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 Can u give me some good home remedies for cough and an irritated throat?

 Another name for productive stress?

 What are the effects of smoking after, 4 years?
Does anyone know the effects after 4 years of smoking if you know please respond below. 1 pack a ...

 TB help please!!?
i just got got tested and the little red dot is 8cm
and just a tad bit raised they said i might be + so they did
a 2ed test it's been about 8 hoursand their's just a little mark<...

 How to cure asthma??

 How long does sinus pain last following sinitus?
I recently suffered with sinitus which lasted about 5 days. After that although most of the symptoms cleared I still find the pain /pressure in my sinus's wont completey subside. Has anyone else ...

 What should I do to stop my coughing I need a cure for it.?
Medicine, cures,...

 Pranayama with nasal problem?
Can I practise pranayama even if I have a nasal problem due to which I cannot breathe though both nostrils equally? My right nostril is often blocked a bit. Will doing pranayama be okey for me since ...

 Hello, i am currently weening myself off of acohol, i am finding very hard to sleep at night (approx 3 hours)?
i have got some temaepam tablets but i am quite worried to take because some docs say yes and others say no, please can somebody give me some advice because im finding it very difficult to sleep, i ...

 I have a frog in my throat. How do I get it out?

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And um....how exactly is she going to kiss it if it's in my throat Luu?...

 I had a cold and now I can't hear out of my ear?
I had a cold this weekend, and today I had a horrible cough and runny nose. Then this afternoon my ears started feeling plugged up. Now one of them is so plugged I can barely hear out of it. It feels ...

 Im 13 and i want to quit smoking?
i first started smoking when i was 12 and now i cant quit i have 3 cigarettes a night

i get them from my moms pack because shes hardly ever here

anyone know any ways?????...

 Slight breathing problems?
Well, toward the end of May, I started getting a bad cough/mucus, and the feeling that my throat had closed up slightly and was pretty dry, so i had slight breathing problems. It wasn't ...

 PLEASE has anyone else had this kind of shortness of breath?
Just recently a problem. The best I can describe is it's worst when I'm sitting and now a bit bad when I'm laying down. Feels like there is some pressure from my belly area that's ...

 I have flem stuck in my throat i have tried honey and lemon also expectorant what can i do help its been 1 wk?
i have flem stuck in my throat i have tried honey and lemon also expectorant what can i do help its been 1 wk

its hard for me to go to sleep sometimes and hard to swallow ...

 I stopped breathing in my sleep?
A really weird thing happened to me about three times. When I first fall asleep I fee my self stop breathing. Then something tells me to start breathing again. I feel like I am going to die in my ...

 What is the cause of pneumonia?
how do you get ...

 List four different chronic diseases.?

 What is a doctor who specializes in treating cystic fibrosis???

 I have chronic sinus! need a home remedy to avoid it.?
i am allergic to dust... been taking medicines since long. nothing really help. Help me ...

Smokers, Serious replies only, I've seen what tobacco withdrawal will do, I'm 44 and more afraid of getting
sick (if I quit) than anything else. Why don't you want to quit?
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I think i'm gonna go with if your body has adapted to what you feed it then take it away, buimmer, I'm gonna ride it out, good or bad, But for all you Young people out there Smoking is no longer cool. Amen

Leigh T
"The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" by Allen Carr. Great book.. really helps you come off the smokes. It's amazing, after you finish, you really just dont want to smoke anymore. Good Luck

Adrianna Scar
I no longer smoke,but I did so... Tobacco withdrawal is not very common. For most people it's all in their head. You just make up your mind to quit and then do it. Use initiative. Don't be afraid to quit just because of that. It's definately worth the small risk in the long run.

I'm not a smoker but my whole family smoked.
The real question is Are you more afraid of dying from lung cancer than feeling a little sick? My mom died of lung cancer. Trust me its much worse than being a little afraid of withdrawal.
Good Luck

Nursing Student Ed
You are not going to want to hear from ex smokers no doubt and will probably give me a thumbs down, but I'm going to reply anyway.
I started smoking at age 15 and quit one month before I turned 29.
I tried to quit 6 times before I finally did it for good.
I set a quit date 2 weeks in advance.
I gathered a 1 week supply of Nicorette gum.
I had my final cigarette May 1, 2007.
The first day of not smoking wasn't so bad. I was more nervous about quitting than anything else and didn't notice any major withdrawl.
Day 2, I was miserable, had a headache, nausea, and dizziness.
Day 3 was the worst. I called off of work due to a headache, vomitting, cramps, tremors, and fever. The Nicorette helped with the cravings but I was still sick.
Day 4 I felt a little better, but was extremely moody. I was almost out of the Nicorette and I wasn't sure if I could make it without it.
I woke up on Day 5 and felt TERRIFIC. I had a great day, no sickness, no cravings, no mood swings, nothing. The physical withdrawl was over but the psychological withdrawl was about to begin.
On Day 6 I stopped the Nicorette, and almost started smokin again. I actually took a half smoked cigarette out of an ashtray at work and brought it home, intending on smoking it the next day when my boyfriend wouldn't be around (we both quit the same day).
But the next day, I thought, " I have 7 days of not smoking, why restart now?" I ground up the cigarette and through it into the street.
The first 4 months were the hardest, I'm not going to lie to you.
But after that, it was easier.
For the longest time, I got usually one craving per day, it would last 5 minutes and then be gone. Now, I might get a craving once a week, and then I think the same thing I thought when I first quit...."I haven't smoked in almost 9 months, why throw all that away?" Recently I was visiting some friends who are chain smokers, and not only did I not have an urge to smoke, I wanted to leave the entire time I was there because being around the smoke is extremely irritating to me now.

You don't HAVE to quit, but I hope the above can be a guide for you and other current smokers. I NEVER thought that I could imagine life without smoking, but it IS POSSIBLE.

Good Luck in whatever you decide.

People get sick from nicotine withdrawal. Try patches or Chantix (new prescription nicotine receptor blocker).

Do you have any idea how sick emphysema or cancer will make you?????

My dad was debilitated by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (emphysema) at 42. He couldn't walk to the bathroom without resting. He died at 52 after a failed lung transplant.

Please, stop smoking. If you continue, it's only a matter of time before you are affected by SOME smoking-related disease. It was hell to watch my dad suffocate for 10 years, and it's awful to have lost him because he didn't quit soon enough

same as you, my mother quit cold turkey as they say, and a month later she was rushed into the hospital because she was going into cardiac arrest. the doctor said, because she was a smoker for 30 years (2 packs a day mind you) it actually put her body into shock. If u are going to quit, the best way is to wane off of them, i know there are some new meds out there, but i trust my mothers doc. Either way u go, i wish u a happy and healthy

This does not mean that i am going to keep on smoking because ill be ok, but it just goes to show if u abuse your body, your body will become use to it, so u have to nurse it off. I am doing my best to quit

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