Not really, just can cause some minor problems, like lung cancer. |
Yes, it causes bad breath, chronic and frequent coughing, emphysema, and lung cancer. |
Not to mention it inhibits healing, poisons the body throughout, makes you stink like stale tobacco and can break down your immune system so that you catch everything that comes along, to mention a few more. |
If you like to be connected to an oxygen hose and have it hanging on your face and snagging on the furniture, giving you nose wedgies, great! Can't go anywhere without dragging around 5 lb. bottle of oxygen. Short of breath all the time, can't dance, can't swim, can barely walk 50 feet, you get really fat or really skinny from illness, your bones hurt from steroids, your friends quit calling because you can't do anything or go anywhere without your scooter. You go to rehab and work out with people 20 and 30 years older than yourself and they can do more than you can. I have COPD- if you would like to join me- then by all means go ahead and smoke. |
Smoking is very harmful. I do smoke, oh how I wish I could quit. I've tried and failed, several times. My mother lived through lung cancer, sheer luck is what that was. She smokes two packs a day, she never quit during chemo and radiation. I hear her gasping for air, every night. I hear her chest wheez, and then no noise. Did she pass out, is she breathing? Questions go through your mind. It does make you feel bad. It makes your body feel bad, and your mind feels bad too. Never smoke, never! Don't even try it, just to do it, or look older and cool. You don't. You look like a very young teen, with an attitude issue, trying to look or be something they are not. |
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