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 I have just been diagnosed with cancer, what do I do now??

 How can i tell my parents i think i have cancer?
I'm 19 and have a small lump and think i might have testicular cancer. I know i need to have it checked out but just cant seem to tell my parents i have a lump and think i need to see a doctor. ...

 Why is it that when you are diagnosed with cancer, friends and family avoid you like the plague?
I was diagnosed with bone cancer this summer after having surgery on my left arm where they found a tumor. now the cancer has spread and they are giving me about four months. Since my family and ...

 What is the best gift to buy somebody about to start a course of chemotherapy?

 Am I the only mother that would do this?
So we are on a trip in Mexico for 9 more days. I have 2 boys ages 14 and 8 and they have extremely fair skin, and there is skin cancer in our family genes. Yes, I slather bot of them down with ...

 Can we please get something straight?
There has never been one solid link to connect smoking with cancer. If you know of just one chemical that links tobacco with cancer then please tell me as there are billions of dollars on offer to ...

 If cell phones really cause cancer how long &/or how much use does it take?

 How many people here personally know someone with Cancer or has Cancer themselves?

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I am a four year survivor. I am 34....

 Would you rather have a cure for cancer or have 4 men walk on the moon?
Britain and china are both planning to re visit the moon, it will cost about £1billion for each country lol. Would you rather the money be spent to find a cure for cancer?
I wouldn't, id ...

 Help - why won't my mom take me to the doctor?
A few years or so back I noticed I had a small lump near my jaw bone. My parents think it's just a fatty tumor. Flash forward to a few days ago and I noticed a lump behind my life shoulder blade....

 Breast Cancer!! I'm only 13?
I was wondering how to check for breast cancer. 'Cause I have pimple like lumps on my nipple. Also is it possible to get pimples on your breasts cause I've been wearing the same bra, ...

 Why is CANCER so deadly?
My great-uncle died from cancer of the oesophagus (the food tube from the mouth to the stomach) It then spread to other organs, such as the heart and lungs. What makes the body decide to turn on ...

 If a person is diagnosed with cancer do u think they have a right to know?
When my father was diagnosed my mother and 2 sisters felt that telling him would only make him worse. He was given 4-6 months to live and the doctors said there was nothing could be done for him. Its ...

 My friend is dying of cancer- I don't know what to say to him.?

 Is it wrong to not tell your family you have might have serious cancer?
I'm 22 and don't want to worry anyone. I've told a few friends about the biopsy, but not the results.
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 Is there anything now days that doesn't give you cancer?
organic food doesn't then it does, high fat diets do then don't,low fat diets do then don't. If you eat a malteaser on a Wednesday afternoon you are more likely to get cancer than if ...

 Can you get lung cancer from one of your famliy members that smokes and you dont?
My dad smokes since he was 18 years old. Can I get lung cancer from him even if i dont smoke?...

 I want to test out a theory about smokers.?
A co-worker and I were discussing this, and I wanted others opinions on it. I am a smoker, she quit several years ago. She think that most smokers skip breakfast, she did when she smoked and now ...

 Should smokers be put to the back of the line when they wait for treatment caused by smoking.?
i think non smokers should get prefferential treatment and get operated on first as long as the op is not life threatening.smokers have brought on their own afflictions and deserve to be treated last,...

 Why cant my son talk? Serious only please!!?
My son is almost 2, and he cant talk. Have you dealt with this? what is wrong with him???

If youpost anything derogitory about my son, I will flag you and send you a citation !!!!!!!!!!...

Does deoderent give you cancer?
my aunt said it did, and shes a nurse, so i've stoped wearing it

♥Sweet Girl♥
I've never heard of that, nor have I seen any research on it.

they can b used on clothes ,not directly to yur skin while sprayin them

deoderent doesnt give u cancer if it did like 5 billion ppl would have cancer

As far as I know, no, and it actually sounds like your Aunt is just being paranoid... but if your Aunt's a nurse, she would probably know better then I would...

