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 Is smoking very hareful? Does it mak u feel bad?

 Why should you breathe into a bag when you are hyperventilating?

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Breathing into a paper bag works by making you rebreathe the carbon dioxide that you are exhaling. This causes the blood levels of C02 to rise, and slows your ...

 Asthma Test?
Did everyone on here get a test done to see if
u had asthma???

What test???

Did they give u medince to inhale to make u have
an asthma attack during the test???

 What will happen?
I've been coughing for like 2 years.. and recently my throat starts hurting a lot. It happens with just regular talking.
will something bad happen if i keep coughing any longer? like lose ...

 What is the best remedy for thick mucous at the nasal base that could not be expelled.?

 How can u stop smoking ciggarettes?
medical ...

 What part of your body regulates your body tempurature?
For example, making you very warm or cold....

 How to get rid of a mucusy sore throat?
that hurts really bad. it hurts to swallow.. let alone cough.. i've been coughing to try to get rid of the mucus. i've been taking a lot of pills lol trying to get rid of it. mucinex IS NOT ...

 Can someone tell me what's my problem.? I feel like I can;t get another breath .when I walk with anything in m

 Help! I may have inhaled a fingernail!?
I was chewing off one of my nails when I accidentally inhaled. I am not sure if I swallowed it, coughed it out, or breathed it into my lung. Should I be worried?...

 If i feel like i dont have enough breath sometimes when i breath even when in still and calm do i have asthma?
I feel short of breath alot even when im calm or relaxing and when its cold....

how do you know if your addictid to smoking?
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how about headaches?...

what is the purpose of a T...

 Wats the different between common cold and flu?

 Do cigarretes make you colder??

 Cold & Cough tips on getting better?
My cough is loose and phegmy. Does
anyone have any tips on getting rid of it?
My nose is also plugged up....

 What are some remedies I can use to help me get over bronchitis quicker?
The cough is driving me nuts, and it seems like I just blow and blow my nose. What can I do to alliviate these symptoms? How long is this crap going to last?...

 Sinnuss problems?
i started 2 years ago with feeling blocked up all the time been on that many nasel sprays but non of them helped 3 months ago had a sinnuss operation but feel worse now and i get the sinnuss pain in ...

 What is the best music for people who had difficulty in sleeping?

A couple days ago I was in terrible pain and could not breath right at all. It was hurting to much. The ambulance came and picked me up in the middle of the night. In the emergency room I was ...

How can i stop smoking when i want a baby?
i tried and tried to stop smoking so that i can have a baby but its really hard..

if you really want a baby as bad as you sound- then you'd be WILLING to give up your cigerettes.....

good luck with your future family- i've always wanted one!

Alexa S
i would not quit for nothing it would be just stupid because i enjoy it too much

Okay, I say this all the time, but the only way you will be able to quit smoking is if you truly want to. Even with the help of stop-smoking products, if you are not 100% committed to quitting, you never will.

However, if you are committed and have a good reason (a baby seems like a pretty good reason to me) then just stop. The withdrawal will be bad the first few days, but after a while, things will get better. If you really need to, slowly wean yourself off of the cigarettes. Smoke less and less every day until you are barely smoking at all. At this point, it should be much easier to quit.

Best of luck!

Try to get more information regarding some ways to stop smoking at my profile.

go to your doctor and ask them to prescribe chantix .

Take the five dollars you normally spend on a pack per day and put it in a jar. Think about it, by the time your kid goes to college you will have saved: $5 X 365 days X 18 years = $32,850. Not to mention that cigs will be much more than $5 soon because of infaltion. So you can use the money to help your child succeed or spend the money giving yourself cancer. That should be enough motivation to quit if you ask me.

And dont say "ill quit when i am ready" or "im trying to cut back". Take that pack of cigarettes and crush it NOW. Let a friend hold your cash for you so that you cant break and buy another pack.

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