with my companions I don't know what to say and ...

I was just wondering if everyone (at some point in their life), do they have thoughts of..ya know..suicide? Or is it not common (like with teens)?...

 What is the best way to spook yourself (without a scary movie)?
Sometimes being scared is just something I need every now and then. I have been getting too much of humor and boredom lately. Nothing that will get myself killed please.
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 Have you ever experience extreme anxiety, stress, and severe depression all at the same time?
How bad had it gotten. How did you deal with it....

 Prayers Needed Please?
Hi Guys:

I am going to need your support the next few weeks or more. I want to ask you all to please say prayers or talk to your higher power for Allen as he had an accident yesterday. He ...

 My Mom's boyfriend Herb says my dreams of becoming an Astronaut are silly. How should I react?
He says I have only wanted to become an Astronaut since I learned that they get to wear diapers during takeoff and re-entry. He seems to have influenced my mom because she says it 'isn't ...

 Is it okay when my boyfriend controls my life?

 Why do I feel so down?
Latly I have been feeling very down. I have been very tired in the day and very awake at night. I have been crying and I don't even know why. Can any of you tell me why I have been feeling down ...

 Calling all addicts!! when your are........?
away from yahooanswers....do you STILL think about it???
like ya can't wait to get back on it?????...

 One minute I'm sad and crying in my bed in the dark, and the next minute I'm happy and working out and stuff.
Could I be bi-polar?...

 How can i get over sucidal thought's...The more that i fight depression..?
the more my depression worsen's and more sucide sounds like heaven to me..I don't know what to do and i don't know how to be really truley happy...Real smiles and lauph's not fake ...

 Cure for anxiety?
I have to do some public speaking next week anyone know any of anything that will help.
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anything OTHER than drugs?...

 Whats the point in life?
i just dont get it..we work and love..then just die..just die and its all over..and ur gone forever...i just dont get it..i never wanna die im 18 and im starting to know now that we really die..i ...

 What can I do when the GP just recomends self help?
I am depressed. I have a stressful job, managing staff as well as the public, and I feel as though everything I do away from work is a mess. I live with my boyfriend of over 3yrs, and I consider our ...

 I truely need help, I'm feeling so suicidal?
My mind is really messed up at the moment,Im so depressed, I feel like there is no point in me living another day,Im 19 n have been feeling this way for a very long time now - previously on here ...

 Is looking at the toilet paper after you wipe normal?

baby doll
Im not depressed about life, just school, ive lost all interest in it and im only a frosh in hs!!?
i hate school, i dont care about it anymore its too stressful and none of its going to matter in the long run i want to have a life, live it do fun things, not be bored out of my mind all day until im 30
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nothing i really want to do when i get older requires anything im learning in school right now

the world
like tupac

Bear Chanez
well think before you act. dont quit. think, after high school its pretty much work and do whatever you want. trust me just go and get it over. you think schools stressing try being a cop for a living.

if you leave school it may cause job problems later, and trust me it does matter with pay and what not. also you can go int othe military BUT all youll be is a low guy, officers are people like generals, lt's, and such that finished school, went to college then officers school. you need that combo to do that unless you want to make as much as a city worker does in LA in the military. I doubt you want that.

Just think about it and weigh the decision. 5 years of b.s. then freedom to do whatever and have fun or fun now and 40 years of hell with money and jobs.

my sister never finished and she works at subway for many years then before that a mcdonalds cashier since she was 16! shes in her 40s! She totally regrets quiting. Some are lubky but it varies on where you live. in my area if you quit school the best job youll get guaranteed is micky d's or sonic. no joke, they will pick the better guy/gal over you. so you gotta be the better guy/gal.

its tough but keep going. dont give up. because if you quit on this then whats going to happen in a busy or heavy job? trust me, finish, get it over with then its all good and lean like a cholo.

saw a post and wanted to add, a lot of good universities or colleges wont accept GED people. small universities will but not the godo ones. A lot of jobs also think lessor of GED because here on our review board when we hire young people we kinda question the GED and ask why did you give up. We then say if they cant handle the stress of book work then how will they handle a fight with a guy or situation. Ya know.

give up i did

"im 30"-no one is making you go to school. if it bothers you that much=quit.

