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 What is wheezing? and how do we know if we are wheezing?

 Why do I always get a cough after a cold?

 Just curious - how many RT's monitor this?

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RT = Respiratory T...

 What are the side effects of digoxin?

 How much damage does 1 cigarette a day do?
i smoke 1-2 a day...am i really doing much damage?...

 Asbestos, does anyone know the real harm, and does anybody know who to go to if the find it????
do you know what it looks like????????? and what type it is????...

 Can 7% Hydrogen peroxide be used as a mold killer.?
I am starting a mold removal project in an old home and was told that 7% Hydrogen peroxide is one of the best products to use. Does anyone know if this is true....

 What can I do to get my husband to stop snoring?

 Can u give me some good home remedies for cough and an irritated throat?

 Another name for productive stress?

 What are the effects of smoking after, 4 years?
Does anyone know the effects after 4 years of smoking if you know please respond below. 1 pack a ...

 TB help please!!?
i just got got tested and the little red dot is 8cm
and just a tad bit raised they said i might be + so they did
a 2ed test it's been about 8 hoursand their's just a little mark<...

 How to cure asthma??

 How long does sinus pain last following sinitus?
I recently suffered with sinitus which lasted about 5 days. After that although most of the symptoms cleared I still find the pain /pressure in my sinus's wont completey subside. Has anyone else ...

 What should I do to stop my coughing I need a cure for it.?
Medicine, cures,...

 Pranayama with nasal problem?
Can I practise pranayama even if I have a nasal problem due to which I cannot breathe though both nostrils equally? My right nostril is often blocked a bit. Will doing pranayama be okey for me since ...

 Hello, i am currently weening myself off of acohol, i am finding very hard to sleep at night (approx 3 hours)?
i have got some temaepam tablets but i am quite worried to take because some docs say yes and others say no, please can somebody give me some advice because im finding it very difficult to sleep, i ...

 I have a frog in my throat. How do I get it out?

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And um....how exactly is she going to kiss it if it's in my throat Luu?...

 I had a cold and now I can't hear out of my ear?
I had a cold this weekend, and today I had a horrible cough and runny nose. Then this afternoon my ears started feeling plugged up. Now one of them is so plugged I can barely hear out of it. It feels ...

 Im 13 and i want to quit smoking?
i first started smoking when i was 12 and now i cant quit i have 3 cigarettes a night

i get them from my moms pack because shes hardly ever here

anyone know any ways?????...

hayley m
Sinnuss problems?
i started 2 years ago with feeling blocked up all the time been on that many nasel sprays but non of them helped 3 months ago had a sinnuss operation but feel worse now and i get the sinnuss pain in the checks and presure on the brige of my nose alot were i didnt get this before the operation ny neck feels blocked down the sides aswell and i feel like i cant breath properly can any one help me please

return to the drs and demand something is done.they're all to ready to fob us off

kate seasider
had it myself i know how bad it is but dont know what to recommend except antibiotics

Nicholas F
I got bad sinuses. Eat a sandwhich with horseradish (hot), it works. Or drink Tabasco sauce with tomato juice. Hot foods will make you sinuses run, relieving the pressure of the blockage. Hope you feel better.

My mother bought this thing for me called sinucleanse. It comes with this piped shaped thing that you feel with warm water and add one of the packets from the box to make a saline solution. You tilt your head to the side and slightly back, pour some of the solution in one nostril and it should come out of the other one. Blow your nose after using all of the solution and you should be able to breathe easy. Worked great for me and i have always had sinus problems.

Whiskeyman has the name of it.. the nettie pot. I couldn't remember the name for the life of me.

I'm sorry your feeling so poorly and especially after going through surgery. What happened ..what did you change in your diet,environment 2 years ago. It could be allergies to something causing sinuses problems. Have you tried spaying salt water into your sinuses ?

If they are blocked maybe try clearing them with a steam facial over a pot of steaming water and add mint or chamomile, rosemary to the water to scent it . Make a tent with a towel and hang your head over it for 20 minutes. This will cause your sinuses to drain loose.

I would go to a homeopathic store. They have so much that can help in a natural way.

I had chronic acute sinusitus a few years back, and went to many doctors, had cat-scans, not helped. Finally at my dentists, during a routine visit, he told me I had 2 infected teeth (roots of the upper teeth often encroach into the sinus passages).

A quick root canal later, and I was on my way to sinus freedom.

My dentist said that was not uncommon, so if you haven't been to the dentist recently, go get checked out. 3 different doctors over more than a year's time couldn't find what he found in 10 minutes.

If that's not it and you just need help, go to a Whole Foods Market, or a health food store, and get what is called a "nettie pot".

It's basically a small ceramic teapot looking thing. You put a teaspoon of salt and warm (but not hot) water in it, and turn your head completely horizontal on it's side and pour the water in the top nostril. Do this over a sink.

It goes all through your sinuses and back out the other nostril.

The salt water is good for your mucus membranes and will not only wash out the excess mucus, but it will shink the membranes making it easier to breath through.

I would do this 1-3 times a day, in each nostril until it clears up.

Trust me, it sounds a little wierd, but it will totally work, and unlike all those pills, has no side affects as it's totally natural.

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