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 I can't breathe when I jog??! Please help.?
I've always had trouble getting enough air (I'm 13 now.) even when I was on a regular routine of walking my dog an hour every day (fast walking.)
It's so embarrassing-every little ...

 Whats the result of starving myself?
my friend lost weight cuz she starved herself

if that work for her shud i do it too?

i know its stupid but....
ugh idkkk
im deperate and i need to lose weight.......

 EASY 10 points BEST ANSWER !?
Now im 5"10, 80 kilos
I usto be 70 4 months ago before i started to go to the Gym !
3/4 days a week i do:
Cardio 20 min
Workout 1 hour ->
Arms(60 pounds)

 Everbody agree that drinking water is good for health - which one is best - hot ? cold ? normal ?
Happy new Year Wishes for all, just out of curiosity, I had in my mind to find out an answer for this question - Is drinking Hot water ? Cold Water ? Normal Water - good for ...

 Girls which do you prefer?
slim toned bod or muscles im slim but started in ...

 I want somethign sweet but don't want to ruin my diet?
Has anyone got any good recipes for a really nice dessert, but one which won't add on too many calories? And how do other people deal with their sweet tooth when they're trying to lose ...

 I'm 15 years old and I need to lose 50 pounds. Any tips?
I am 5'7 and weigh 205 lbs.
I'm out of control with yo-yo dieting, and I need help.
Any tips are more than appreciated....

 I'm Constipated.?
DAMN YOU KFC !! Every bloody time =/

oh welll..... any advice?
should i have fruit?
bicarbonated soda?


 What is the healthiest meal option at KFC?
excluding ...

 Best way to reduce stress?
I haven't been sleeping, I've been over eating and then not eating enough, I've been gaining and losing weight, and I'm tired all the time....

 What is the best way to slim down?

 Why do people like to eat so much? it makes them fat!?

 Is there way way I can lose weight fast?
I need to lose around 5-7 pounds. I'm 5'5'' and 118 pounds. People say I'm skinny but I have a little pouch around my stomach and I hate my thighs. I don't want to be ...

 What's healthier Pepsi or Coke?
Between just Pepsi and Coke, which of the two is healthiest to drink. Niether of them are, but which is better. It's hard to tell, because they both have their highs and lows, and sometimes in ...

 Weight help!!!?
Hi I am 12 years old, five foot 4 and I weigh 140 lbs and maybe even more. You dont have to tell me that I am overweight because I already know I am. But I just cant stop eating. I dont feel hungry ...

 How can i gain weight? :/?
i'm 13 right now. 5'2 & 85 lbs. i get called names like anorexic, a human toothpick, and this one time, a guy was like do you eat? & i'm really tired of it. and even my family ...

How much a day should I be runninf if i wanna loose 30 pounds in 4 months?...

 What would be an unhealtily low weight for my height?
ie: losing periods, losing muscle mass, general bad health?
I'm 5'7 and 110 ( so dont worry im not underweight or anything) but just wondered at what weight i would be underweight....

 Am i fat? Details included...it seems..all my fat goes to one place?
I am a 14 year old girl...who plays alot of sports....including basketball (Top scorer for 3 years straight). ....i weight 118 on good days...123 on bad days. it seems..my arms are pretty thin.......

 Why havent I lost weight?
For over a month i have been doing a self control thing with my diet, Im a vegetarian, i dont eat artificial sugars or have caffine. I havent lost any weight at all which is what i would have liked, ...

Is alcohol(beer,liquor etc.) in any quantity,less or more good for health?
as brandy is taken in winters to keep warm,is it good to take alcohol as beer twice or thrice a week?i have heard that taking liquor in such limited quantities is beneficial for health.

Our boby need alcohol, so if taken in small amount it's good but if taken inconsidalably, it may endanger your health.

Six of Spades
well if ure playing pool 1 bottle of beer may improve your game =)
serious it does for me

Yes. Small quantities are helpful in some cases. For example to join people together, so improves the social life. For me, it is very helpful before flight, it reduces my stress.

elvis ate my cat
put it this way,
water has e-coli in it basically faeces
alcohol is a steraliser so technically speaking alcohol is better
because it is better to tallk s**t
than to be full of s**t

I say no, because if you drink too much then it's going to be addictive, also alcohol is a depressant so you drink it and it makes you feel good for a while but then you feel bad again and wanna drink another one, and it keeps going on and on and on. And you know once you get hooked it's hard to get unhooked and it's bad for your lungs and cause ulcers(sores in your stomach) so no!!

dont know

I've been led to believe the same. . .a little twice a week is supposed to have some benefit. I think, however, you can probably get the same benefits from other things. Anyting in excess is damaging.

alchol in small quantities is benificial to general health, regardless of type ie beer spirits, in excess has a devastating effect on the internal organs, particularly to the brain, that can lead to a condition called wet brain, whereby inducing permanent premature memory loss.

