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 Have you ever sat alone and cried in despair?
Have you ever felt that deep feeling of hopelessness in the pit of your stiomach that just made you cry and cry and cry about how bad your life has turned out? when was the last time you did this?...

 Can anyone give me a good reason to continue with life?
I used to think that life would be exciting and full of adventure. But now, I am completely disillusioned. I have few friends ( no close ones ), and worst of all, no lover. What's the use when ...

 Can you read this?
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The ...

 What's the way out of loneliness?
people keep telling me to go to groups but i never seem to meet anyone interesting there. only people who already have friends/family. or otherwise how do find contentment in solitute?...

 Why does depression have a stigma attached .....?
depression can affect all walks of life , rich and poor people , but why do people frown upon anti-depressants ?? I have read a few answers over time here in answers and they were all really negative ...

 Give me a reason to live?
I'm probably being a pain in the ***. I just don't know what to do. My family, friends, school... all meaningless, so not supportive. I can't find happiness. Been depressed for years ...

 I need a good reason to be alive?
I've been incredibly depressed as of late; I cry daily for hours on end. My girlfriend dumped me; I suffered a back injury which squelched any chance that I had of playing baseball in college; ...

 I have most things?
I have my own place, car and a job, not much money and sometimes no money, no girlfriend and no out life, like some people but i cant stop thinking about killing myself and ending this **** life, i ...

 Hase any one got trouble with a bad temper?
And if so how do you control it i am open to any tips
I have also been told by my doctor that i have ...

 Does anyone else find listening to rain really relaxing?

 I feel very sad:(?
Any suggestions on how to make me feel better?

 Why men always think they are smarter than women?

 Suicide or not?
i'm feeling very suicidal right now and need someone to talk to.
my family call me fat all the time and i weight 110 pounds and i'm bulimic too ( eating disorders run in my family )

 What do you think happens after suicide?
if you committed suicide, but you believed in god, what do you think would happen? and assuming heaven and hell is real, do you think you could still go to heaven?...

 How do you deal with thoughts of suicide?
Everything that could go wrong in my life has and i'm constantly plagued with suicidal thoughts. I've read other comments about this that say "take up a hobby" or something, but i&...

 Are people really that gullible?

 Does anyone else pull out their hair?
i pull out my hair and i think i have this condition called trichotillomania where you pull out your hair to relieve stress, and i was wondering if anyone else has this, and if they do, could they ...

 I am thinking about suicide...help?
i have severe depression and major ODD. i cant get along with anyone in my family, i only have two good friends, and my medication does NOT work. im in DBT group and therapy but that dosent seem to ...

 If you acheive only ONE dream before you die, what would you want it to be?

 What do you do when your feeling low?
I've been feeling low the past few days, need to kick myself up the a*se and get out of it. Any suggestions?...

X Rainbows X
I dont no what to do SUICIDE or not?
Im really confused. MY thoughts are taking over and i want to end NOW! i Have A rope ready But i dont no. Im Considering Suicide Now. . And i dont want attention if most people are laughing at it now. WHAT SHOULD I DO!?!?

*Lady Vanessa*
Yeah. People have this misconception that ALL the people considering suicide are doing it for attention...it ain't true. Hun, the final choice is up to you. I wouldn't though. Thats just me. I'm afraid of looking weak = ya know, not being able to handle life as others have before me. I also know that I can grow older and do whatever I want to when I move out.

I'm not gonna lie, life is rough! But it gets better. It always does. When I go off my meds (don't go off meds!) I look for things I can swallow. "Whatever can help me escape", but then the next week, I feel something or do something that I would not have been able to do before If I were dead. That is what keeps me going! Do you not have any dreams or future hopes? Think about the things and people you love. If you leave the ones you love, what will they think? I dunno, probably that you abandoned them or didn't care about them. They will live the rest of their lives without one they adore. Life is rough, but you know what they say: "When life gets too hard to stand, kneel." In other words, don't ever give up!

Not suicide it's not the answer. Talk to someone you can trust things are never as bad as they seem.

I think you need to see a doctor, and you can get the help you need.

Suicide is the cowards way out, be brave and face your problems head on, it will make you stronger.

