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A couple days ago I was in terrible pain and could not breath right at all. It was hurting to much. The ambulance came and picked me up in the middle of the night. In the emergency room I was ...

 Does my child have some type of asthma?
My child is 11yrs. old and has several episodes of irregular breathing during the day. It's not sever, but it causes discomfort for him. What could possibly be his problem?...

 How does the pulse ox distinguish the difference between o2 and co2?

 Feeling under the weatther. any advice?
I've had cold after cold for the past month and it seems that just as i'm feeling somewhat better i get another one that lasts longer than before. I've never gotten sick in the summer ...

 What is emphysema?

 True or false?
most of todays smokers began in their teens____

most athletes dont smoke because the carbon monoxide in the smoke interferes with their intake of oxygen____

please ...

 Smokers, Serious replies only, I've seen what tobacco withdrawal will do, I'm 44 and more afraid of getting
sick (if I quit) than anything else. Why don't you want to quit?
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I think i'm gonna go with if your body has adapted to what you feed it then take it away, ...

 What is wrong with my lungs?
Last year I started experiencing a wheeze. I can feel the excess of mucus move in my lower left lobe of the lung. I got it checked out and my xray came out normal. i also had other tests showing ...

 Constant feeling of dusty particles in the throat....?
Hi this is a health related question. My mom has been suffering with this for the past 10 months. She gets a feeling of something in her throat (she feels like dust particles in her throat) and hence ...

 What is wheezing? and how do we know if we are wheezing?

 Why do I always get a cough after a cold?

 Just curious - how many RT's monitor this?

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RT = Respiratory T...

 What are the side effects of digoxin?

 How much damage does 1 cigarette a day do?
i smoke 1-2 a day...am i really doing much damage?...

 Asbestos, does anyone know the real harm, and does anybody know who to go to if the find it????
do you know what it looks like????????? and what type it is????...

 Can 7% Hydrogen peroxide be used as a mold killer.?
I am starting a mold removal project in an old home and was told that 7% Hydrogen peroxide is one of the best products to use. Does anyone know if this is true....

 What can I do to get my husband to stop snoring?

 Can u give me some good home remedies for cough and an irritated throat?

 Another name for productive stress?

 What are the effects of smoking after, 4 years?
Does anyone know the effects after 4 years of smoking if you know please respond below. 1 pack a ...

Can someone tell me what's my problem.? I feel like I can;t get another breath .when I walk with anything in m

see a cardiologist right away

sound like asthma. see a specialist soon. but go to an emergency room if you are having a great deal of trouble breathing. you may not be getting enough oxygen in your system right now! you can die from that! Be careful!

big boy
shortness of breath along with fatigue almost always means congestive heart failure

heart problem, its emergency.

Short of breath is what you describe. The most common causes deal with either your lung or heart function.
These are the most common causes:



>collapsed lung (pneumothorax)

>congestive heart failure



>pulmonary embolism

Other causes involve exposure to Carbon Monoxide or breathing in irritating chemicals (bleach).

I had this following a recent viral infection that had invaded my lungs. (I had pleurisy). Most docs will agree, to be safe get it checked out.

If you have pain radiating to your arm, crushing pain, nausea, dizziness or the symptoms worsen---go to the Emergency room or call 911.

Like the others said it could be asthma. But if you smoke you need to stop. You could have picked up a virus if it came on suddenly. Your best bet is to go to the doctor and get it checked out.
good luck

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