Beer is made from the fermentation of yeast and yeast makes up bread which has many carbs. Also, most alcohol, including beer has loads of sugar in it so it is generally worse for you health. Everything in moderation!

One serving per day, and wine is the reccomended beverage.

A little wine can help helpful for the stomach and can lower cholesterol.

1 Timothy 5:23
...but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent cases of sickness



Alcohol is Good for Health
by David J. Hanson, Ph. D.

Medical journalist Robert Kowalski points out that throughout history physicians have prescribed alcohol for its health benefits. They practiced without the benefit of science. However, “today, we have the scientific proof that drinking in moderation is actually good for most people.” He explains that

“In most cases, one can find research studies that back up one side of an issue and other reports in defense of the opposite. ... Rarely do investigators come to the same conclusion in study after study, with little or no equivocation. But that’s the situation with alcohol and heart health.

“Data have come in from all over the world. Studies have focused on both men and women, various age groups, and people of many ethnic groups. The conclusion remains the same: those who drink moderately live longer and have less risk of developing heart disease than those who abstain from alcohol. Published papers now total in the many hundreds.

“Still, some naysayers had their doubts. Perhaps the teetotalers previously drank excessively and had undermined their health, thus explaining their high levels of risk. In response, later studies excluded all but those who had avoided alcohol for their entire lives. The conclusion remained the same: alcohol confers protection against CHD (cardiovascular heart disease), and drinkers live longer than nondrinkers

Red wine is good for you in small quantities. It helps your heart and blood pressure, as well as possibly boosting your immune system. Beer, however...not that great for you. Liquor to keep warm is a very stupid idea. Alcohol makes your blood vessels rise to the surface of the skin, so you feel warmer, although you're getting cold. You can more easily get hypothermia or frostbite.

Mr. Brain
In small amounts whine is said to have some health benefits, however lasting use of any alcohol leads to cirrhosis.

alcohol makes you gain weight

Beer is rarely good for you, as it contains tons of carbohydrates and empty calories that can make you gain weight.

Guiness Beer is said to have beneficial properties because it contains high amounts of iron. A very pregnant Gweneth Paltrow was recently spotted pounding down a Guiness while out to eat...reportidly because the high iron is good for expectant mothers.

Red wine is reported to be healthy for you heart; However, white zyn and other "sweet" wines contain sugars that are not beneficial to your health at all.

Hard alcohols such as brandy vary by health benefits, but the risks and dangers of drinking too much of liqors outweigh any alleged health benefit.

Alcohol in moderation is OK and good for you. However it is important not to exceed recommended weekly intake limits. This is measured in units, each unit representing half a pint of beer, one standard measure of spirits or one glass of wine. The limits are, for men no more that twenty one units a week and for women no more than fourteen units a week. The difference is due to the male liver being able to process the alcohol more efficiently due to it's size and metabolic composition. Alcohol, like Brandy, should NEVER be given to anyone for 'medicinal purposes'. Someone who has fainted, for example, could, literally die, if alcohol was administered. Never drink alcohol whilst pregnant. Ignore the rubbish about carbohydrate content. Low carb diets are harmful. If you drink wine then red wine is better for you as it contains anti-oxidants, which combat the ageing process and are good for the blood and heart.

i've heard a glass of red wine a day is good for you...

Doctors say that a glass of red wine a day will keep your heart in great shape.

yes its good for your blood pressure.

andy in greece
Like smoking, it's good for some people & bad for others. I drink around 4 litres of beer per day & I smoke 40 cigarettes per day. I know it's not good for me, but I,ve done this daily for over 30 years.
I'm 51 & 6 feet tall & 190 lbs.
I don't vomit or cough. The only time I've been in hospital was before I started these anti-social habits.

read this medical information. It gives you information on the benefits as well as risks. It gives you both sides of it.

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