Okay, how did you jump from blood in the stool to bowel cancer? Does it run in the family? You should know that if you had bowel cancer it would be incredibly painful and you would be sick a lot. If you just have some red blood it could be that your stool is too big and you are causing some tearing when it comes out. Trying eating more fruits, get a fiber supplement, and see if that helps before you conclude you are dying. |

Youre going to have to go sometime. You know what I say? If you keep hiding it, and you really do have something, Its going to be too late, and youre going to regret not telling anyone. But if you get it over with now, I promise youll be happy you did. And once its over, its over. Im young too. and unfortunately,thats something similar to what i had to do when i was pregnant. Good Luck!!!!! |

Satya (Blessings from my Angel)
Yes, you should tell someone... It is the first thing you need to do.
Why do you think this as cancer? blood in stools is caused by lots of reasons. If you are not regulated, then you will get that; having hemorrhoids causes blood in stools. If they grow, there will be lot of trouble. Drink lots of water and eat lot of fiber foods, you will get little relief.
But anything may be it is, you must talk to your mom/dad and go to the doctor. Anything can be rectified in the early stages.
Good Luck. |

Please go to the doctor becuase yuou don't know if this condition could get any worse. I would rather go to a doctor anyday then to sit at home or wherever and hurt. The best result would be going to the doctor. If you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for your parents who love and care for you. |

Maria D
why wouldnt you want to be cured.. go to the damn doctor woman. |

it could be serious you might be better off telling her about it now before it gets worse |

Do you want to die a kid also? Tell mom now!! |

it might be something else. its ok to talk about it with your family |

Phillip R
This might be serious, i think you should tell your mom because this could be life threatening. If a doctor does a colonoscophy, its just a doctor and they were trained to do that stuff so dont be embarrased. It would be right to come clean. |

Mr. Vincent Van Jessup
I am not a kid and I have had a colonoscopy, endoscopy and small intestine imaging in the last 8 months. Do it. It's not that big a deal if they are pros, which one assumes they are. |

Brandi Wyne
Well I think its best if you tell your parents. Because by not telling your mother, your bowel cancer may become more serious in the near future. If you dont want to tell your mother maybe go to your school counsolor. Maybe they can help you out.. |

ღ♥ i luv steve allen ღ♥
please tell your mom... if it really is cancer then it is best if you get help before it gets so bad that help is no longer an option!!! |

definately tell someone
you wouldn't want to die from cancer from not telling anyone or because you told someone too late!!!
don't you think your life is much more important than worrying about being embarrassed!
plus that's kind of selfish on your part
your family loves you
if you found out too late, or even never at all, they'd be so distraught if you died or got really really really- plus, by finding out sooner, you can catch it sooner, get rid of it possibly sooner, and save a bunch of money from not having to be in the hospital all the time |

well, if you're still not sure, research about it and find out if you have the symptoms and if they're close, you have to tell your mom. It's serious, girl, and you're going to probably wish that you did if you don't now in the future. If it turns out to be nothing...hey, move on...it's not like it's the end of the world. Keep this between you and your mom, you're just a kid and you don't really know how to decide the best thing for yourself, so you need some old wisdom lol. Remember this is ur elite speaking.
-Ciao |

you better tell your moma if you dont want to go to the doc or not!! this is really crucial and you need to tell your mom. if youre 11 im youor age and probably sound a little crontrolling but you really should tell your mom about this.how do you know you have it? |

It's best to be safe than sorry.Doctors are to help any illness.You don't want to prolong it.It will get worse before it gets better.You can't wish it away.Do the right thing. |

You should definitely let someone of authority know, especially if it is something serious. It is better if something like this is caught at an early stage. Its very important for you to tell someone!!! |

Miss K
The best thing to do is to not diagnose yourself, there could be other reasons that you could have blood in your bowel movements, do you have your cycle right now? If you don't the best thing to do would be to go see a doctor, they can better diagnose you and you might not have cancer after all! You should really tell your mom if you see anything unusual in your movements, urine, or if you are feeling discomfort. Don't get yourself too worked up about your blood, it is probably a problem that can be cured pretty quickly!
Good Luck! (don't forget to tell your mom) |

If you have a problem like that it wont just go away, you need to tell your mom and go to the doctor, its just life and its something you have to do if you have a serious problem |


Happy Cooker
Dear God child, do you think having an operation and going through chemo and losing your hair is better? You might just have a little polyp or hemorroids. Please tell your mom ASAP and quit being a baby about it. |

Sweetie, it's ok to go to the doctor. They won't do the colonscopy unless absolutely necessary. They will test the stool first. Most cases they can detect what the problem is when examining the stool. It doesn't mean it's cancer. It can be an ulcer or internal bleeding. Tell your mum about it because she can help you through the process. It's ok to be scared. It's not ok to not get some medical advice when you need it. God Bless you and I will keep you in prayer so that you get better. Olivia ;-) |

Miss M
i doubt you have bowel cancer.
but if you ever think you do have something serious, even if you dont wanna go through it you should tell your mum and see a doctor!
whats worse, a colonoscopy or falling over dead?
but you sound pretty young...im sure you dont have cancer and the doctor wont do anything drastic. be brave!! tell mum! |

David T
A doctor can give you the right diagnosis, we can't, nor are we qualified.
It all depends on which side of the lawn you want to be on. |

It's unlikely for a kid or teen to have bowel cancer (rare). It is far more likely that you have hemorroids, an ulcer, or a tear in the anal area called a fissure. Teens are more likely to have certain types of cancer than others . . bowel cancer is generally found in older people. But in either case, you need to go see a doctor to find out what may be causing the blood. There are other diseases or conditions (constipation) that need to be investigated including ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohns disease that cause red blood in stools and other uncomfortable symptoms. Cancer generally has few or no symptoms unless it is very advanced.
When it comes to your health . . than your embarrassment over seeing a doctor needs to be secondary. Don't wait to see a doctor. |

YES, please confide in your mom.
Most bloody stools are NOT cancer, but may be hemmorhoids or a break in some tissue. This can quickly and easily be determined by your doctor in the office, with just a quick look (not colonoscopy).
In general, kids do NOT get colon cancer!! Take a deep breath and share with your mom. It might be a little embarassing, but it's better than worrying all the time. |

If you have caner, you really have to tell someone. Would you rather say nothing and end up really sick becasue you didn't tell, or go through a few tests to possibly tell that nothing is wrong in the first place. You really must tell. The tests may be bad, but doing nothing is worse. |

It could be something else. Tell someone. You may be worrying for nothing. |

sweety, please tell your mom. Blood in stools doesn't neccesarily mean bowel cancer. Im sure you'll be fine. But its better to have it checked out, dont be scared. They'll likely take a stool sample and run other tests first.
Your health is too precious to mess around. |

Well, it could be a number of things. It could be irritable bowel syndrome, a food allergy, hemorrhoids...the start of your period (I don't know whether you're a girl or not), but there you go. The list is endless, and there is so much more than cancer that could be going on here.
Normally I agree with you. I avoid doctors like the plague, and there are alot of cancer treatments that you couldn't pay me to take...the disease sounds more preferable. However, what if it's something simple that a change in diet or lifestyle would correct? Think of the peace of mind you would have to know for sure what's going on, and maybe be able to make adjustments to correct it. (Like a healthier diet....) I don't think you have to undergo any procedures you don't want to, even being "only a kid", but I do think a doctor may have some other suggestions and ways to interpret what's going on with you.....I hate to say it, but give it a try. Tell your mother, and go to the doc and see what he has to say about it. You may be surprised how simple this all can be. |

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