Free Thinker
I think I answered a question like this not long ago but for your sake I will share my knowledge with you.
Sweating is your bodies way of getting rid of toxins. If your body is blocked from getting rid of those toxins then they have to go somewhere. Breast fatty tissue is a welcoming place! Sweating is blocked by the use of anti-perspirants. Deodorants work on overcoming smell but nonetheless they are chemicals that can be absorbed into the skin. I have tried practically everything to avoid using traditional deodorants but my body is a real stinker.
Cancer is all about toxic levels in one's body. I don't feel that anti-perspirants and deodorants are solely responsible for cancers forming but certainly could contribute to adding to the level of toxins in your body hence an opportunity for cancer to form.

Yankees Bryce
No it doesn't. To my knowledge, there are no carcinogens in deodorant.

There are many deodorants that have some pretty heavy duty industrial chemicals in them. It's always a good idea to be wary of what is in anything you apply to or ingest into your body. Some toothpastes for example have potassium nitrate which is an industrial cleaner used to burn organic solids when mixed with other similar chemicals. This is just one example of many.

Try using a powder type antiperspirant. However, try not to inhale it while applying it. You could also likely find some all natural deodorants on the internet.

Marisa[rip Gordon Parody]
The ones with Aluminum zicronium have been known to casue cancer in rats and it can possibly cause cancer.

Nowadays, it seems like everything gives you cancer.

Jenna K
Unless your using the new tumor scented stick, I think your all set.

No,it doesn't,thank heavens!I don't know how this rumor got started,but,there's no truth to it

Anthony Pittarelli
apparently the kind with aluminum does give you cancer

Your aunt is misinformed... deodorant gives you the possibility of boyfriends/girlfriends

Ha! That's hilarious! If we didn't wear deodorant, we'd die of the stink! And how can you get CANCER by rubbing something on your armpits?

You could research most any product, food or activity and there would be someone, somewhere that claims that it causes cancer. I don't believe there is any solid evidence to that fact.

no but you could use natural deodorant just in case

no no no no

deodorant is more like soap, it just stops you from smelling bad. doedorant slows down the growth of bacteria which causes the smell; soap washes away the bacteria.

Anitperspirant however uses some aluminium something which causes some gland in your skin to swell and stop you from sweating. There are some rumours that this causes breast cancer but it's not true. However antiperspirant in general is not good for you. Doedorant is perfectly fine though.

From what I know, a very few can. I don't remember the name, but there can be a substance in some that can give cancer!
The one that is 100% sure is Sanex.

those theories have been proven wrong read about it here.

choose as best answer

There's no clear evidence yet that using deodorants or antiperspirants cause breast cancer.
So many people buy deodorants/antiperspirants but I find that its one of those products that we don't really need.
Unless you sweat a lot and your sweat smells really bad.

The same chemicals in deodorant and other common cosmetics and shampoos have been found in breast cancer tissue. The chemicals mentioned are called parabens, and can be absorbed by the skin. I would suggest using natural products and if you can, find deodorant that does not use these potentially dangerous chemicals.

Here is a list of parabens you want to watch out for:


hint** look for "paraben"
I'm glad you asked this question, and I think your aunt has sufficient cause to say such a thing.

yeah it does, so don't wear it.


That's an urban legend.

If it were true, EVERYONE between the ages of 7 and 100 would have cancer.

Those with alkali in it can cause skin cancer over prolonged use.

Most brands discontinued the use of alkali products as ordered by the FDA in the late 90's.

Joan H
Just read an article that someone sent me. It said that you should check and make sure it doesn't contain aluminum.

I've heard that it does because of so many chemicals, but there are so many things out there that have these chemicals. So your best bet would be to use organic products.

No...it's a myth. Please wear your deodorant.

Your aunt in misinformed. Just think, if that was the case, tons of people would be dying of cancer and mobs would demand it be taken off the shelves..

Jamie G
Well aluminum that is in some deoderents have been linked to breast cancer. You can buy all natural deoderents or ones without aluminum...its actually true. My doctor told me and I have read it.

The reseach so far says 'No'!!! Some links have been make between some deodrants and breast cancer but these haven't been proved in decent research. The site below give several examples of this.

So go ahead, wear deodrant if you want. And if you are still worried go organic with the last link.
By the way, I'm a nurse too.

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