Best of luck!!!!

i am not laughing..you need to get support there are people that can and will help you get thought this bad part of your life....you doctor, a close freind, family, even a preist.....please consider all your options,,,life can and will be good again...give it a chance

please don't do it! seek help

Mark L
put the rope away. Think about all the people that love you. If you don't want to live for yourself live for the people that love you. Use that until you can love yourself.

I Don't Know
get help. NOW.

Stand in death's way
dont do it. your life could change for the better in a day. dont throw it all away when it could all change tomorrow

I know exactly how you feel. I have definitely been there. Somebody once said to me that why don't you stick it out for 90 days (count them in your calendar or diary) and if it's still this bad at the end of the 90 days then you can consider suicide as an option. However, most all of things can be solved within that time period. In the meantime, why don't you arrange to go and talk to someone professionally. It honestly will help.

I really feel for you. I'm sorry you're going through this.

Peter W
R u insane?

U need to thik about ur problems carefully , then find a solution to them, dont think about death,

For no freakin reason, dont die!!!.

Time Will Tell
Aww forget about it. There is just too much beauty in the world and you obviously haven't had the chance to take a look at it. Your world is not big right now but THE world is humongous. You need more time.

This is stupid. Obviously, don't kill yourself unless you're doing this for attention. Yahoo Answers would have one less stupid questioner. Good luck with life.

Jamie T
Don't do it please. You are not the only one in this world with problems. You have to have courage to deal with them.

Killing oneself is the biggest mistake you can do! Don't. There are many other ways to live life and solve your problems rather than killing yourself like a coward.

take a picture and burn it, and say thats my old me and this is my new me, make a fresh start and you will be fine.

Asia L
DO NOT KILL URSELF!!!! plz think of the people around you... how would this effect ur parents, friends, siblings, if u have children definatly think of them first... if ur gone this might lead to other suicides plz just think abut this and please please dont do this :)

Wtf? If you are this depressed why are you on yahoo? Or using the internet at all?! You need a psychiatrist. Does your mother know what you're doing?

seriously. dont
okay, you commit suicide and youre gone
nothing to worry about fro you
but what about the poepel you leave behind
you leave family, friendas, colleagues hanging
and its the cowards way out
go get help

Jared P
please say this is fake but no suicide but wait for ur parents to die. A parents worst dream is to see there child die before them

Call Kids Hep Line!

I don't understand why you seek the advice and attention from total strangers. Your problems are best to be shared with a therapist (or your dog) and not on Yahoo answers. Lol.....you have a rope ready!

Don't do it.

Don't do it. You can't come back and chances are that this is just a temporary problem and later in life will be much better. So don't do it.

do not ever attempt to do it.

give yourself a break and go get an ice cream

that's what i do when i'm feeling down most of the time

Think bout this, what are you going to accomplish by killing your self? if everything is pushing you down and you kill your self it means your giving up, everyone would just forget you later in the future, but if you actually stand for your self and always be posititive and happy and change the world and do something about it, you'll accomplish something, to die with no one caring is just saying I give up, everyone wouldn't care. so I say drop the rope and change your life right now!

dont take your life , go find help , if you have no one to talk to . send me a message . i will be your friend if thats all you need . i hope you make the right choice , suicide is the worst way to get out of something . you end up in a worse place in the end

Allexandraa =)
LIFE IF WORTH LIVING!! IM TELLING YOU. many of my friends were concidering the same thought. You might as well try and get along with life instead of ending it. Just carry on. Its not worth killing yourself.!!

hope i helped

Mortal Wombat
No do not commit suicide, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, you may not see it now but there is.

You don't say the cause of suicide. You're just saying "I have rope, I want to suicide, SHOULD I DO IT??!??!?!?!?!"

Seek professional help because only you should know if Suicide is an option or not. It's always no.

go take a hot bah and cry for a bit and release your frustrations.. life is what you make it so start trying to change what you dont like

I know someone who committed suicide today. It really hit me hard and I have never met them or talked to them in my life. Don't do it, think of all the special people you have or had in your life. There is always something you can do about it.

Al Pacino
I'm in the dark here. I'm in the DAAARRRK. What do you want here. I'm going to blow my brains out.

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