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 Should my mother file for disability since she was diagnosed with breast cancer? She has no health insurance!

 Any advice for me ? I have just been diagnosed with cancer in my left kidney.?
I would like to know what to expect. Will they put me on chemo or just remove the kidney and check to make sur that was enough?...

 Bowel Cancer Post Op Fever of 40.5 HELP ?????
My dad had an operation for bowel cancer 3 weeks ago and although having a temperature he was released from hospital. He was taken back in last week and temperature has risen to 40.5. He is only ...

 My friends mom died of cancer and i dont know what to do to help!?

 I have a abnormal pab smear?
i have a abnormal pab smear. what could in ...

 Is it possible to have a baby while going through Chemo?

 Does cancer come up on a blood test?
im curious if cancer shows up on a blood test. like if i went to the doctors, and they drew 3 things of blood and sent them to the lab. could they tell if you had any type of cancer?...

 What would you write on your "Bucket List" knowing the end was near?

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Seriously...have you NOT watched the movie THE BUCKET LIST?

Great movie...and lots of people are doing ...

 What is the worst type of cancer to get?
There are so many different types of cancers. Cancer could happen anywhere in the body. I heard that some cancers is worse than others. I heard that blood cancer is one of the worst. Which cancer is ...

 What do you do or say to a person who was just diagnosed with cancer?
I know it sounds awful to even ask...
But what do you say right after a person finds out they have cancer? I know hug and cope but don't know what to say......

 I need to tell my son that his grandpa has cancer and needs to have chemo. can anyone help me with this ?

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My son is 10 years old and we live in western ...

 Help! my son is addicted to cigarettes!!!?
i get my 5 year old son every weekend. he kept asking me to give him a cigarette whenever i took a smoke break. i gave him a drag, thinking it would teach him a lesson and be an awful experience ...

 Does febreze give you cancer?
my teacher said that some household such as febreze and other spraying chemicals give you cancer......because when its sprayed it stores up inside the cell or body fat and keeps store up as you keep ...

 Would a problem with my lungs show up indirectly if an ultrasound was done on my bladder, liver and kidneys?
I recently had an ultrasound on the above and thankfully there was nothing serious, I have been getting pains in my lungs for the past couple of months and wondered if there was something serious ...

 How does chemotherapy work to treat cancer?
please dont say i dont ...

 What is mitosis used for?

 Will this affect my life later on?
while i was 5 years old,i broke a mercury thermometer..back then,i didnt know that mercury is very hazardous,so i just touched the mercury with my hand and i saw lots of it kinda 'enter' my ...

 About different types of cancer please?
My dear cousin is in stage 4 cancer. I've never asked her what type of cancer she has but it is in many places in her body.
She's just had surgery to remove a mass in her throat. The D...

 Has any one here beaten or known someone to beat serious lung cancer?
My Mum has just been diagnosed with adenocarcenoma(excuse spelling) and it has apread all over her body she has been given 3 yrs if she responds to treament and less than 12 mnths if she does not, im ...

 I need advice with breast cancer?
I found a lump. It is hardly on my breast, but is on the border of the armpit and breast. My sister convinced me to get it checked out, and the doctor said it was just a gland and since I am younge (...

Treating Cancer with Vitamin C Mega Dose 10Grams?
I have Prostate cancer spreading to Spine. I am on Calutide 50, 3 tablets a day.
One Nobel Laureate Doctor suggests that we take
Vitamin C 10Grams Mega dose to fight cancer.
Is it advisable to take such large dose?
Will it affect kidneys?
I would like to have expert answer.

There is much controversy regarding the relationship between vitamin C intake and prostate cancer risk. Some studies show that increased levels of vitamin C reduce one's risk for prostate cancer. Other studies show that vitamin C has no effect on this risk.

On the other hand, the relationship between vitamin C as a treatment for prostate cancer is quite surprising. Our group, while at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center found that prostate tumors consume large amounts of vitamin C. Dr. David Agus, the principal investigator of this study, emphasizes that "tumors appear to have nutritional needs, similar to other healthy cells, but take in larger amounts of this vitamin." More research needs to be done to find out the exact role of vitamin C in prostate cancer treatment.

Dear Mr. Siva, It is not advisable to take suggestions from this form on line and you have to strictly take medications as per your Oncologist prescribes as he is the best judge on the spot to give you advice. Please consult and act accordingly and do not go on the informations available on net AS CANCER IS STILL AN ENIGMA and should be treated properly. Best of luck for a speedy recovery..

Not a doctor,,but I want you to know that I'll be hoping and praying for your speedy heeling. Get ahold of the Carmelites (located in Carmel California),,,they are a group of nuns. Their prayr'es for me heeled my polio (over night),,once upon a midnight clear in 1959. I'm sure they would pray for you too!
God Bless you and keep you well!

Linus Pauling lived to the young age of 93!!! I would discount cancer as the ultimate cause in his case in IMHO. If his belief in C sustained his life to 93..that's good enough for me too!! LOL

Which Nobel Laureate suggested this by the way? I can see treating cancer with hyperdoses of C (or even better, the fruits that give C because they have more antioxidants), because it will help prevent metastasis and promote a healthy immune system, but that much C would affect the Kidneys. Though vitamin C is rather harmless in large amounts, your kidneys would still have to work overtime to keep the levels right. If you already have kidney problems, this wouldn't be a good idea. If you have healthy kidneys it shouldn't be too much of a stretch, just something to keep in mind for the rest of your overall healthy.

By the way, I'm not really an expert, I'm still a medical student, but I do know my stuff.

Well, if you are talking about Linus Pauling you should know that despite taking Vitamin C for years both he and his wife died from cancer. It's always ironic when the people who continually push and persuade others about questionable 'cancer cure's' wind up with the disease themselves. Vitamin C didn't do anything for Pauling's prostate cancer and he died just as his 'patients' did . . with cancer.

Quackwatch: The Dark Side of Linus Pauling's Legacy

very sorry to hear your not well..i have read a lot of vitamin C in the last few days...i hope these site prove a good read..and sincerely wish you a very speedy recovery...and never ever give up on yourself...fight be brave and visualize yourself well...

Thomas M
If you would like an expert answer to this question I'd try emailing Cancerbackup nurses in the UK. Or if you're their call them on 08088001234. It's a charity dedicated to providing expert advice. http://www.cancerbackup.org.uk

you can email a specialised nurse directly on their site and they'll get back within 36 hourse. http://www.cancerbackup.org.uk/Contactus/Cancerenquiry/Emailenquiry

That Nobel Prize winner was Dr. Linus Pauling and was NOT a doctor of medicine. He was awarded a PhD in physical chemistry and mathematical physics. He won his Nobel Prize in Chemistry for describing chemical bonds and a Nobel Prize for activism against nuclear weapons.

The medical community and most of the scientific community doubt the value of high dose vitamin C as a treatment for cancer.

Dear siva..

Dont follow suggestions just like that.

If you have any query regarding prostate cancer

go to this web address.


you will get exact information from experts.

Immediately you go to this link,every information is available regarding prosate cancer


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