Chelsa C
I'm 19 years old and I hated HS too. When I was in 11th grade I quit and got my GED. I live a pretty sweet life, run my own website and have pretty much anything a girl could ask for. Just don't do drugs and stay motivated. Some people are just not made for school.

Mrs. Alex Turner :]
i know how you feel. i too am a freshman and i am already sick of it too. i just cant wait until i get out of high school and start living my life. but i know it is the right choice to do my best in school so in a way that is a little motivator so just try to stay focused and try your best we only have 3 more years....

But if you don't go to school, you have to be bored out of your mind all day until you're 65 working at a no-education-required job. It's hard to have a life and do fun things if you're working all the time at minimum wage just to survive.

Ryan P
Absolutely finish HS at least. If your parents are paying for college, then go just so you'll have the degree - it will help you not only with getting a job, but they way you think and approach life. If you have to pay for college yourself, and you think you may have an opportunity to get a job AFTER HS that pays the bills and then a little more for fun, then don't go! Don't drop out of HS though. How many people do you run into that didn't finish? Very few. Don't be one of them...

Highschool is a very hard transition from middle school. And by now most highschoolers are feeling VERY VERY burnt out. Just try and stick it out for a month or two until summer is here and then you can rejuvenate. Don't quit- I will hurt you in the long run.

janiece j
dont be depressed about school, well not hs anyway. there's alot more stress in college believe me. it's not worth it to loose interest. in the long run, it will definetly matter. being that your a freshmen, you have a long way to go. i felt like that at one time myself. it may not seem like it but you'll definetly regret it in the past. if i could go back to when i was in hs there's alot that i would do different...and i just graduated last yr! lol. but back to the point, your life is what you make of it ty to find something that your interested in and try to somehow calibrate it into school. you've only just begun.. : )

You better think seriously about quitting. You had better get a degree .If you don't I assure you ,you will have a hard time making a decent living.If you think schools stressful try paying bills on a low salary.What you do now will affect your living and retirement.

Sephiroth~The One Winged Angel~
School = Stress. Dont be suprised Live it knowing that this beast which is a SOB will end someday soon. Try to not take so many stressful classes. How about some art and computer classses. Honestly and you may find this suprising one of my biggest motivations is to see this one dude in my 3rd period class whos so funny. Words cant describe this dude he should be the next famous comedian everyone thinks hes cool its hard to describe but i'll tell you he makes the class a lot more worthwhile.

check on minimum wages that's what your going to make until you win the lottery or get a GED don't quit I did and paid for it in the long run never made any real good money until I was 26-28 that's when I finally took the GED class and passed. but the drugs were cool. Not the jail time. If you don't like school its because you are having a hard time understanding what the hell they are talking about. but theire is help today more than you know. Is ther a large book store around where you live. go there tell the person behind the help desk. algebra,math,reading,horses-my favorite,English etc,etc,etc, for dummy's that is the name of the books they are GREAT they will most likely let you look at them in the store if you are careful with them. If the money is available get a lap top I advise it it will help you. Show any one this message from a doing OK now 55 year old army veteran don't follow my foot steps follow HIS> think and grow rich.

Sasha M
well, hate to break it to ya but, you might not have a life if you don't stay in school.

Little Girl
wow, im the same way! im a senior though. the only thing i can tell you, is to finish highschool and then do whatever you want to do. take a couple years off afterwards and DO WHAT YOU WANT! then go back to college if you want. i think people make the mistake of going into college too quickly without even knowing if thats what they truely want to do.

Rudolf Clausius
yeah dude,
quit school when you're 13 years old,
and go work at mcdonald's to start saving up for that trailer ;)

As much as you won't want to hear it...there is no life worth much without education. I am not talking about making money, I am talking about living a life not being ignorant of the things that make life worthwhile.

umm..i thought you needed money to do fun things and to have money you need a job and to get a good job you need a good education, but hey its your life

My advice is its better to be depressed about school now then to regret having dropped out and working at a job you hate in the future...i say stick it out so you can have a decent job and a happy life.

Make good friends to help you, and remember, if you stay in school and get good grades you can get any job you want, and that will help you have a good life.

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